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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. Good luck! You'll do amazing :) I'm sure of it. Let me know how it goes.

  2. Divya, make me go play games. Or go play NQ or something. I can't decide what to do.

  3. I will! I just have to get more NC. I only have 75 right now. But I mentioned wanting more for Christmas.

  4. :D That's what TDNTwins are for. Besides, we don't think. We know.

  5. I'm sure you'll do well. They obviously realized how awesome you were, and the interview will just prove that even more.

  6. Aitvara. They look really cute on her.

  7. working on the Lever of Doom avatar.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. livvy


      Best of luck to you! I still can't force myself to try.

    3. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean

      20k? Thats a lot! Let me know when you get it! I am curious to see how much np you have to spend. I hope it isnt too much...

    4. Spritzie


      I know :( It's horrible. But I guess a lot of people have spent even more than that.

  8. How do you do on the phone? Are you fairly relaxed or are you really nervous?

  9. I'm sure you'll do well :) How do they decide whether you get it or not? That "saving the world" essay you wrote.. was that for the college, or the scholarship?

  10. Good luck with your interview on Wednesday!

  11. I need to get the Frozen Branch wings. I think I will.

  12. just got an HP Netbook! Now I have a reliable computer at home.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. antiaircraft


      :O Is it an HP Mini? A Mini 110? If so, we have the same computer model. xD

    3. Spritzie


      Well, it's a Pavilion dm1. It's pretty much a mini. It's screen is about 1.5 inches bigger than the minis, I think.

    4. -Ryan


      Is it shiny?

  13. I know. I want some awesome wings :(

    She looks adorable! What petpet are you going to get her?

  14. There's a new set of wings in the NC Mall. But they're Ilere Collectors Wings... so they're part of the NC collectors stuff. They're 250 NC, instead of the usual 150.

  15. I would be able to read her more books, if I'd part with a few of the ones in my SDB that I love but only have one of. I have a few Faerie books like that.

  16. Which ones are those? I was her to be super smart. :)

  17. I do need to go to the book stores, instead of the SW. But you never know where will be cheaper.

  18. I know! It's crazy. She's UG 319, but only 196 of that is books. I need to start buying her more books, but I was just doing the cheaper ones to start with. But she got 9 new books yesterday.

  19. Only 196. She's been getting a lot of intelligence boosts from Coltzan and the Faerie Crossword.

  20. Oh well. I was happy with the 35k. Then I ended up reading the rest of them to Aitvara. She's now an Ultimate Genius 319.

  21. I didn't find any selling for over 8k. It must have been the 10 game one. I sold that for 35k. Most were selling for 36k.

  22. I must go search them all right now. I want 100k.

  23. I haven't messed with the books much yet. Which book is worth 100k? I need to get them sold/read.

  24. Me too. I love the Rainbow one, and the foggy foreground. I'm debating whether to read the books to Aitvara or not.

  25. I was hoping for NC or something, but I agree. We did get some really cool prizes, like the Backgrounds and books.

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