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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. What I want to know is: Who in their right mind gives up something good for a Maraquan Korbat???

  2. I didn't realize that. Oh well. I still wouldn't have parted with her, unless I could get a Draik. Which... dream on, right?

  3. Yeah, except for the name, and no one wants a Korbat.

  4. I know. :( I really want a Maraquan Kougra. and tons of Faerie pets. It was heart-breaking.

  5. I had some cool zaps, just the wrong species. With the Korbat, I got Maraquan, Darigan, Checkered and Faerie. With the Usul I got Chocolate. Then it got turned into a Chomby. (My poor awesome named Kau.)

  6. I've done a lot better with the petpet ray, than the regular one. The only really awesome zap I got on the pet one, was my first color change... my Ice Shoyru. But I've had a lot of awesome petpet zaps.

  7. They finally stopped. I was really getting a bad headache.

  8. And I feel like I'm at the dentist, only worse. They're doing some kind of loud drilling outside my work room.

  9. I put it back up. All fixed.

  10. It is awesome. I love them. I can't wait to have a Desert Jubjub with a Desert Kookith.

  11. Oops. I must have accidentally deleted it when I was messing with the coding. I'll put in back in a few minutes.

  12. I agree with that as well. Usually, once I get the score I need for 1k, I quit. There's no point, unless I think it's possible I could get a trophy.

  13. A few months ago, they had what they deemed, Game Month. Through out the month, you could send 8 scores for each game, and they released a few game every week.

  14. I'm going to be buying a couple unpainted Kookiths soon. I need 2 right now. One to paint Fire and one to paint Faerie. Then I need another one to paint Desert. I will eventually have one of every color.

  15. I know. That really is no fun. One of my favorite petpets that I zapped, is attached to the Ruki I gave to my husband. So he has a Shadow Ruki with a Gold Kookith. I'm kind of bummed because Kookith's are my favorite petpet.

  16. Oh... btw... is it July yet? ;)

  17. I changed my profile up a bit. I added an Awesome Petpet Zap section, where I can list my cool petpet zaps. So far, there's only 3: Blue Krawk, Gold Kookith, and Fire Snorkle.

  18. Did you see the newest addition to my profile? I decided to take out the results of one of my pet zaps, and add a section for awesome petpet zaps. That way I can showcase my Blue Krawk, Gold Kookith, and Fire Snorkle zaps.

  19. Ssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. ;)

  20. Shhhh. You two! Stop it. ;)

  21. I was really hoping it would be as easy as getting a wish granted. But... apparently not. Divya got her wish granted, and didn't get the avatar.

  22. I was at about 3 million, when the 8 scores thing came into effect. By the end of it, I had just over 5 million. And now I'm at about 6.5.

  23. Yes. I RS there. I usually make a profit of about 1k on most items. On more rare occasions, I'll buy something for under 100 NP, and it ends up being worth 9-10k.

  24. Now I have to wait for the solution to the Wishing Well avatar though. I really really want that one. It's so cute.

  25. I left before it was released. This last time I was gone, I was hardly on for a couple years. I'm glad there's a solution though, and now I can get it. I could have gotten it last August, if I'd known about TDN's avatar solutions page. But I'll get it this year.

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