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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/24 in all areas

  1. You're very welcome @Cuddlesoftness! Hmm, by "bomb", do you mean Varia is the Bomb? You could I suppose, but if you got a Grapes of Wrath from The Void Within Prize Shop, you'd have a multi-use weapon that is 1 icon shy of Varia is the Bomb, which is only Once Per Battle, and save several million+ NP on buying a Varia is the Bomb. It's up to you and whatever your budget is of course. Of course, you will need to battle something during the plot to get prize points for those parts of the plot too. I can't read TNT's minds, but I would think your Void Blades should be enough offense to see you through that far at least. Anyway, when the battle portion comes out, we'll be testing the opponents to find out their equipment and abilities. LOTS of intentionally prolonged battles. Oy! lol But we'll get that info up as soon as we can. Once we know the equipment they have, I can come up with good strategies to fight them if needed. I think that's my favorite part of battling. Coming up with underdog strategies that work to win. XD
    2 points
  2. The ray is fired at 16B... ... and he changes colour to Strawberry!! The ray is fired at randomsilliness... ... and he changes colour to Skunk!! Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that. Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
    1 point
  3. Used your link. Good luck everyone! Here's my link: https://gleam.io/t6BuI-BXyub5932G-4l4cq
    1 point
  4. Hiya @Cuddlesoftness! I'd be glad to help ya! And thanks @Mouseykins for the tag! Ok, so Mouseykins is SPOT ON with changing your healer, Feel Better Soup has apparently gone up in price slightly since the plot began. But it's still around 600k on the Super wiz, a STEAL considering what I paid like a decade ago when I traded for my Bag of Healing Dust. x_x. They heal the same amount, 50% of your max HP, but Feel Better Soup also blocks 100% of Air icons on the turn that it's used. Quite useful if you're dealing with an air-wielding opponent on the turn you need to heal. H4000 helmet might come in handy since TNT did say that there would be opponents during the plot that would give even the Veteran battlers a hard time. Sure you're above level 400 so you've probably got both Lens Flare and Warlock's Rage, giving you 2 free turns to attack. But you might need a 3rd free turn during the plot, so if you don't want to keep the H4000 helmet equipped for now, I wouldn't sell it just yet either. You CAN, but with TNT, it's best to err on the side of caution. You definitely don't need your Scarab Ring. Not with your Strength and Defense boosts maxed out. Unless you league-battle, which is doubtful since you said you don't 2p battle. lol So, you can definitely get rid of that. Anyway, and then you've got 2 Void Blades, which are quite decent at 16 icons each. Assuming you keep them and add in Feel Better Soup, and keep the H4000 Helmet in the line-up, for now. That leaves you 4 slots you can fill. So, there are several worthwhile weapons in The Void Within Prize Shop. I posted a list of them in another thread, so I'll just copy them here for you and add some suggestions for other items you might find useful. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In The Void Within Prize Shop, the best ones to look at are Wand of the Dark Faerie, Grapes of Wrath, Thunder Sticks, Thyoras Tear, and Extra Loud Techo Fanatic Megaphone Wand of the Dark Faerie can be gotten from Jhudora's quests, the 50th quest. It can do 20-29 icons of damage, reflects 75% light, no other defense, and heals 25% of your HP when it's below 25% of Max. Grapes of Wrath is a Smuggler's Cove item, 24 icons, multiuse. 1 icon less than Varia is the Bomb. Thunder Sticks, was from a couple AC's ago. 16 icon attack, defends 100% physical and freezes 100% once per battle. Thyoras Tear. r99 and still restocks at Defence Magic. Once per battle it will negate ALL damage done on the turn it is used. Like Downsize! but double the power. lol Extra Loud Techo Fanatic Megaphone, from last year's AC. Like Roxtons Trusty Bowie Knife, it has a 15 icon attack and Blocks 75% of an element, only this one blocks 75% AIR. When this is used with Roxton's Knife, which blocks 75% of Earth, you can severely reduce the power of a Super Attack Pea to 25% of it's max power. Provided your opponent has and uses a SuAP on the turn you use these 2 weapons together of course. The other weapons are less than you'd want for your set. Void Blade, you've got 2 already, and Gemmed Sword of Light, despite their vast price difference, both do 16 icons. lol The Grey weapons are even weaker. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I did alter some of the text slightly to be more applicable to your situation. Of the items I mentioned when talking about the prize shop prizes. Varia is the Bomb, was from the Fragments mini-plot from last year, I think it was? It does 25 icons, is once per battle, but doesn't actually count as a Bomb-type weapon. I have one equipped while still being able to have my Ghostkerbomb equipped. lol It's pseudo useful, but once per battle makes it better for taking down opponents in the first round. Downsize! Another Once Per Battle item. This one blocks 50% damage on the turn it is used once per battle, Quite useful against stronger opponents when you are mostly an offensive battler and need to defend. When I was a less experienced battler, I would use it during the same turn as my healing item to preserve as much of my HP that round as I could. And they are cheap. About 3,000-4,000np at Defence Magic or in Player Shops. Rarely goes higher. I think the highest I've ever seen it was around 6k in player shops. Roxtons Trusty Bowie Knife You might already have this in your SDB, if you didn't sell it. Like Feel Better Soup, this was a freebie from an Advent Calendar. It has a 15 icon attack, and blocks a solid 75% of incoming Earth icons. As I stated above for the Megaphone, combining this with the Megaphone will drastically reduce the power of the Super Attack Pea, but, Roxtons Trusty Bowie Knife on it's own, will reduce the power of ANY of the Pea Family weapons by quite a bit. Considering that the Seasonal Attack Pea is mostly Earth too, and the Attack Pea is ALL Earth. Yeah, this is one decent weapon to consider. I hope that helps, if you have any further questions, feel free to ask. I try to check the forum a couple times a day. Oh yeah, IF TNT Fixes Stealing, and your pet's intelligence is, I forget the exact number required, but let's say above 100. It's actually much less so if you're over 100 then you're good since your Movement/agility is above 200. I would consider a Heavy Robe of Thievery as a possible buy. They used to be buyable, but someone recently told me they were being sold for 3mil now. So, if you have the budget for it. They have minimal defense, but they will let you steal 1 random item from your opponent once per battle. If TNT fixes stealing you, WILL, steal something. During the Obelisk War, it was like a daydream when my attempt to steal from Envy yielded his Prismatic Mirror. I'd gone up against that weapon in a number of prior wars, but it's not available to Neopians. it reflects 81%-100% of ALL Elements, except physical of course. Very fun to use! Allowed me to stay alive a few extra turns against Envy in those battles. My peophin was still pretty "weak" back then, only just barely into the 1 red codestone training zone during that war. Anyway, if I can be of any more help just let me know. Happy battling!
    1 point
  5. Lucky (or not?) to wake up in the middle of the night, and finally found it! OH MY GOODNESS! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I'VE BEEN TRYING FOR THIS FOR YEARS!!!!!!!! Sadly, it looks like it is glitched (what else is new, lol) for people with all the pet slots, so I can't see the korbat that I WOULD have tossed in. Instead, in went the pteri. Eh. Currently I don't have any plans in mind aside from just using her as a daily quest customising monstrosity, so not like it's TOO big of a problem, and now that I know my time, I CAN GO ANY TIME I WANT! WOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  6. GillyTook

    Happy Kau Day!

    I think you might be right? It's just got SO little dark brown comparatively. If it had a bit more, I'd definitely want to paint one of my pets that.
    1 point
  7. Mutant Crabula !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
    1 point
  8. The ray is fired at 16B... ... and he changes colour to Swamp Gas!!
    0 points
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