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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. True, but you helped it along. It wasn't ready to be thought of yet.

  2. Nope. Hadn't crossed my mind yet.

  3. Yes... DC... that's totally what I meant...

  4. Green is okay, but purple is better.

  5. Nope. I just like pink better than blue. :D

  6. Next time, I'm letting her get to at least 3-4 pages though...

  7. Time for a reset. Here you go Divya. :P

  8. just got lent FQD and Chokato! :D

    1. Divya Bean

      Divya Bean

      Congratulations on the avatars! *dies* Thats a lot of avvies you got there!

    2. Spritzie


      Thank you :D I had a great avatar day. 3 in one day, since I got the game one.

  9. :D I'm slightly sorry Ryan. But only slightly.

    The coat is on Spritzie. :D

  10. I just got the Regal Altador Dress and the Pink Plaid Coat. I'm about to get a GB cap though.

  11. Spritzie is sleeping when you need her. Looks like Divya won, Ryan. :P

  12. Yay! I love the dress. What else did you get?

  13. I know. :P I don't really like them either. But it just popped into my head.

  14. True. The first thing I thought of was the Chokato, for some reason. :P

  15. I know! That would be cool. Plus, it would balance nicely. 2 dragons (sort of) Draik and Shoyru. Both blueish colors. Then 2 food pets. Coconut and Chocolate. :D I think that's what I'd do.

  16. Haha you're as confused as me. I have no idea. I have to have Spritzie and Aitvara on my main. So that means I'd have to move either Lil or my Cocojub to a side. To keep things even, I should probably move Lil.

  17. You mean the one on my Jubjub? I was thinking about that. I need to figure out what account I'll have the Chocolate one on. If it's my main, I have that BG. If it won't be, then I need to buy another gram and save to send to the account.

  18. Me too. :D Or some chocolate/candy treats from other countries. There's so many possibilities.

    He has a huge list of Maraquan pets he likes. :D I just hope I get another FFQ so I can get the avatar and get the Maraquan Buzz for him.

  19. Once I'm closer to the amount I'll need, I'll start looking at cool names for Chocolate.

    And yes. He will need 2 more to fill the account. He hasn't figured out which ones though.

  20. Exactly! But now it will be longer before she can be painted Desert, then Royal. I need all my NP to go to my next Draik. After that, I can go for the PBs.

  21. :D Chocolate just wouldn't work right for Aitvara.

    Yep. He's thinking of doing a Maraquan account. He has a Maraquan Grarrl now, so add in a Maraquan Buzz. Then he would only need two more.

  22. I hope you get yours soon. :D

    If I get a second one, I'll use the first one to make a Maraquan Buzz for Shawn and get the avatar, then save up for the Draik.

  23. Aitvara has to be Faerie. So I'm saving for another Draik.

  24. Thank you :D I'm so excited! I'm so glad they ended up doing this event. I have no idea when I would have gotten one otherwise.

  25. I got the item for 230k, so I can now paint a Draik Chocolate when I get another one. :D

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