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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. He is. I stopped by my parents' and saw him after work this afternoon. I think it's been 2 weeks since his surgery and he's back to normal. My dad says he's back to jumping up on their display cases, which are over 7 feet tall. o_O

  2. Thanks :D Actually, the next picture taken after my profile one, he promptly put his paws on my face and pushed me away, like "Hey, put me down"

  3. Yeah. I've been a member for nearly 2 years now. And I probably hit Super Member a few months later.

  4. I think I had the other one from shortly after I became a Super Member. And this one was taken almost exactly 3 years ago. November 2008, when my sister and I went to Las Vegas.

  5. Thank you :) I decided I'd had my other one up for too long, and it was time for a change.

  6. I have a cleared spot on my main account, so when Alynniae hits 7 days here in a few hours, you can transfer her to me at any time and I'll start battling the scientist and let you know as soon as her gender is changed. (Then I can transfer her back tomorrow.) :)

  7. It's good to have you back. :) And we definitely are warm and homey. :P

  8. Welcome back :)

  9. just got the gold trophy for Cellblock!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Spritzie


      I won't be playing again, now that I have the gold trophy and avatar. It's not kind of game I'd play for fun.

    3. Mouseykins


      I know as soon as I get that gold trophy I'm NEVER playing cellblock again.

    4. Spritzie


      My thoughts exactly! I haven't touched it since the trophy.

  10. Thank you :D He's my baby. (Even though he's 7 years old.) His name is Cairo. :)

  11. I've always gotten tons of regular Faerie Quests, just never the FFQ. I don't actually do well with the expensive REs either. I always got tons of Codestones, but until recently, never got a Nerkmid, PB, or Transmog.

  12. I've just never had good luck with them. There's been several TDN members that have gotten several in a short time.

  13. I've only gotten one. I got it during the Faerie Quest event. Otherwise, I'd been playing for 9 years without ever getting one.

  14. Definitely not. It was okay when she was cheaply painted, but I can't risk Water. (I used a FFQ in the first place.)

  15. She's painted Water, so it'd be super expensive to re-paint her if she got hit by a color changing RE. She's already been hit by Boochi once, back when she was painted Christmas.

  16. Thank you :D I do too. It's great to get to see her on here every day, since she can't be my active pet anymore.

  17. Cairo is going in for surgery Thursday morning

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Spritzie


      I talked to my mom today. It's definitely irritable bowel. And unfortunately, it's chronic, so he'll have it for the rest of his life and will have to be watched and treated for it. Right now, he's on a mix of dry and wet food and seems to be doing well.

    3. Mouseykins


      Awww I'm sorry to hear that. *hugs*

    4. Spritzie


      Thanks. :) It's better than some of the other things it could have been. I guess the doctor was actually concerned he might have cancer, because he had the same symptoms as another cat that ended up having cancer. But the biopsies said no cancer for sure.

  18. Thank you :) I have so much fun working on customizations for her, though her current one is going to pretty much be her permanent one. I think it just works perfectly for her.

  19. just bought a Pirate Draik Egg. Time to think of the perfect name.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Mouseykins


      I think I'll most likely get a Faerie Draik probably soon. I agree they are absolutely gorgeous! So far my pet names are kind of lame so I'll have to think of the perfect name.

    3. Spritzie


      When you get ready to hatch your Draik, let me know and I'll help with names. :D I love doing that.

    4. Mouseykins


      Thanks I will do that! I'll let you know when I hatch it after I buy the egg of course. :)

  20. Thank you. :D Time sure does go by quick.

    I had it off of her for awhile today while I was messing with different outfits.

  21. It kind of does. I'd never thought of that, though the shades you used are perfect, because I think of the ocean and flames when I see it, and that's exactly what I wanted. :D

  22. I just saw it. Thank you! I'm uploading it right now. :D

  23. I probably shouldn't have stayed up all night playing Maple Story since I go back to work tomorrow morning.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mouseykins


      Ok sounds interesting. I used to play a game similar to that called Fate.

    3. Alynniae


      maple story is awesome, it just doesn't work on any of our computers anymore :'(

    4. Spritzie


      It worked fine on my old desktop. We had to mess with it a bit to get it to work on my new laptop. It's just a bit slow starting up.

  24. Finally done with work for the week! The end couldn't come quickly enough.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Spritzie


      I have to see what he wants to do. He'd probably rather go out to dinner than have a cake.


      Yeah he does.

    3. Sweetdang


      Then is he here on TDNF? :D

    4. Spritzie


      He has an account, but he hasn't been logged in for nearly a year now.

  25. That's good. I'm glad she's starting to eat and get a bit better.

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