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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. Have you tried the Juniors department?

  2. I got them at a department store. Dillard's actually. They were all the same brand. Antonio Melani (I think that's how it's spelled.)

  3. Awww thank you. :) I love all shades of purple, but the lighter shades look horrible. I have the warmer complexion. The best color for me is like a coral pink.

  4. Of my cruise ones, I went dark. 1 - Black, 3 - purple (1 solid, 1 dark with various shades, 1 with gem stone tone purples) 1- teal/cream, 1 - sapphire blue. I don't go for bright usually. I love purple though. It's my absolute favorite.

  5. You had a feeling I looked like that? That's being what exactly? :-P

  6. Any ideas for your dress? Any specific colors? The only dress shopping I did, was for the cruises I went on. I had 2 dresses for the 1st one. And for the second one, I had it so I had a formal dress for dinner every night of the cruise. (Not like, prom dress formal) The dress I'm wearing in my profile pic, is one of the dresses I got for it.

  7. When is it? My cousin had her senior prom last month.

  8. I can't either. But at least I only have 4 days left, including today.

    Awww that's good. That will be fun.

  9. She is being mean to me today. :(

    Aww congrats. Are you going to go? I didn't go to mine in HS. I couldn't have cared less. But my sister went to her's because she had a boyfriend at the time.

  10. At work, it's really easy. And at home, I just hang around online until I get it, then we would go to whatever. I usually got it easy. And Tarla just showed up... NO MIST. I am getting annoyed.

    And... WHAT?

  11. I refuse to miss any days. So far, I've gotten my 4 mists in the first 4 days of every week. I will do the same this week. I'm camped out on the computer for the rest of the day, until I get the mist.

  12. Yay! I'm glad. I haven't gotten today's mist yet, so I'm still at 12. We've only found her once today. I didn't get the mist option, he did.

  13. Usually, I make a 1k profit on most things I get there. But once in awhile, I get really lucky. I'll buy an item for 55np, and sell it for 8-10k.

  14. Yeah I do. I'm at work for 12 hours, 3 days a week. I do about 2 hours of active, away-from-the-desk work, the rest is sitting around, just in case something happens. So that's when I get online the most. I'm at Panera's right now.

  15. I actually do really well with the Garage Sale, when I'm focusing on it. When I pay attention, I can get my 10 items a day. I make a decent profit with it.

  16. Thank you :)

    No not yet. I only saw it stock twice yesterday, and everything was done so quickly. But I hope to get a better idea of what stocks there.

  17. I love quotes and such. I have quite a few word docs on my computer at home. I also love song lyrics for the same reason. (Like my member title - Jason Mraz) Or my signature, Brendan James.

    I love the zap record. I do the same thing. After Tarla is over, I'm going to clear some stuff off, so the lab stuff isn't so cluttered on my profile.

  18. :) color catches attention. I do have a bit of black, but that's so the important things, are colored.

  19. Me too. That's the way profiles should be. They need to have lots of color.

  20. Your profile looks good! Lots of color. But color is ALWAYS good. ALWAYS.

  21. Thank you. :) Yes, I'm on the right. That's my husband on the left. We went out to a musical that night, that's why we're all dressed up.

  22. I really should suck it up and spend a little bit of NP on some avatar items, like Snorkle Snout and a Bag of Peanuts.

  23. I'm 12/12 right now for mists. So on Thursday, I can get my last 4. I actually missed out on the Sid avatar yesterday. He showed up for about 10 minutes in the BD, but I was off getting a Starbucks. So I'll most likely have to wait a year, and hope I'm online when he shows up.

  24. I haven't been on much at home. Something went crazy on my computer, so it's very touchy until I have time to reformat it, and get it all fresh and new again. Plus my internet connection there is worse than bad. So I'm mostly around at work.

  25. No one knows. Everyone is hoping there is, but there's no way to know for sure. I hope there is. I'd love to have another one.

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