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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. I'll have to take a look later on and see what I like with it. I haven't looked at the Kau colors in awhile. I miss the red Kau actually being pink.

  2. Yeah, that was his thought too. So that's what I'm going to do. And it works out perfect, since I'm going to morph her back into a Blue Kau. Though I had considered painting her later on.

  3. Yes I did. I use it every day. Today, my pet got stat changes. And my Spotted Cheerlub became a Blue Krawk.

  4. Kautiousness, by now Green Chomby. But I'm going to be getting the MP for it, turning it back into a Kau. (He thinks it would look cuter with a Kau, than a Chomby) I kinda like it with the Chomby. And I hate to get rid of a Chomby. I wasn't able to create one on Chomby Day.

  5. With my stock-pile of Codestones, I was able to create 2 red ones, without having to buy any. The first one, sold for 90k. The second one, for 30k. I guess that's a good reason to keep them. You can make more money, by making red ones.

  6. I'm so excited about it! It's awesome. And it's Blue, which is a good color. I wish I could get a Krawk pet from it. Then I could possibly trade it for a Draik. I don't think you can paint zapped petpet's though.

  7. I've just been stock-piling them for months now. Anytime I get one, they go in the SDB. I used to have probably over 60. But I created 2 Red Codestones (Which require 10 regular ones each) and I've done a little bit of training.

  8. I used to get Codestones in mass, because I played Pyramids every day, to the 5k limit. And each time you click a card, the page refreshes. So that was good for codestones. I have 42 Codestones in my SDB. If I sold them for 3k each, that would be 126k. But I'm thinking of starting training.

  9. I've never played KQ. My computer at home is too slow. And I've never tried it here at work either. I'll have to do that sometime.

  10. I'll keep an eye out, if I find any lab pieces. I'll ask you if she already has them. I rarely get them though. But definitely have her play Key Quest. That's probably the best place to get them.

  11. Aww. Thank you :) I wish that the Pet Lab Ray wasn't so expensive. I had to buy all my pieces. (I never planned on getting it before, so I always sold any piece I came across.) It cost me nearly 1 million. But I hear people say they get a lot of pieces from Key Quest.

  12. Since she likes Neopets so much, you should have her join. You could help her, and I'd more than happy to help in anyway I could as well. I'm still learning myself, but TDN is a good way to learn things. I've learned a lot on here, and I just joined the forums about 5 months ago.

  13. Divya!! I got an awesome petpet zap. This morning, I zapped my formerly Spotted Cheerlub, into a Blue Krawk. Unforunately, I can't get a Krawk pet from it, but it's pretty awesome. :)

  14. Yay! I'm glad she'll get to sit and do it with you. I try to zap my pets/petpets when he's around, but I get really excited most the time, and zap them when I'm at work. But he was there early this morning when I got my Krawk petpet.

  15. Good. :D I'm glad. I hope you get some really good zaps with it. I get so many more better with results with the Petpet Ray than the pet one. You'll have to let me know what you get. :)

  16. You're welcome. :) Of course I'm sure. I got them just for you. The Petpet Lab Ray is really fun. You'll love it.

  17. Check your items received. You should have a few items I sent. (9 to be exact.) :D

  18. The lab ray can zap Draik's and Krawk's. There's no pet, or petpet, that the lab rays can't zap. There's colors they can't zap, but not pets/petpets. As far as I know.

  19. Oooo. Guess what! The Petpet Lab Ray, zapped my petpet into a Blue Krawk. I can't get a Krawk pet from it, but it's still really cool. :)

  20. I know what you mean. I'm always very fidgety. My husband wants to know why I can never sit still. You'll get it. I know you will.

  21. It actually took be about 40 minutes. My math was off. But it wasn't that hard... though I was starting to lose my patience. I hope you got it.

  22. I've never gotten anything amazing from it. A few thousand NP maybe. But that's it.

  23. I still do the Wheel of Knowledge daily. And I still do other one too, even though I have the avatar. It's only 100NP, and you could win good prizes, like a Tyrannian PB.

  24. The wheel that bugs me the most, is the Wheel of Knowledge. It's a NP sink, and the avatar is rather rare to get, I hear. That's the only wheel avatar I don't have yet.

  25. I actually do pretty well with it. I try to remember to spin it every 2 hours, but I always forget. Recently, I've been getting low NP amounts. But I do get 200, 500, and 2000NP fairly often. I haven't gotten 10k in awhile.

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