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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. Yay! I look forward to seeing it. I keep wanting to change mine a bit, but I never know what to add.

  2. Very epic profile :P The pictures are awesome.

  3. Anisha! You've had your break. It's time to come back now. :D

  4. Thank you :) Not anything particularly exciting, but it was a good day. I was off work so I got to spend the day with my husband.

  5. Welcome to TDN :D

    Your Faerie Draik is gorgeous. I've been waiting to paint mine Faerie. I was supposed to paint her Faerie yesterday, but I haven't been able to make myself do it yet, since I just painted her Desert a few days ago.

  6. Thank you :) I did have a great day. I got to spend it all with my husband.

  7. Wow. I guess I did. :P

  8. Thank you :D

  9. Thank you very much! :D I'm off-work for it this year, so hopefully I'll end up with some interesting plans.

  10. Welcome to the team. :D Congrats on being Content staff.

  11. why must work go absolutely crazy after I get back from a nice, extra long weekend?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tank Girl

      Tank Girl

      Gahh that sounds horrid! I hope it lets up soon!! :( xx

    3. Tank Girl

      Tank Girl

      as in, I hope you finish work soon lol :P

    4. Spritzie


      I hope things settle down for the rest of the day. I'm here for about 5.5 more hours.

  12. I only have to keep it up for 3 more days. Unfortunately, I'm off work until Monday, so I won't be able to use my free time at work, or my slightly quicker work computer to help me.

  13. I'm determined to max SOSD each day though I don't know how well that will go. I'm about 350 short for today, and I'm probably going to have to call that good enough.

  14. I'm trying to keep up with playing, but I'm getting so tired. I'm only still going because I have to help us win. :D

  15. :D I've never been to the WAM board. I need to do that.

  16. The results from yesterday are up. :D We swept Roo Island.

  17. finally reached rank 15! Now whether to try for rank 16 or not...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. khaos


      finally reached beginner!!

    3. DeAndra


      Dedication I wish I could have lol. I gave up on Rank 7, I may pick it back up though.

    4. Angeló


      go for All-Star :)

  18. off to focus on SOSD. I need to hit rank 14 today.

    1. Iona


      Good luck :)

      I'm still rank 1. Pretty annoyed with myself because I'd wanted to get to at least rank 10 this year but for some reason I lost interest rather early in the tournament.

    2. Spritzie


      Thank you :) I just hit rank 14 about 3 minutes ago. I was sick of SOSD after day 2, but I just kept pushing, because it was something to do here at work.

    3. Iona


      Congrats :)

  19. finally got the Secret Lab Map for my main account. :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spritzie


      Thanks. I've had the lab ray on my side for over a year now. It was past time to get it for my main.

    3. hrtbrk


      Woop! Enjoy zapping :D

    4. Spritzie


      Thanks. :D So far, nothing for either. 2 level losses both days, and a name change and level change for my petpet. But hopefully, I'll get some interesting changes soon. (And the avatars.)

  20. A jet sounds like a good idea.

  21. See? Then we're all set. :D

  22. Definitely Divya. But I think Anisha would too. How could she say no to hanging out with us? :D

  23. Well... no. But I do have a crossbow. (Which is a completely different story.)

    But still, they'd come with us with maybe only a little convincing.

  24. No need. I think they'll both come with us willingly.

  25. How about next week?

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