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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. If I can narrow down my dream pet list a bit, I might put up the images of them like you did. That's no much cooler. Hopefully in the next couple days, I'll be able to remove one. I'm waiting on a girl to decide about trading me a Draik for my Krawk.

  2. And you have so many cool ideas. I might copy you, if you don't mind. *whistles*

  3. I see you added more dream pets. My favorite of your listed ones, is the Jetsam. I have a Snow Jetsam, on my sea side account. I wish Faerie PBs were cheaper.

  4. I haven't heard back from her yet. I checked her account and she hasn't been on in around a day. (Since I sent the reply) And she still has the Draik on her account. But it's still unknown.

  5. Oooo interesting. I'm curious now...

  6. That was pretty much the only times I'd done that. I'm not a fan of the online to real life transition. But sometimes, it's a great thing. (Like my husband) or my friend in KY, if I could make it happen. I need to get her up here.

  7. I only did that a couple times. We went to the mall once, hung out and went to the movies, then a concert. And then I went on a trip, shortly after I got back, I moved.

  8. Haven't talked to them much since I moved back. And I've been working so much since last October, it's made it harder.

  9. I haven't signed on in months. Probably over 6 months. Just haven't had the desire. Though there are a few friends there I haven't talked to in awhile. At the time when I joined, I was living in Denver. So I actually met a person local, and went to a concert with them. But then I moved back to my hometown.

  10. Totally unexpected. haha I've always had good friends online. From the time I was 15 to 22, I had a very close from online, from North Carolina. He was around at the time I got my Spritzie nickname.

  11. I actually met my husband online. He was living in Florida. And now, obviously, he's here in CO. We've been married for just over a year now. I met him on a social networking site, myyearbook.

  12. In a short time, she had 2-3k comments on my journal, and probably the same on hers. After her dad got sick, she quit going on, as did I. So we moved to text messages, emails, and then phone calls.

  13. I asked her if she knew where I could find people that made icons from Numb3rs, and she said she didn't, but she'd make me some. We started talking there, and next thing you know, we were going back and forth in comments.

  14. I met her on LiveJournal. I had been looking for icons. (She makes them. She made my icon/avatar I have on here currently). I went by her journal (I'd previously gotten things she'd posted years earlier) and saw she had a Numb3rs icon in her layout.

  15. That's cool. I have no idea where it is in the state. I've known here for 3 or so years now. I need to get down there and see her. Or get her up here.

  16. And I live in the 2nd largest city in Colorado. And I'm only 60 miles from Denver, the biggest city in CO.

  17. I have no idea about Kentucky. My best friend lives there though. She's in Louisville.

  18. Where do you live? I'm in Colorado, which is known for their bad drivers. I had a friend way out east, tell me that CO drivers were the worst.

  19. I've always been more horn-happy. But I'm having to tell my husband no, when he thinks I should honk. You just have to watch what's going on.

  20. I was very scared when I was 15 thinking I wouldn't be able to handle it. But I did fine. The one accident I've had, wasn't my doing, and I couldn't do anything to stop it. And I've been driving for nearly 10 years now. It will be 10 years since I got my permit in August. (I feel old.)

  21. If you do end up with a smaller car, just be aware of what's going on around you. It's not enough to be a good driver yourself anymore. You have to drive for you, and everyone else on the road. And don't be afraid to use the horn. It's a big help. It's saved me quite a few times.

  22. I fought having to drive the Civic for that reason. It was like driving a tin can, it was so small. And having the SUV saved me. Otherwise, it would have been a much worse accident. As it was, the guy nearly totaled my SUV.

  23. The Civic would have been totaled many times over. (And no it wasn't my fault. I was rear-ended at a red light on New Year's Eve.)

  24. That's why I like my car. It's small (It's actually shorter, length wise, than the Civic) but it's very roomy inside. And I feel safe in it. An accident that happened 2 months after I bought it, only did 7k damage.

  25. They would have an amazing car, that my mom couldn't drive. (Her knees have done downhill.) She was driving our old manual van, but when her mom died, her brother just gave her my grandma's automatic Jeep. And even an auto is painful for her.

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