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Status Updates posted by Spritzie

  1. It wasn't until I saw your avatar that I made the connection. How is Mouse doing now?

  2. I love your name change! I just now realized it was you. (I'm very slow today.)

  3. There's nothing quite like a glass of ice cold Cherry Dr Pepper after a long afternoon.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spritzie


      What is Cockta? I've never heard of it.

    3. Rebeka


      It's a similar drink, invented in ex Yugoslavia - they don't sell it in US. Sadly ;)

    4. Alynniae


      yummie :D gotta ♥ cold drinks ;)

  4. I think of it more as a fire elemental thing, but he says earth. It's probably wishful thinking that they'd do something else fire related.

  5. I fail to see the point of parking somewhere, then moving to take the parking spot of someone who left while you were still in your car. Yay for you, you just got 3 spots closer to the door.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Spritzie


      I understand if the parking lot is full, like my building is after about... 8 am. After that point, you pretty much only get a spot at the edges, or if someone leaves. But on weekends, there's usually less than 10-15 cars, and there's tons of close spots.

    3. flyingeevee


      Even then they rather not walk all the way up the hill to the buildings, so they still rather park closer <.<

    4. Spritzie


      That's understandable. My parents live behind a college, and though there's large parking lots, it's not enough and kids still part nearly all the way to their house. (They're probably about 3/4 a mile from the school.)

  6. Shawn says the Magma fits what an earth elemental usually looks like. I'm not a fan of it though.

  7. I wish they'd gotten more creative with the Fire PB there is. It's too boring, and Magma is too... I don't know. I don't really like that one either.

  8. The Water Kyrii actually is really cool. I think it turned out awesome.

  9. There's 2 Water pets so far, Draik and Kyrii. (Kyrii was first)

  10. I saw the Water and knew without a doubt that's what I wanted. They're so pretty and fun to customize.

    Exams and studying are over-rated. :P

  11. I'm so glad you're back. :D How are you?

  12. Thank you :D I used my FFQ on Draik Day to paint her. I decided I liked Water tons more than Faerie.

  13. I don't do it to hide. As you said, it's obvious I'm around, both with mod edits, and posts I make. I've just been feeling like it recently, I don't know why.

  14. finally, almost done with the work week... less than 2 hours to go.

  15. I saw your post on the Forgotten Shore daily board. The Maractite coins are an album item, like the stamps, scarabs and coins. That's the only use they'll have.

  16. Note to Self: Never go to work without desk and house keys. It makes work, and getting home, difficult.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mouseykins


      I was lucky especially since I had Kiele with me and it was a little chilly outside. I feel bad for you having to wait hours for your husband to wake up. A couple years ago my husband was supposed to pick me up after work since it wasn't safe for me to walk home having to cross a busy highway and walk down by the dark ravine. He was at home sleeping and didn't even hear the phone or the answering machine and i yelled into the phone and its shocking he didn't wake up lol. I'm g...

    3. Spritzie


      I'm glad your neighbor helped. I just went and spent the afternoon with my mom. (I generally do after work on Wednesdays anyway.) This happened once before, except I got off at 7pm, and he had the door blocked, not having meant to fall asleep. I called for nearly 2 hours from the parking lot, killing his phone, before a dog barking woke him.

    4. Mouseykins


      At least you had some place to go.

  17. So TJ... time for a new status again. It's officially been a year. :P

  18. :P My cat is more like the typical cat. In my experience, most cats don't like to be messed with a whole lot.

  19. He's just weird that way. My sister's cat is more like a dog. He loves being pet, playing, riding in the car, walking on a leash. My cat just likes sleeping. And he's specific about when he wants attention, who he wants it from, and how much he gets.

  20. Yeah, kind of. He likes being around people, but he doesn't like being picked up or pet much. He'll usually come and nap in the room that everyone is in, but if you start petting him too much, he'll get up and move somewhere else.

  21. I don't mind. :) My sister has a cat that looks just like him (they're both brown tabbies) so when Cairo was a kitten, he looked so much like her cat, she ran around picking him up all the time. And he's one of those cats that doesn't like being messed with much.

  22. Actually, yes. She knows it's not safe. He used to just hiss when she went by him, now he actually chases her. She doesn't drop by often.

  23. He only scratches when he gets into playing too much and doesn't realize he's being too rough. And he's fairly shy. He usually just sniffs around visitors. (Except my sister. He doesn't like her, so he chases her around, hissing at her.)

  24. :P No. He's an inside cat. He only goes outside if someone is holding him.

  25. Thank you :D Knowing him, probably a bird. He loves watching the birds outside my parents' house. He'll lay down by the door to the porch, and just watch them.

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