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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. Thank you :)

  2. Ani! We miss you. :( Where did you go?

  3. Thank you :) I'm excited.

  4. Thank you :) He has his moments. He just loves boxes. My dad actually caught him for that picture.

  5. It was. It's amazing when people remember you for something like that, years later. It'd been at least... 10 years since I had last seen her. And thank you. I'm excited to now be a staff member.

  6. The only time I've used it recently, was when I ran into a girl from middle school. One of the deaf girls that were in my classes. She remembered me and wanted to get together sometime.

  7. That sounds like fun. The make up sounds cool too. I always loved doing that. Some of the parents didn't, but mine didn't care. And my sister and I loved it.

  8. Thank you. :) He fits the cat stereotype. If there's a box available, he will be in it. Even the new vacuum box, when it's barely out of the box. :)

  9. I know it's been forever since we talked about it, but I finally got a picture of my cat, Cairo, up on my profile. :)

  10. They aren't too bad. They're about 800k. But I'm about half way to a Draik MP/Egg, so I'm trying not to spend much.

  11. I just saw you post your lab results. Congrats on your Fire Jubjub. I'm jealous. I'm waiting to buy a Fire PB for my Jubjub on a side. (I'm saving for a Draik, so PBs are having to wait.)

  12. The first year I got bumped from the little kid's performance to the big kid's, I was a squirrel in Snow White. And I had the black nose and whiskers. And my sister and I would leave the make up and go out for ice cream with the family.

  13. Every time I see your profile pic, I think of when I did ballet when I was little. We'd do a show at an art center. And mom's would do our make up.

  14. I'm on here allll the time. When I'm at work, when I'm off work. I'm addicted, completely.

  15. That's true. I haven't used it in years, probably. I don't really have a use right now.

  16. We don't know exactly, but probably about another week, more or less.

  17. OOoo, was it an intersting dream? You have me curious. *heads to PM*

  18. Awwww! You made in on here today, and I missed you. I'm so horrible about getting online on non-work days. I usually get online after 2pm.

  19. Yeah, it can be confusing. Sometimes, they aren't the best with descriptions. Some places offer classes, like local community colleges. At least.

  20. It's not too hard, once you get the hang of it. But it is kind of difficult to learn from a book. The hand motions aren't the same on paper. But they do usually describe how to do it as well. The Bahamas were gorgeous. We went to Grand Bahama Island.

  21. And Cabo was okay. It's a big tourist place. (We went there on a cruise.) I didn't like it much. There wasn't anywhere interesting to go. I like the Bahamas better.

  22. With me, sign language was the easiest. I'm a very visual learner, and you can't get much more visual than sign language. I've tried, but I've never been able to learn another verbal language.

  23. I taught myself in middle school. We had quite a few deaf kids in my grade, so I learned so I could talk to them. And I went to Cabo San Lucas.

  24. It's fun. Besides, so do you. :-P

  25. Yes I am. I'm currently at... 4008 posts. YAY!

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