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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. How many mists do you have cleared? If you can't get it cleared in time (you have until the 26th), as long as you've cleared 1 mist, there will be a way to clear it, and get the prizes. TNT just says that it will be more difficult.

  2. I'm glad you're feeling refreshed. Is your fever gone? Yes, I cleared all the mist. I love the prizes (and I'm not saying what they are, since you haven't finished and might not have read where people have posted what they are.) I got into work, was on the Neoboards, and was talking to my husband on the phone, and she showed up. So we both got our last mist.

  3. She just wants you feeling better as quickly as possible. You do need to get some rest too. But Neopets isn't that stressful. (Not counting Tarla.)

  4. Yeah, I generally work 12 hour days. I only work one 6 hour day.

    Awww. You do need to get some rest since you have a fever. Can you lay in bed with the laptop?

  5. I'm definitely going for a Koi. I have one. She's painted Disco. I really want another one. I'm at work, for 12 hours, so I should get one pretty easily.

  6. Yay! I'm glad you got it. Are you on schedule with finishing on time? I can't wait to get my last mist tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll get it first thing in the morning.

  7. Good luck. So you know what species you're going to adopt?

    I saw the new layout this morning. It completely lagged my computer to start with. It's very cool.

  8. I did get my mist today. I woke up, and signed on. I went to the Neoboards, and there was a sighting, so I was able to get it this morning. One more mist to go and I'm done.

    I look forward to seeing it. :) I'm sure it's cute.

  9. Hmmm. Okay, I guess that is a sufficent answer. As long as you're not trying to be mean. :-P

  10. Did you get a dress? And have you gotten your mist for the day?

  11. I'll have to try it on my computer at home. I'm out right now. I'm using an older laptop that is not the best for Neopets games.

    the slushie game is kind of like the Berry Bash, which I do really well with. I just wish the Noise game, was a real typing game, like Typing Terror. 2 keys doesn't count.

  12. I played 3 of the 4 yesterday. I haven't tried YB yet. But the Noise one, and the Slushie one shouldn't be too hard.

  13. My very first pet I zapped, was a Blue Shoyru. She's now an Ice Shoyru. That was pretty awesome. I loved that, and I quit zapping her right away. Just zap with a pet you aren't attached to. Either adopt, or create a pet with a good name, then zap away. The only disappointing ones for me, was when I started out with a pet with a name that matched it species, and it got changed. (Like the...

  14. Or a Snow Yooyu would be awesome. The items of those are really pretty. I'd love one of those.

    Stop talking about shopping. I haven't gone shopping in months. My mom and I used to go all the time.

  15. I've gotten a lot of cool zaps, but they were still pets I didn't like. I got a Korbat zap from a Kau, he was Maraquan, Faerie, Darigan, and Checkered before it turned into a Usul. Then the Usul got zapped Chocolate. I quit zapping it when it got zapped into a Green Chomby.

  16. I love the lab ray. I actually ended up zapping a Ruki for my husband. And while I was waiting for color changes, she got amazing stats. So after she changed to Shadow, I gave her to him. She is doing amazing in BD. He's going to loan her to me later, so I can get some of the BD avatars.

  17. I'm still decided what to do with mine... what colors to paint them and such. They're cute, I just badly want a Ice one, but those are lab ray only. You can't even get it from a Fountain Faerie Quest.

  18. The Ice Hissi looks like the Snowager. I love them. They're awesome. I will hopefully get one someday.

    I have a couple Hissi's. They were super easy to get on Hissi Day.

  19. Yay! I'm looking forward to it. I want a Yooyu. I hope they release a Faerie one this year.

  20. I have more than one hissi though, so it's not a huge loss.

  21. Yeah. :( I was not at all amused when my Hissi became a Yurble. Then the Scorchio. I'd prefer a Yurble than a Scorchio, so I'll just keep zapping. The only reason I was zapping a Hissi, was because an Ice Hissi is a dream pet of mine.

  22. It's only happened to me a couple times, but it's a nice surprise when it does happen.

  23. Did you join a team officially on Neopets, for the AC yet? I officially joined Maraqua. The husband was going to join Brightvale, but when he saw the way the Darigan team looked, he changed his mind and joined the Darigan team.

  24. I've been stalking the Neoboards. I wanted my mist, and having missed her by less than 20 miniutes twice today, I wasn't letting it happen again.

  25. Oh! I just got the mist from Tarla! It's about time. I was about to throw a fit.

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