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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. A little bit, here and there. I'm basically waiting for the next tier to start. I don't want to get them too high for me to beat them. I'm already getting near my limit with the Brutes.

  2. Their health just increases so quickly. The Brute I'm battling now, has 160 HP.

  3. I know! My pet with the highest HP had 32. The Ruki had 87.

  4. I had help from Paul. He's lent me one of his pets that has over 400 HP.

  5. It's going better. Just capped the Brutes. Now waiting on the Furies. I don't know where they are, but they aren't in the BD.

  6. Me too! Unfortunately, this is a short work week. But hopefully this weekend will be more calm.

  7. You know... I think I'm actually going to start training my pets (or at least one) after this whole thing is over.

  8. is having issues with the Brutes and Furies.

    1. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean

      Me too. It is taking me forever!

    2. Spritzie


      I finally capped them all. :D

    3. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean

      Congrats! I finished the Minions, half way done the Brutes, and 5 done for the Furies. *rolls eyes at self* Wish me luck!

  9. Hey! I haven't been on much. I think I made it on once while I was off work. But I'm back. And of course I don't mind. She was your pet.

  10. It was a crazy weekend. I think I was able to get online once while I was off work. Plus I haven't been feeling very well. But I'm back at work, so I'll be on like normal. :)

  11. Happy birthday CAV. :)

  12. Nope. I still have the Krawk. I just kept playing games like crazy, trying to deposit around 100k a day. And I sold as many things I could and such, and then I bought a Draik Egg.

  13. I finally bought a petpet for my Ice Hissi. Until I buy him a Snowickle, he has a Blue Cobrall.

  14. Thank you! I painted her Camo a couple days after I hatched her. :)

  15. Wow! I can't believe how quickly that jumped. Only 200 to go. :D

  16. You're welcome! I'll help in any way I can.

  17. It won't be long. I'm heading to my SDB now.

  18. I'm sending them your way now. I only have 5 you don't have. (Bubble, Ash, Rock, Dust, and Hail.)

  19. Do you have very many Mote types? I have a bunch I can send you.

  20. Yes I got it. I got it when I was scrambling to get more avatars for the ALP.

  21. I saw that! Congrats. :)

  22. I haven't checked yet. I've been focusing on the Lost Desert. I'm 72% done. And I still have 3 I think, that are under 200k to buy.

  23. I know! I'd had the Angry Air one, for probably nearly a year. But I wanted to show off my Space Faerie. I'll probably end up going back. And I saw! It's awesome you got that RE!

  24. Once I got the Angry Air one, I never changed it, until I got the Space Faerie. I would probably only change it for the Snowager, Grundo Plushie... or I don't know what else. Probably Faerie Bubbles.

  25. I remember when you were using that. Back when you used to change default avatars at least twice a day. :P I'll have to check that one out too.

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