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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/21 in Posts

  1. Hello! I have been playing Neopets for over 16 years. Amazingly I was able to get back into my account. I haven't been on in a very very long time. Decided to check in and made my daughter her own account. Many many years ago I actually used to help out here on TDN. I helped run the ALP and wrote a few game guides! Excited to be back on Neopets and back here on TDN! I was a little surprised when I logged in and saw that there is only like 6 games to play currently. I sure hope they get the others up and running soon. Can't do much with only 6 games - Ashley
    2 points
  2. He's home! Unfortunately both Moth and Ray (my sibling's dog that also lives with us) are treating him like a stranger. Probably because he smells different and is wearing this big blue cone that he keeps trying to get off. That shouldn't last too long. For now it's actually useful because He and Moth have mutual grooming sessions often that can get rough. We were preparing to have to keep them separate but they are doing it for us. He has several medications we have to give him and a special food to eat for the next few weeks to give his intestines a break.
    1 point
  3. Someone dumped a bunch of Slorgs on the Money Tree and I managed to catch 7 of them
    1 point
  4. Thanks for the kind words everyone. You will be happy to hear that he should be ready to come home tomorrow morning. Surgery was needed, and the description of the blockage matches the toy that hung from the cat tree we got them over the summer. It went missing a while ago after they tore the string it was on. There was bruising indicating this wasn't something he had recently swallowed. Poor guy. He must have been in so much pain I pledge to be vigilant about removing damaged cat toys from now on. Going to search the house tomorrow before he gets back. We've been told that if he hadn't been brought in, he would have died within the week. Moth doesn't eat things in the same way, thankfully. Now to get some much needed rest.
    1 point
  5. awww, what a sweet looking kitty, sorry to hear he is sick and hope he is home with you soon
    1 point
  6. I am so sorry to hear about Bombur's troubles. (Great name by the way. My boys are current reading The Hobbit and loving it.) We are a cat family as well so I can imagine the stress you are going through right now. He's a beautiful ginger. We got a ginger named Oz. He's 14. (We tend to get cats in pairs so they keep each other company.) Oz had a litter mate named Shadow - yes he was black but he also always stayed by Oz's side. They even walked in tandem.) We lost him last year to feline epilepsy. He had a massive seizure and passed. (We now have 3 new kittens (all littermates) that are rescues we adopted. We only wanted to get two (to keep Oz company) but the people set to adopt Jinx and Hudu's sister decided at the last minute they didn't want her. Their foster mom offered her to us and we couldn't say no, so that is how we got Queenie. You got Bombur to the vet really quickly and I'm sure he is getting the best possible care. I have hope that he will be home with you very soon. I know it's very stressful but try not to worry and make yourself sick.
    1 point
  7. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that your baby is sick. :[ He looks so sweet. Wishing him a speedy recovery, and hoping you're able to get some well needed, and deserved rest. [Also, I love polydactyl kitties. Their paws are just so cute!]
    1 point
  8. Our cat Bombur (named after the dwarf from The Hobbit) ate something he shouldn't have. Or multiple somethings. He was clearly sick two days ago, and we took him to the vet as soon as he could get an appointment. He's been there since 8:15 AM yesterday, and they may have to do surgery for what is likely an intestinal blockage. I've barely slept the past two nights as a result. He's less than a year old. We got him and his brother Moth last May after losing our 15 year old cat in February of 2020. Bombur is much more outgoing than Moth, and Moth is clearly missing him. Dad says we should be able to pay for his treatment, but it will be a lot. If it brings him home it will have been worth it. Here's a few pictures. I'm upset that I have many more pictures of Moth than Bombur because Bombur is fuzzier and is harder to get a clear picture of. When he gets back I'll be taking many more. Moth is the black and white one, Bombur is orange. Both are polydactyl, so their front paws look like mittens. I should go back to bed, but I'm waiting for news.
    0 points
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