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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. I bought the book probably 4-5 months ago. I think I paid about 150k for it. But I'm not sure. I can't wait to get it.

  2. My main sources are the dailies, my 5-6 games I really enjoy that I get 1k each time, and the Garage Sale. I usually do pretty well with the Garage Sale.

  3. And I'm nearly at 6.5 million now.

  4. I bought them for Kois. I painted my new Koi from Koi Day, Camo. And I ended up selling the other.

    I haven't even attempted the Attic yet. I will eventually. I want a Draik egg.

  5. Shhhhhh. Not a word.

  6. No. Unfortunately, you can't get a Krawk from a zapped Krawk petpet. I would have been nice if it worked that way though.

  7. Where as Cairo, he's one of those, Don't-touch-me cats. He likes to be in the same room with everyone, but don't think about touching him. He's the playful, trouble-maker. If he gets left in a bathroom, he completely shreds the toilet paper. He's just trouble.

  8. But Cairo and Rio are total opposites. Rio is a lovey dovey cat. He loves cuddling and being pet. Currently, when it's cold, he sleeps wrapped around my sister's neck, and over her feet when it's hot. When I stayed with her, he would sleep on my knees.

  9. We never had pets growing up, but while my sister was married, they got a cat. (Rio) When they divorced, my sister moved where she couldn't have him, so we took him in for 9 months. I got so attached, I begged my parents to get a cat until they gave in.

  10. Awww. They're such gorgeous cats! Ziggy looks like trouble in that picture. I think Loki is my favorite.... such pretty coloring.

  11. I just love all cats. (Except the Sphinx cats. To me, cats should have fur.) I'm partial to tabbies, since that's what I've always had. But when I was little, I always wanted a pure white cat with blue eyes I could name Snowball. (Original, I know.)

  12. I need to get some pics off my home computer and get them uploaded. I'm looking forward to seeing yours.

  13. When he was at his biggest, I think Rio was around 20 lbs. Cairo has never gone beyond 12 lbs. But he's part Manx. He has a full tail, but his body is larger, and he has longer legs. His back legs are actually longer than the front ones. So when he runs, he looks like a little monkey. And when he stops suddenly, his back end comes around to the side.

  14. Your's sound adorable. I'd love to see pictures of them.

  15. He tricked me. When I got Cairo, he was 2 months old, and he was grey with baby blue eyes.

  16. Some people have trouble telling mine from my sister's. Her cat, Rio, is really big and has the mint green eyes, along with kind of a turtle shell look. (His stripes got stretched since he's so big.) Mine, Cairo, is large sizewise, but thin, with pinstripes. And gold eyes.

  17. Yay! Thanks for adding me here. :)

    Now I have to ask... what kinds of cats? Mine... and my sister's (In my signature) are just brown tabbies.

  18. I don't mind at all. I thought it was a cute idea. Plus, I stand a good chance of having it zapped green, since when it changes species, it becomes one of the four basic colors.

  19. I have a set. My husband went on a shopping spree a few months ago and got me those, Fire Faerie, Earth Faerie, and Shell Wings. The Faerie Queen ones were the only ones that weren't wearable at the time. Right after they were announced, they were prices around 400k. They've probably gone down since then.

  20. Yay! Congrats. I'm glad you won it. Saving it is usually the best. It's hard to find really cool stuff for 150, other than wings. (At least for me.)

  21. Fire Yooyu's are my favorite too. Then regular, then Snow.

  22. The Faerie Yooyu gives me the most trouble. Then the Mutant. Darigan I do okay with. I can score with all 3, but not consistently. I usually just get so close to the goal sometimes, it has no choice but to go in.

  23. I've just gotten frustrated with it. I think I'm going to aim for around rank 10-15, instead of 20. I can't get myself to play as much as I was in the beginning.

  24. Thank you. :) The morning stuff drives me crazy some days. I need to start waiting to get on here until I'm done.

  25. I added another pet to zap to my account. EnviouslyMint. Right now, she's a Green Kacheek. But I'm aiming for any Green pet I like. To match the name.

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