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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. When we got him (we'll have had him for 7 years this December.), I still lived with my parents. After a couple moves on my own, my parents kept him until I was settled, which didn't happen until my mom wouldn't part with him.

  2. Thank you :) His name is Cairo. My parents have him though. My mom is too attached to give him back.

  3. Hey :) I'm waiting until I paint her Desert for the clothes, then I'll go ahead with Faerie. I have the PB waiting in my SDB. So hopefully soon.

  4. finally getting towards the end of NeoQuest!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Spritzie


      Eevee pointed me to a really nicely put together guide: http://www.idnq-guide.com/


      They have walk-throughs by different people. (I use hystvxk's) And maps, info on bosses and NPCs.)

    3. phyxius_on


      you go girl...thats one game I really dont like hehhehhe

    4. Spritzie


      Thanks. I have such a short attention span. I've been working on the first NQ for... like... 4 months. It's really sad. haha

  5. Yeah it is. I really wasn't expecting that. It sucks too, because our internet was down one night, so my husband missed one early on, and he's the negg fanatic, so he didn't get it either.

  6. I'm so torn about painting Spritzie. Of my 4 first pets. (Which were all I had for about 7 years) only 1 was painted. (My Rainbow Jubjub) I just couldn't bring myself to paint the others. But now my Kougra is Speckled. I'm hoping to find the perfect color for each one.

  7. Your Aisha looks really nice. I love the way the face paint looks on her. It matches nicely with yellow. :)

  8. I really need to stop forgetting about Habitarium so much.

  9. Congrats on Super Member :D

  10. back to having a normal work week. :D

  11. I know :( I waited until the very last minute... 11:30pm NST on the last day, but I just couldn't get it.

  12. Hey! You have been MIA. No I didn't. I ended with AAA: 29, Abigail: 2. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't beat AAA at Nova Defender or Jumpin Gem Heist.

  13. training a new employee this week, so I won't be around much until later this week.

  14. Are we going to be seeing vacation pictures soon? :D

  15. Divya... where are you? :( I haven't seen you on Neopets in a day or so.

  16. You're welcome :D I'm glad I could help.

    (And don't worry, it happens.) :)

  17. That's good enough for me. :D... for now.

  18. So now that TDN is working again, that means you'll be here every waking moment right? RIGHT? :P

  19. Yay!!! Welcome back. :D How did you fix it? (And if you fixed it, does that mean you also broke it?)

  20. That sounds like a good plan. We should do that.

  21. Me too. I miss having her on here. I'll have to send her a NM and see if maybe it's working again.

  22. Yeah, it's hard because only the forums aren't loading. The rest of TDN and all other sites are working fine.

  23. Yeah. Last time we talked about it in Neomails, she couldn't get the forums to load, even after trying everything she, and Theo, could think of.

  24. Sounds like a good plan. :D

    I need to check and see if her issue with TDNF loading has been resolved yet.

    And welcome back.

  25. Are there anything that makes one more important over the other? My husband's favorite is Brightvale, but he ended up with Darigan Citadel because he loves Darigan pets and petpets.

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