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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. I have no idea. But not enough of them. Like I'd love to get the Lever of Doom, Kelp, Buried Treasure, Coconut Shy, Poogle Racing...

  2. It took me forever. Same with the Double or Nothing, and the Grarrl Keno or whatever.

  3. I wish I had gotten the avatar! That would have be completely awesome. But just the avatar item.

  4. I finally had the Wishing Well grant a wish. I got Snorkle Snout today! So I was able to get the avatar. I'm now going for the Bag of Peanuts.

  5. I have the Mortog one. But I need the Coco Shy, Lever of Doom, Buried Treasure, Dice-A-Roo...

  6. Yep. 246. I need to get 4 more. I need to go give Coconut Shy a try. And I don't know what else. I'm avoiding the game avatars.

  7. I just tried it, and it worked. I got it :) I decided to try for the Bag of Peanuts next. Then I'll go for the Fountain Faerie Stamp.

  8. I haven't tried it yet. I figured I would wait. But I'm going to try right now.

  9. How long does it take for a pet to get hungry enough to eat something? I took her out a couple hours ago, and she's still bloated. I want my avatar!

  10. Oh! Divya! I won a Snorkle Snout from the Wishing Well today. So I'll be getting another avatar today. I had to take my Draik out of the Neolodge though, so I won't be able to do it until later.

  11. o.O My eyes hurt. I must get back to sleep. I get to go home in... 10 hours and 45 minutes.

  12. I know! Will you be my first signature. :P

  13. I think I'm so worn out because the last few weeks we were either getting ready to move, or moving. I just need some decent sleep. And to sleep for at least 48 hours. *nods*

  14. No. I'm just tired and feel really run down. And today is my first 12 hour day, of 4. Plus my 6 hour. So I'm working a 54 hour week this week.

  15. Ugh. I am so tired. o.O

  16. Yeah, I never know if I'll send up with something I'd like to send right away.

  17. I have 1 or 2 I think. But I'm saving them for now.

  18. I have one of those backgrounds. I'm waiting for a gift box to send it to my sea account.

  19. It worked better when she was blue. Now, I'm not sure what to use. The waterfall NC background looks cool, and it's the right colors. But I'm just not sure now.

  20. I did end up buying it. It does look really awesome. Check her out... she's wearing it now. I'm not sure about clothes, but I am going to try to find her a better background.

  21. At least that's semi-soon. We miss you here. :)

  22. I'm thinking about buying the Shenkuu Warrior Princess Sword Staff from the NC Mall. It tooks gorgeous with her, and I still have NC left over from my birthday.

  23. I got my Draik, finally!!

  24. *Taps foot* I think your exams have been going on long enough. You need a break now.

  25. Now that she's been painted, I need to find her a new background and such. I have no idea what though.

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