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Everything posted by Secre

  1. Thanks! I'll keep trying and hope for the 16. I'd say it's not likely but I didn't think 15 was likely either. My GPG average currently stands at 9.7 which is definitely an increase from 8.17. Most of my games now are around the 10-11 goal mark, but I had several appalling games yesterday with 3 goals and 5 goals respectively due to the Darigan ball which would have completely wiped out the bonus from my two 15-0 games!!
  2. So who's hit All-Star already? And who's getting close?
  3. And two 15 goal matches today!! First time since they changed the game to the new design I think. First time 15-1, but second time... second time...
  4. I admit, I took the weekend off again - this time by complete choice though, rather than thinking one of the days was an off day! I figured that as my attention span was so limited late last week, I'd be much better going into this week fresh!
  5. I just did the actual maths - this year it is 740 YYB games to get to All-Star and the year I managed to hit level 16 I played 1135 games of YYB, 1960 of SOSD and 162 of SS so yep, it is definitely easier to progress through those ranks by quite a long way. Double all star this year would likely be the equivalent of All-Star in AC V... which bleeding heck, was ten years ago!!
  6. Oh I know that all too well... that doesn't stop me from trying... and hey, if it gets me my mojo back for even a single day, I'll take that and run with it!! YYB maxed for the day! Onto SOSD!! I need 35 to get to the next level now.
  7. I've got another 7 games until I've maxed YYB today - I'm finding Meridell's formation much easier to take than Roo Island's and my mojo has returned in wanting to help smash Meridell for the top spot if possible!! I've barely touched SOSD today though, so that's my next go to. I doubt I'll then have time for the other two games in honesty. But yes, particularly as the first three goals are easy and the opponent only starts to get really agressive at ball 5 or 6!! Good luck on reaching your next level!
  8. Congrats! Level 17 is my personal best and I'm looking at smashing that providing I don't have too many more off-days!! Today is the day to play if there ever was one - if we smash Meridell then we might get that first podium place!
  9. At level 16, I'm now at the point where I can't level up by just maxing out YYB and that's going to hit my motivation even harder I suspect! In the early days I managed to max both YYB and SOSD, but yesterday I didn't even max YYB, I admit and only played a paltry 50 SOSD games! And 8-2 isn't bad. Reddit is full of people who struggle to reach 5 goals, so you're in the decent bracket instantly!! It's disheartening though. I had a series of bad games with lots of Darigan balls, a really aggressive team and already low motivation! First game of today and my second ball is Darigan. Not a good start! Good on you!! My regimen had been to max out YYB and SOSD but my motivation to do so yesterday was so minimal and it seemed to infect everything else!! Yep, your goal average is significantly better than mine! That didn't help yesterday - I had multiple appalling games, but I was not going to lose the points by not sending when I really didn't want to play anymore! Hah! Congratulations on reaching your goal! Today's motivation is going to have to be that we're playing Meridell and if there is any chance to get to the first place in the podium... today is the day!!! I'm not saying yesterday was the first day I lost motivation, but it's the first day I let that lack of motivation really impact the number of games I played. I find SS too slow and MSN hurts my fingers, but SOSD I can play to max quite easily, so I tend to focus on YYB and SOSD and let everybody else worry about the rest. Unfortunately, the rest of my team seems to do the same!!
  10. ....has definitely got up and gone. Half way through the second week, level 15 with 16 games to level 16... my motivation is running desperately dry. I knew this was coming... EDIT: Made it to rank 16 and that's me done for the day!!
  11. Thank you! Very much appreciated! Still not bad for three points training worth!
  12. So far 14 is the highest I've managed! I usually seem to take about three seconds to score the first goals and then it can take significantly longer later in the game!! I'm definitely better with the faerie than the darigan ball now. The faerie one I take obnoxiously close to the goal and hope for the best. The darigan I'm doomed!!
  13. And another one if anyone can help me out!
  14. I think you just have to keep playing until you get there. Personally, I just mine level 1 for the easy neopoints whenever I can be bothered...
  15. For years and years, I have had the same squadron of main pets with two on a side account and my youngest pet was Altarego at 2242 days old. I'm not sure what the heck lockdown has done to me, but I've apparently had an epiphany that I need more pets as I now have: Floofball a new petpet won on April 30th but formally adopted once I discovered his Tyrannian paintjob on May 13th Firena adopted on May 29th SneezlesForNeezles born on May 29th And Otaas adopted on June 9th I have also decided that I want a Darigan Gelert, so a morphing potion may be brought soon as my final pet space is being saved for a Draik!
  16. I'm a data manager in Cancer Research working with a university - despite my English degree, I have found my place there and would like to progress through the ranks. I have a firm goal to get a book published even if it doesn't make me vast amounts of money though!
  17. Thanks! I seem to be more consistently scoring 10-11 points now rather than 8-9 and I've re-learned how to get that Faerie ball in! My goal average has crept up from 8.1 to 8.7! The Darigan is still my nemesis mind you!
  18. I really need to stop going to the pound... I just adopted a JubJub... who is a very cute Clay... and who might become stealth at some point in the future!
  19. I know this isn't a huge achievement in the grand scheme of things and many of you can get 14 goals quite easily, but this is the first time I've managed it so whoot, whoot, whoot!
  20. Thank you! I was clearly being as blind as a bat... as per usual really!
  21. This is my team: I admit to making it up as I go along, although I've added KikoCat in due to a previous post!
  22. Yep, that's exactly what I did I admit! Just to check!!
  23. Ah, yes, the hubris shines forth loud and clear. I suppose it must be a mixed bag - people would be flattered at being thought good enough to join etc!! But yes, it does take some of the fun out of it for the majority of us!!
  24. That's my current hypothesis, I'm trying to think of other hypothesis to include in the article to make it a little more well rounded I have to admit!
  25. Thats another useful tip... I have been whacking those in my shop, but that's a far more useful way of doing things!
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