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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. I learned to watch for combos of more than 3, and worked on getting the power ups to the bottom.

  2. It's hard. Sometimes you just get nothing to work with. It can be extremely frustrating.

  3. I can't get anywhere near my former record of 7. :| I don't get what I'm doing wrong this time around.

  4. I haven't checked the prices yet. They're both unpriced in my shop. I need to do that. I'm playing Bilge Dice right now. Still haven't gotten more than 3 in a row today.

  5. Yeah I did. I won a Tropical Fruit Smoothie and Orange Juice. She didn't want to play very long today.

  6. Dice-A-Roo did not go well today. I only got to the Yellow die once. And it didn't take long for Aitvara to get bored with it.

  7. I loved the game, so I just kept practicing and practicing.

  8. When I started playing it, I rarely got over 500. But with practice, I eventually got to 18k. But it seems like it'd take forever.

  9. I know! It's insanely high. But I suppose practice and lots of power ups.

  10. The highest score right now is 194,956. o_O

  11. working on the Bilge Dice - Winning Streak and Dice-A-Roo avatars.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean

      Congrats! I hate that. Once I was at the Yellow one, but accidentally pressed "Collect 52 NP!" GAH!

    3. Spritzie


      I did that yesterday, but I ended up collecting 1 NP.

    4. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean

      Aw! I hate when I do that though. D=< I also hate it when I die on the first roll.

  12. I know! It's crazy. I was all proud of getting 18k on Sutek's Tomb, until I saw the High Scores.

  13. I would love to have more, but I just have so much trouble with some of the games. I often wonder how people get the scores on the HS tables.

  14. Yes I was. I was really hoping I could get 3 more wins in, and get the avatar. But at least all wasn't lost, since I got a trophy for it.

  15. I rarely get past the Blue Die. That's why I was shocked I made it to the Silver. And I do okay with Bilge Dice. But I just can't get 10 wins. It took me forever just to get 7 in a row.

  16. I got to the Silver Die for the first time today. And for the first time I ever, I played until my pet got bored of it. My record for the winning streak is 7, which got me a Bronze trophy the month I did it. I haven't got past 3 today.

  17. Exactly! I'm working on the Dice-A-Roo jackpot avatar, and the Bilge Dice winning streak.

  18. I wouldn't have minded parting with 200k. Especially now that I know they're over 700k.

  19. I regret not having bought one when they were 200k. 700k is just too much. But they just seem to be getting more expensive.

  20. I am waiting on some items with the ALP, but I'm having a hard time getting on MSN to coordinate.

  21. I know! I need to find another avatar I can get rather quickly. There's an another item one I could do, but I wouldn't feel like spending 700k on a Nerkmid, even if I had the NP.

  22. I'm just glad this one wasn't as hard to get, since it was a limited time one. I will get the Chocolate one eventually...

  23. What item did you buy when you got it? I got it with the Glaring Eye Wrap. Nope. I still haven't gotten it. The few times I stalk the Chocolate Factory and I actually see a 90+ rarity, it's gone immediately.

  24. Miss Livvy, your Inbox on Neopets is full. :P

  25. I do not like avatars with time limits to get them. That makes it difficult. :|

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