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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. I'm going to have to try to get him, to see what happens. As long as you don't go over the top, or at evenly spaced times, you'll be fine. I refreshed off and on for 40 minutes to get that one avatar the other day.

  2. Do you have him as a challenger? I don't. I read you have to refresh on the lab page until you get him. :| I detest refreshing to get things.

  3. There is a potion. But it costs in the millions. With the BD, you don't have to beat him, I just hear he has an attack, that changes the gender.

  4. It wasn't my first zap. It was my first, interesting, zap. I got a bunch of stat changes. And instead of a Species change being first (Like with my poor Kau and Hissi) I got a color change first. Then I promptly stopped zapping her. (Though she's technically a "he" right now.)

  5. I'm voting for you for head TNT Staff. :) I know I'll get something eventually. Keyword, eventually. I was beyond thrilled with my first change. It was a color change, and it made my Shoyru Ice.

  6. I know. :( I'm bound to get something good eventually. I just have to be patient.

  7. No, I probably wouldn't keep it. I don't really like the look of Scorchio's anymore. They used to be cuter.

  8. I do love Kookith's. They're my favorite petpet. :) I need to figure out my Koi. It seems they're easy to get today. I'm definitely going with Camo.

  9. That would be pretty cool. I'm going to keep zapping my... Scorchio... though. I want it to be something else. Almost anything else.

  10. Awww. Blue must be the petpet color of the day. I'm not a big fan of those though. I'm so excited with my petpet zap for today. Maybe I'll get a Draik zap tomorrow. haha

  11. Well, if they both match perfectly, there's no need to wish you had the camo.

  12. Awww. I know. But they are different. I like both. If I was aiming for a purple Koi, I'd probably do both purple and camo.

  13. Yay for finishing Tarla! Just in time too, they fixed the glitch with the background.

    I just bought a Camo PB for my new Koi I'll be getting tomorrow.

  14. And I have an account that is only Jubjub's with Kookith's as petpets. I have a Cloud Jubjub w/ Blue Kookith. Christmas Jubjub w/ Christmas Kookith. And I will soon have Faerie Jubjub w/ Faerie Kookith. And Fire Jubjub w/ Fire Kookith.

  15. It has a sea-related name and the pets are sea pets. I have a Camo Flotsam, Disco Koi, Snow Jetsam, and tomorrow I will have another Koi, painted it's new color, Camo.

  16. You never know...

    So far, I need to buy 2 Kookiths. A Fire and Faerie PP PB for them.

    Fire and Faerie PB for the Jubjub's the Kookith's will be going to.

    I need a Kau MP.

    And I lose it there. haha

  17. I'm working on clearing out space on my sides so I can get a Koi... or two. I already have 1, on my sea account, but I want another.

  18. I'm starting the list right now. I'll get things figured out, then shop accordingly. :)

  19. Hopefully you'll zap one. Because those run around 18 million, because you can use the normal petpet to get a Krawk pet. But I think it is super cute.

  20. That's what I'll probably end up doing. But I have to figure out what I'm doing with what I have first. I'm about to do that, actually.

  21. It's on Kautiousness.

  22. I'm actually going to be sorting through and getting rid of pets I'm not thrilled with/attached too. Make some room so things aren't so full.

  23. I get a headache thinking about that. I need to sort out my pets. Because of last minute pet lending, I've shoved my main pets, and such all over. So I need to get pets back where they belong.

  24. I was definitely shocked. I was beyond excited about it. The Krawk petpet is cuter than the Krawk pet.

  25. Back in the day, the red Kau, was the color of the current pink. And there is no purple MP. It's actually blue, even though it's the color of the purple. I thought the same thing at first.

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