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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. Hmmmm. I'm not sure. How about... what are you going to do for a new lab pet?

  2. I am back now. I'm done with the active, run-around, part of my day. (Until this afternoon at least.)

    I really need to get with playing YYB. I've been at rank 5 since last Tuesday.

  3. I took the time and replied. But now I'm really running late and have to go. Blah!

  4. I need to get over there right now, but I've run out of time. I have to get my morning work stuff done, then I will be on. It will probably take me a couple hours. :|

  5. I know. :( I haven't been posting a whole lot. But with you and Divya gone, there weren't a lot of reasons to post. Now you're both back and we can get back to normal.

  6. I haven't been around much since I haven't been at work. I'm online all day at work. (I work Sunday-Wednesday) The other days, I'm not on often. I need to try to get on more when I'm not working.

  7. Yeah, it was pretty bad. I called my mom a couple times, and just made her drive up and spend the day with me.

  8. Welcome back. I'm glad you had fun. :)

  9. I'm not a big fan of the Krawk pet, though the Krawk petpet is cute. I actually had the petpet lab ray, zap one of my petpets into a Blue Krawk.

  10. I'm saving up for a Draik Egg too. Or a MP. Or anything at all. I just want a Draik.

    Fortunately, no. No more finals for me. Now I just work 40 hours a week.

  11. It was horrible. I was living by myself at the time. My parents were an hour and a half away. My sister was 20 minutes, but she worked 50+ hours a week. I was miserable. It was awful.

  12. I love it. It did take me awhile to get used to it, but once I caught on, I was addicted to playing it. I haven't been playing it as much recently though, as other games are faster.

    Good luck with your finals.

  13. I'm actually the same way. When I don't get enough sleep, I get sick. If I get more sleep right away, I can catch it before I get sick. The last time I was really sick, I got hit with a bad migraine and was up all night. Then I spent the next month sick with a sinus infection, a cold, and the flu.

  14. Yeah it is. But I will do it. No matter what it takes. Even if it's staying up all night before it ends, playing 500 games of YYB. haha

    Have fun!

  15. I think I've set a new goal. My goal is 5 ranks every week. I made it to rank 5 in the first week. So next I'm aiming for rank 10 by next Tuesday.

  16. Me too. I have SS open in another tab. I just don't have it any me for many games of YYB today, after like, 75+ yesterday.

  17. We've done well. We made up for our loses the first couple days. We just need to rally together again, and bump ourselves up a couple more spots.

  18. You never know. We might beat them. Anything can happen at this point. And even if we do lose to them, as long as it's not across the board, we should be fine. We would be able to recover no matter what.

  19. Me too. While doing the pet lending, the 5 transfers is awesome. After that... I have no idea. I can't really think of a reason why I would need so many.

  20. Yeah I am. Next month, I'm on the last 5 chains that I needed.

  21. I love my Rainbow Jubjub. She's absolutely adorable. After I'm done with all the Pet Lending, she's going to be back on my main.

  22. They are cute, but for me, super packs are too busy. I like to keep things more simple. Usually with a background and a piece of clothing maybe, and an item or two.

  23. I don't know if I'd get a superpack, but it would be awesome to be able to get a couple sets of wings, or backgrounds.

  24. I hope you're having fun on your vacation.

    And Divya... you have to share her. :-P

  25. I'll probably hold onto it for now. Unless I see something I HAVE to have.

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