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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. Thank you. :) I'm waiting for you to paint her.

  2. Just hatched my Draik, Aitvara!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Spritzie


      After my Draik Egg, I was down to 38 NP. o.O Now I'm up to 30k. (After spending 100k on a Camo PB)

    3. Anisha


      Wow. 38 NP? That must be awkward. 0_0

    4. Spritzie


      It was. I was not amused with how little I had left.

  3. I hatched her! I now have a pretty female Blue Draik named Aitvara. :) I'll be waiting for you to paint her.

  4. I was so frustrated last night. I wanted to get her hatched so badly, but without internet...

  5. I never got her hatched. As soon as I sent you the message saying I was about to, I lost my connection and couldn't get the laptop to reconnect.

  6. I will try to narrow down the time so I can let you know ahead of time.

  7. I'm not sure, time-wise. I get off at 7pm. (9pm your time.) Then I have to get the husband and laptop. So it might be after 10pm your time.

  8. Shhhh. It's a secret until I actually decide and hatch her.

  9. Divya! I can't come up with a good name. :(

  10. It took a few minutes to process but I got it! It's in my SDB until I come up with a name.

  11. just bought a Blue Draik Egg!! To be hatched soon!

    1. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean


    2. Spritzie


      I know! I get off work in just over an hour. Go grab the husband, then off to hatch my Draik!

  12. 10 minutes and counting!

  13. Someone just put up a new Egg. I sent a NM offer. I'll let you know when I hear back from them.

  14. I wonder what MPs are going for right now...

  15. I'm going to start looking around for ideas tomorrow, probably. Because I'm too busy trying to get extra NP. So I'll probably being doing that, until I actually get it.

  16. I hope so. I don't know where to even start. If you have any suggestions, let me know.

  17. is looking to buy a Draik Egg!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spritzie


      Exactly. :P I agree. I need some new Draik Eggs put up. There's hardly any on the TP.

    3. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean


    4. Spritzie


      I know! I'm so excited! Now to figure out a name.

  18. I don't know why I've always been drawn to K names. But I need to start looking. Anything, as long as it looks cool, works for me. Thank you :)

  19. I know! But I don't even know where to begin. I usually like names that start with K. It needs to be a good female name.

  20. Thank you!! You are awesome. Now, depending on the person, I could get a Draik Egg today. :)

  21. I'm at about 11.1m now. I just need to get some more stuff sold. I might just have one by the end of the week. :)

  22. I forgot to mentioned that I had checked. I saw 4 million too. I can't believe 10.5! I have 10.7, and I just put a Faerie Petpet PB up on the TP.

  23. I was going off of Jellyneo's item DB. They have it listed as like, 4.6 million I think. I need to research it.

  24. Yeah it is. The most I've ever paid for a petpet, was around 600k, for Spritzieblue's Orbulon. Then I think 200k for the husband's Darigan Ukali.

  25. I agree. I'll probably end up getting a Snow Cobrall. But I'll wait a bit, since they're nearly 100k.

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