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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. I might have a side account become a second Jubjub/Kookith account. I'm not sure yet. I'm still working out my accounts

  2. I already have a side account with: Xmas Jubjub/Xmas Kookith, Cloud Jubjub/Blue Kookith, and in the process of Fire Jubjub/Fire Kookith, Desert Jubjub/Desert Kookith.

  3. I was just reading your about me, and when you listed your favorite authors, one sounded familiar. (Terry Pratchett) But I can't place it. What type of books do they write?

    Oh, and hi btw. :)

  4. I've never played KQ before, especially since I'm at work right now. When things calm down, I'll have to see if it will work here, then we can play sometime. I'd love to start playing.

  5. My Kougra got beat quickly. He was level 20, with 27 HP. He didn't stand a chance. I'll probably end up training him. I want all the BD avatars.

  6. She's amazing in the BD. She has nearly 90 HP, while being level 1. He's beaten a bunch of BD challengers with her. It's crazy. I actually just lent him my Cybunny because she got Sneezles today, so now he can get Meuka. I'm curious to see how she'll do with Meuka.

  7. I'm at a loss for avatars right now too. A lot of the ones I don't have, are the expensive ones. Like the Snorkle Snout, Nerkmid, Bag of Peanuts, Kelp, etc. I have a couple BD ones, but I've never done training and my strongest pet has been struggling. I ended up giving a lab pet of mine to my husband because it was a Ruki which are his favorite.

  8. Now that you've met your listed goals, what's next? Do you have a certain avatar you're working towards next?

    And another question (music related) John Mayer = good? yes or no. (And that's completely a pass or fail question.) ;)

  9. Hmmm. For a Shoryu... before I got Spritzieblue her Orbulon, I bought her a Ukali. I don't remember any before that. What color is your Shoyru?

  10. I'm trying a little bit to get trophies. So far, I've done pretty well. I never expected to get ones like the one for Jhudora's Cloud, or the Bilge Dice winning streak. I was surprised to see those on my lookup.

  11. I've been working pretty obsessively on avatars since I discovered TDN mid-late last year. I'm having the most trouble with the game ones.

  12. I want a Desert PB so bad. I can't wait to have a Desert Jubjub with a Desert Kookith. It will be awesome. I'm also working on a Fire Jubjub/Kookith. He bought and painted a Kookith Fire for me, so now I just have to get a PB for the Jubjub.

  13. There is a Lutari PB, but as of now, it doesn't work. (I think if you look in the rainbow pool, it shows the Lutari pets.) Or I've seen them somewhere... maybe sunnyneo. But it would be impossible at this point.

  14. I'm going to be trying to get more trophies. I feel like as long as I've had my account, I never did a lot with it. So I want to work on making it a lot better. More trophies, avatars, stamps, bigger gallery.

  15. Warfs are cute :) That would be perfect for a Xweetok

  16. Or think about trying to recreate the Maraquan team. That's 5 Maraquan PBs.

  17. You're welcome :) I'm glad you like it. I love the Snow Kookith. I'm probably going to be going for a Desert one soon, for whenever I can get a Desert PB for a Jubjub.

  18. I really really want a Desert Jubjub with a Desert Kookith. But it looks like I'll be getting the Desert Kookith first.

  19. It's hard. And when you're working that hard to stock up on NP, it's hard to spend it. And Desert PB are actually around 4 million. :(

  20. I used to go on shopping sprees, but now I have goals I want to reach first. Like I want to get to 7.5 million, to bump up my interest. Maybe once I hit 10 million and the very last interest level, I'll buy a desert pet PB.

  21. 2.5 isn't horrible, but I still wouldn't want to spend it. That would leave me with only 4 million. :(

  22. People are all sorts of special. :-P

  23. I looked into it. I think they were around 275-300k. That's not too bad. It's the Desert pet PB that's expensive. But I will probably get a Desert Petpet PB first, and paint a Kookith. And put it in my gallery until I can get a Desert PB for my Jubjub.

  24. You saw someone trying to recreate the Maraqua team? Such crazy people.

    But there isn't a Maraquan Korbat on the Maraqua team....

  25. Most of mine were accidents, like Jhudora's Cloud (I was going for the avatar.), Imperial Exam, and Bilge Dice winning streak. Others I tried for, like Castle of Eliv Thade, Punchbag Bob, Pyramids, and Cheat.

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