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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. Finally done with DD. AAA: 29 Abigail: 2. Nova Defender & Jumpin Gem Heist, if I see you next year, I will be ready for you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spritzie


      Thank you :D I waited as long as I could, trying to get them. I finally went with Abigail at about 11pm NST last night.

    3. Iona


      I had challenged AAA for all of them, as a sort of motivation.

      When the 1st of April reached us, they gave me Abigail's prizes for the ones I didn't manage to beat AAA on anyway, so I didn't leave empty handed on any of them :)

    4. wistiria12


      Spritzie is the new game master go go spritzie :D

  2. Yes I did. I got the 1000 Dubloon as my very first Dubloon. I thought I'd try for the avatar, then I promptly turned into a mine. The only mine in the game. I felt pretty pathetic. haha

    No luck so far. Tonight and tomorrow are my last chances for those 2.

  3. I'm down to 2. Nova Defender and Jumpin Gem Heist. I managed to get Dubloon Disaster. (I got really, really lucky.)

    How are you doing with DD?

  4. AAA: 25/27. Nova Defender and Jumpin Gem Heist to go.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Iona


      Evil. I got 49800 on JGH. 200 off :(

    3. Spritzie


      I haven't even tried JGH today. With the crazy work day I've had, and the headache I have starting, I'll wait until tonight.

    4. Iona


      Sorry about your headache :/

      Good luck!

  5. I finally got Petpet Cannonball and Turmac Roll. But the other 3 are fighting me big time. And I'm running low on time to get them completed.

  6. Because I've been so spacey this week... (or longer) Happy Birthday! :D

  7. Hey :) Things are going pretty well. I start my work week again tomorrow.

    I did see the new petpet. It is really cute. I especially love the blue color.

  8. I'm playing Petpet Cannonball right now. I keep knocking their brains around by shooting them into the side of the barrel. But I plan to get that, and Turmac Roll here soon. Then I'll have the rest of the day for the other 3.

  9. Now I have 5 challenges. Those 2, Jumpin Gem Heist, and i haven't had time for Petpet Cannonball or today's yet. Things have just gotten so crazy.

  10. Ummm. Kinda. I'm currently 19/21 AAA. The 2 challenges I'm going to get AAA on, I hope, but I haven't done them yet. (Nova Defender and Dubloon Disaster.)

  11. I think I got Sutek's Tomb avatar just before last year's DD. I remember barely being able to get the score, using the code for more time. I've practiced it a ton, since I love the game, so this year I got over 12k, without using the time code. :D

  12. I know what you mean. Those are the majority of the ones I don't have. Recently, I've gotten close to Snowmuncher, but not close enough.

  13. Well, it looks like Divya is otherwise busy. Do I need to step in and take her place here until she can get back?

  14. They're pretty. :D I'm graphically challenged. I can't do anything with graphics.

  15. Your new avatar of Jet is so pretty! :D I love the softened colors.

  16. I didn't know about many, many avatars until I discovered TDN in 2009. All the secret avatars I had, I got by accident, stumbling across the solution. Now, I try to keep up to date on all the avatars, and how to get them.

  17. Awww. That sounds like fun. I would have joined you.

    I got the other 2 king ones easily, but the Jester one fought me. (Ironically, I got the Skarl - Moody one while trying for the Jester one.)

  18. currently working on Nova Defender. AAA, must you be such an over-achiever?

    1. Iona


      Good luck. I'm still stuck on that too :( & Also Usul Suspects... useless at both games.

      About to attempt today's double dare, never played the game before.

    2. Spritzie


      I did okay with Usul Suspects... I was just caught off-guard by how fast paced things got, as I almost never play it beyond 300 points.


      How'd you do on today's? It's pretty easy, but tedious.

    3. Iona


      Yeah the card game one was exactly as you said, easy but tedious.

  19. I finally got the Blumaroo Jester avatar today! Now I can stop being jealous when I see yours. :P (Though it's no longer your default. But it was)

  20. I bet you are. :D I haven't been trying for all that long, plus I don't do it as many times a day as I could. I need to start being better about remembering.

  21. YAY! Congrats on finally getting the Buried Treasure avatar! I have hope now. :D

  22. I'm so spacey. No, I haven't traded the wig yet. It's in my SDB, I think. (Or in my closet.)

  23. Thank you :) I've gotten pretty lucky so far with games I'm good at, or games I've gotten with practice. :D

  24. Current standing: AAA - 13/13!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. khaos


      so you beat kou-jong? how is that even possible?? 3 rounds and your done you only get like 100 or 200. '-.-

    3. Tank Girl

      Tank Girl

      That's amazing! Good luck with Nova Defender, I've found it so hard :(

    4. Spritzie


      Javi, I beat Kou-Jong with a score of 1037. I played on Hard.


      And thank you Shannon. I don't think I'm going to get Nova Defender. Definitely not today. But I guess I do have 17 more days to get the score.

  25. It does actually look kinda cool.

    I think the set looks best on Brown, Christmas, Purple, and Shadow.

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