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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. I need to read yours again. You've added to it since I last read it. And I love quotes too. I have word docs on my computer full of them.

  2. And I love that quote. Another favorite of mine was "I have CDO. It's like OCD but all the letters are in alphabetical order, like they should be." haha

  3. Yeah, I updated a few weeks ago, I think. When everyone was talking about their About Me things. I decided I should add something to mine.

  4. My sister had hair to her waist, wouldn't let anyone near it until she went to my person, now her hair is above her shoulders, and she loves it.

  5. My mom has very dark brown short curly hair, and she started putting blonde, caramel, and slightly red highlights in it. It looks so adorable, since her hair is curly. (I'm the only one with stick straight hair.)

  6. So before I went darker, I went to her and asked her what she thought. I descibed the color, and she thought it would be good with my skin color and everything. If she hadn't thought it was a good idea, I wouldn't have done it. My whole family is hooked on her.

  7. I've been going to the same person for my hair, for 5 years. She originally just cut my hair, but when I decided I wanted a lighter blonde, someone recommended I use her. (They didn't know I already had the appointment with her.) She works magic. When I went lighter blonde, she decided to do all over highlights, with 3 different colors, so it looked more natural.

  8. It cut it off. haha my husband actually likes the medium red-ish brown, more than the very dark red. I like both. And it's a fun change. I never thought I would make the jump either.

  9. I always thought the same thing. My sister's skin isn't as light as mine, and she's started dying hers nearly black, and she looks gothic. So I figured it would be even worse on me. But since it's what I call "black cherry" it tones it down. It's doesn't look so dark. Plus, since it's red, it fades. So right now, it's more of a medium red-sih brown. My hu...

  10. Yes and no. I had very light blonde hair when I was little, then it darkened abit. So in my pic, it's dyed a bit lighter than my natural. (I'm naturally a dark blonde/very light brown) The dark looks good, and the darker red looks better than just dark, since my skin is so light. I'm actually really enjoying it. Which is weird, because I've never wanted to have anything but blonde.

  11. Awwww! You're blonde hair is gorgeous!

    It makes me miss mine. haha (I went dark red a few months ago)

  12. I'd go crazy at work otherwise. I've already pretty much ran out of books to read. Now I'm scrambling to find some good authors. Plus, I get a lot more done at work, than I would anywhere else. No distractions here, since I'm the only one here.

  13. You would think so. But our home internet connection is horrible and my desktop is currently out of commission. So when I'm off work, we usually end up going somewhere like Paneras for a few hours, and taking the laptops. Where as at work, I'm in front of the computer for hours with not a whole lot to do.

  14. I have a lot more time to play at work. I'm sitting at the computer for about 10 hours a day, when I'm working, with not a lot of active work to do, other than emails. But since it's a 24/7 job, someone has to be here regardless. I don't play near as much when I'm at home.

  15. I was 16 when I joined and I'll be 25 next month. I've always played off and on. I'd be playing daily for a year or two, then off for a few months or year or so, then back on. I've just gone through phases where I'd be focusing on something else, and completely forget about Neopets.

  16. I always loved that. There's nowhere better to go dressed up than Barnes & Noble. Or Starbucks. Or both.

  17. How long have you been on Neopets? I've been on for 1/4th of my life. It's kind of scary.

  18. I'm making up for those 7 years where I did hardly anything. When I came back to Neopets 1 year ago, I had 1 million NP. You would think after 7 years of playing (though off and on) I'd do more than that. Since I came back last year, I've gotten more serious, made more goals. And I like repetitive tedious things I'm told.

  19. I just wanted to tell you, I stumbled across someone who was using one of your lookups and it was gorgeous, so I followed the link and saw the rest of yours. I had to tell you make very gorgeous lookups. :)

  20. I'll be home from work and I won't have to deal with my work computer being a pain.

  21. If you still need the Kasuki Lu collectable card by around 8pm tonight (that's my time. And it's nearly 6 my time as I'm writing this) I'll lend you mine.

  22. And 5 stars, just because that is so awesome.

  23. I have to tell you... I love your status message. That sounds like a ton of fun. :)

  24. Awesome! I'm glad you got it. I still need it. But I'm waiting to get something from the Wishing Well.

  25. On those accounts, yes. That's my favorite pet/petpet combo.

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