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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. Have you worked out Petpet ideas for your Draik? The one I'm waiting on, is a Baby Draik, so I'll probably do a Plushie petpet for now. Then when I paint it Faerie, I'll search for something fitting.

  2. They are amazing. I've finally started working towards one a few months ago. NP-wise, I'm about half way to a MP/Egg. But I am trying to trade right now. (If I get the one I'm up for now, I'll hold off on getting my own, since I love the name.)

  3. And I understand that. What you said reminds me of the John Mayer song, 3x5. I love taking pictures. On every trip I go on, I take them. It's always a good reminder, in case it gets hard to remember things sometimes.

  4. I work in the data center of a computer company. Monitoring the back ups, swapping the tapes in the drives, fun stuff like that.

  5. 5 stars because Draik's are pure awesomeness. :) I'm aiming for a Faerie Draik, personally.

  6. That sounds very nice. Have you taken any pictures there? I'd love to see some, if you have.

  7. Yeah, I'm going to end up making him female, then painting him/her Faerie. The name is just perfect for a Faerie Draik.

  8. Yeah... true. Time goes by so fast though. You'll be 21 before you know it. Wishing you were younger again. When you start having to pay tons of bills. I wouldn't mind being... 15 again.

  9. Yay! I saw your app. It's perfect. I hear from the owner yesterday... he said he'll decided by August. (He has to wait until August for a transfer anyways.) And he says I'm one of the main offers he's considering.

  10. That sounds like it was fun. Do anything interesting there? I've just been working, mostly. My manager is on vacation this week, and of course... everyone around me here has gone crazy. Today is my last day for the week though. Thankfully. :)

  11. Awww. Yay! Good luck! I'm waiting to hear about a Baby Draik too.

  12. 5 Stars. Because you deserve them. :) Welcome.

  13. Mexican places are pretty popular here. Everyone loves Mexican food.

  14. Awww. I'm jealous. I want some now too. (When am I not craving it, actually?) Oooo... now chai tea ice cream sounds really good too.

  15. I meant most of the people eating there, are in their 70s, age-wise. :-P There's a few good Mexican places, hidden downtown, that most people don't know about.

  16. Me too. There's not a lot of them here. This one, is about 15 miles south of town. Which I guess is another reason not many people know about it. When you go there, the other tables are mostly 70s+ people.

  17. Because, it's downhill from here to 30. I feel old sometimes. :-P

  18. Anisha! I'm cold. Have I mentioned I hate rain? I'm glad I have only 2 hours of work left, then I blast the heat in the car, and go home and put on some dry clothes. :|

  19. It is hard to notice. You're driving along, 60mph, then out of nowhere, there's a sign that says to turn in 150 feet. And it doesn't look like anything other than an adobe house. So I bet the way people find out about it, is through friends or family and it just gets passed on.

  20. Awww. Thank you. I'll get the images together. I have 3 other sets. (Though a couple don't exist yet.) I have a Christmas Jubjub with a Christmas Kookith. But I haven't painted my Fire Jubjub yet. (The hubby painted a Kookith Fire for me.) And I don't have a Desert Jubjub/Kookith yet.

  21. I'm going to make one of those for each of my Jubjub/Kookith combos and put them on their look ups.

  22. I had to put it on my profile. It was just too cute. And it's going on my Cloud Jubjub's look up as well. And no she hasn't. She's on vacation for a bit longer.

  23. My grandparents discovered it. It's on the side of this 2 lane highway, in the middle of nowhere. But they have incredible food.

  24. It's actually a little country farm type place. It's Juniper Valley Ranch. It's a multi-room adobe house. It's mostly run by family, with everyone dressed with a slight country look.

  25. It's incredible. My grandparents used to take the whole family there, when my aunt, uncle and cousin were visiting. But I haven't been in years. We did go last month, for our 1 yr. anniversary.

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