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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. You know... a Blue Cobrall would work too. It might look even better than a Snow Cobrall.

  2. You know... a Fire Snowickle would be pretty cool. But expensive. I wish they weren't quite so expensive. But they're probably the most popular petpet for Ice Hissi's. And they're just awesome otherwise.

  3. That's an awesome idea! Thank you!

  4. I couldn't decide. I like both. With the Fire/Ice idea... I like that. I actually have a Fire Petpet on my Ice Shoyru. It's petpet got zapped into a Fire Snorkle. I'm going to check out Fire petpets. That would be really cool!

  5. I was thinking about maybe a Snow Cobrall or Snow Wadjet for now. But I'm not sure. What do you think?

  6. I need to find a petpet for my Ice Hissi. It has a lab petpet right now, that doesn't match at all. I'd love to get him a Snowickle, but I'm not spending 4 million on a petpet. o.O

  7. The main admin would be Ian. You could probably also contact TJ. (Superfly)

  8. I used to have the purple/white swirly one. But I decided to change it when Hotmail did their upgrade. I'm going to look through it again, see if I find something else i like better.

  9. My hotmail is a moon design I think. I don't remember.

  10. It's a nice place though. My mom sits in there and reads, and my dad occasionally works in there. When my sister moved out, when we lived at the old house, my dad turned her room into a walk-in closet for my mom.

  11. I haven't had a signature in my email in years, except for my work email, obviously. I love playing with settings. As soon as I get something new, the first thing I do is open up the options/settings.

  12. When they first changed it, I got confused and clicked the wrong things a couple times. But I got it worked out quickly.

  13. The settings just went all crazy. I had to mess with mine too, but I only had a couple things I wasn't supposed to.

  14. just zapped an Ice Hissi!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Spritzie


      Other Shoyru colors that are blue are Mutant (Not happening), Ice (Which would be too hard), Electric, Cloud, Plushie, and Starry. And I'm not a big fan of those. So she'll probably always be blue.

    3. Viridian


      Ice hissi! That would be one of my dreamies, but I am fine with the Desert Hissi I painted :)

    4. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean

      Oops Spritzie I meant colors that were blue and actually look good. xD

      And Viridian, wow for the Desert Hissi!

  15. I know the feeling. I've been off work since Wednesday. (I took Sunday and Monday off) and I had 170+ emails. We get emails for tickets (requests to do things), emails explaining them... etc.

  16. When I moved out, my parents wasted no time turning it into an office. It has some really nice matching furniture from my grandma's, the touch-screen HP computer my dad got for my mom, some chairs, etc. They toss a mattress on the floor when I stay the night.

  17. All of us have been missing you.

  18. Yeah, but that only works for me at work, where the email is highlighted, then I can delete it. With my personal email, I have to check it, then delete it.

  19. I agree. I've never really gotten to have my own office. Now I will get one. It will be very nice.

  20. I'm really excited because since it's a 2 bedroom, and it's just the two of us, we're going to turn the 2nd bedroom into an office/computer room.

  21. We found a place today, and applied. It's a nice 2 bedroom, in a controlled access place. We're going to sign a 6 month, that way, if we want to leave in 6 months, we can. If we like it, we can sign another.

  22. There was no check box to delete more than one at a time? o.O I couldn't do that.

  23. It's not fun. It's been really tough. Apartment are really filling up, because people are leaving houses for apartments because they're cheaper. There's tons of houses for rent, but people want $1200 for a tiny, old house. It's just a bad time for moving right now.

  24. We have to be out by Tuesday. And we've been looking for a new place for weeks, and most the places here and their cheap and nasty, way too expensive, or the right price and nice, but with nothing available for months.

  25. Hmm. Okay. I'll see. It might be awhile though. Moving isn't going well so far.

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