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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. The lab ray isn't being nice to me now. Only stat changes. (And the usual gender change.) Bleh.

  2. I would probably do the same thing if I got a Krawk. I'm not too hopeful for a Draik, I know it's very unlikely. But I can dream, right? lol

  3. I'm really, really hoping for a zap into a Draik. That would save me over 10 million of getting a Draik egg. Or any of my dream pets that I can only get from the lab ray, like the Robot Ixi, Ice Hissi...

  4. I know... you saw I had my cute little Blue Kau, changed to a Korbat... then a Usul. The Chomby is cool, but I'm going to wait and get a Kau MP. Petpet-wise, I haven't had any fantastic changes recently. Mutant Ona, and now a Cloud Miamouse.

  5. I've gotten stat changes the last 2 days, then today, I got a gender change. :(

  6. And the best bet for finding her, for me at least, is stalking the Neoboards. Everyone posts like "Tarla xx:xx NST" when they find her, with a link to where, in the post. Sunnyneo, and jellyneo have updates on twitter, but for me, I don't find those reliable. (A lot do though)

  7. If you find her (She's a bit banner thing at the top, like with the Negg Festival Quests) she gives you 2-3 options. Always NP or a item. The 3rd option, clearing the mist. NP ranges from 3NP, to up towards 50k. Items range from worthless, to a book I sold for 85k.

  8. If you haven't cleared the mist by the end, there will be a way to do it, though TNT says it will be more difficult. (As long as you've cleared at least 1, through out the whole event.)

  9. It's been proven you can only clear the mist 4 times every "week" (Week = 7 days from when it started, not calendar week) The 13th will be the start of week 3. No one is sure if you can get more than 4, if you're behind.

  10. Since I'm at work... sometimes, I don't feel like anything but refreshing, like yesterday.

    Tarla: She appears random places around the Neopia lands, for 1-10min at a time. The idea, is to clear the mist behind her. (You get the option once a day. You need to clear it 16 times by the end. (With 26 days in the event total)

  11. I finally stopped zapping my former Kau. After she got zapped into a Chomby, I decided I'd better stop before I ended up with a Draik or something. Now I'm zapping a Hissi. Maybe I'll get lucky and zap it Ice.

  12. Tsk tsk. We've been hiding again, haven't we? I've only been online at work recently. The internet at home is worse than dial up at the moment. And it's not supposed to be.

  13. How has everything been going? Are you still working on your NP goal? I've been trying to play more games recently.

  14. Mostly. I've sold a few things in my shop, and a few bundles of stock, but it's mostly from games. I think I started with around 3m. It took me 2 weeks to make it to 5.

  15. I'm glad you came on today. :) Yep, I reached 5 million just after midnight Friday. I got the Number Six avatar like, 45 minutes ago. It was down to 5.5 million. I was very excited.

  16. Have you been off hiding again? :-P I only saw you on Neo for a few minutes last night. (Or was that this morning?) I need to stop being on Neo unti 4am. It'd be less confusing for me.

  17. I haven't even tried restocking. I stalk the Garage Sale. That works well for me. I usually make at least a 1k profit on most things. On a few things, I've made a 7-9k profit.

  18. Good point... but I don't know. The cheapest MP is a Uni. (I've given up on the Kau, since I now have Kautioned on my main.) I suppose that's a pretty decent place to start. I'll have to check into the prices of other morphing potions.

  19. 5 million is a big goal, but I'm doing good. I'm at about 3.5 million right now. So only 1.5 million to go. I'm doing my best to get at least 100k a day. One day I got 200k, because I sold a Red Codestone for 90k.

  20. I was born into a techy family. I'm working for the same company that my dad has for the last 30 years. My mom used to teach comps at her job, back before Windows or the mouse. In school, when we were supposed to bring in 100 of an item, I brought in keyboard keys. lol

  21. I work for a computer company. I monitor their backups, and make sure everything is working right. It's a 24/7/365 job. So between 6 of us, we work 3-12hrs and 1-6hr. I work the beginning of the week, day shift.

  22. Sounds like a nice place to relax. Looks pretty too.

  23. Awww. Your couch looks very comfortable and it looks like it has nice surrounding scenery. :)

    I was actually hiking around my parents' house a couple years ago, and we came across a loveseat, out on a rock ledge. No clue as to why it was there, or how they got there.

  24. For years, I couldn't function well on less than 12. Now.. I work 7am to 7pm 3 days a week, so by the time I get home, have dinner and all that, some nights I don't get to bed until 10 or 11. Then I'm up at 6 or earlier, to do it again. And my body is getting used to it.

  25. I was 17 when I started playing Neopets. (I'm almost 25 now.) I've been playing off and on the whole almost 8 years. But I've always loved it. Since I came back this last time, last year, I'm much more knowledge than I was before. The forums here help. :) Feel free to ask if you need help. :)

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