I've got Void Blade, Lady Blurg Stamp and Tyrannian Pawkeet so far... hopefully I can also get my hands on some of the books before the event ends.
Who would've guessed Paula had moved on to coding events on Neopets?
Ok, time for Topsi hunting! Comin' for ya, mister!!!
My daily ministrations to him don't seem to be being aspecially beneficial, I have to say. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That typo's gonna amuse me forever. x'D
@Angelóyou the kind of employer who forces their staff to work when they're sick, huh??
I've read that the cold virus is so vicious and selfish that there's no room in the body for covid at the same time, so maybe delivering some rhinovirus to every home along with their pizza's not such a terrible idea. I guess that means snot pets will forever be safe from it! Having a permanent cold's a pretty hardcore way of keeping covid away though. @__@
The ray is fired at Burfin...
... and he changes gender!!!!
Spiffy shall now be known as Type Mismatch Error. How nice.