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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/20 in all areas

  1. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 2. bbq 4. nova 8. cobrall 10. bite 12. sink 13. anshu 14. ixi Down: 1. two 3. bib 5. acres 6. tag 7. alton 9. airax 11. ant 13. art Who is responsible for most randm events around Neopia? Answer: Dr Landelbrot Prize: 312 NP
    2 points
  2. I have wanted that item ever since I got my Mutant Draik, but there are so few in circulation I figured it was a pipe dream at best!!! So now, not only does my Draik have his nifty little collar, it's even purple to match his cloak! Dyeworks. Making impossible dreams achievable!
    1 point
  3. Gotta admit, I didn't check the item previews out at all, just passed judgement from afar on the thumbnails. x'D
    1 point
  4. It's one of the few decent items in this batch, I feel. The stuff that can be used by all pets is very pastelly this time around. That collar really stands out as being great colours.
    1 point
  5. Secre

    Food club

    Yeah, that seems to be the normal best time to do it - but as I'd got a 72:10 which would get me nearly a quarter of the way to a trophy on it's own, I thought I'd try my luck. You can hold seven days/eight rounds and the scores reset with all the other games on 1st of the month. So I think the best chances are to start holding on 25th-26th odd depending on if it's a 30/31 day month? Seven days takes you to 1st and if you then collect before midnight on 1st but after food club results are announced you can use that days round as well. If it's after midnight though, the first round will disappear from your run and you will lose that np. Unfortunately yesterday was a bust - Goob evidently did not win! I'm going to hold today and see where I get to, but I suspect I won't be close enough to the big earnings to really have a chance in honesty! Today I have taken out two of the high end safeties in Lagoon to put two safeties on Buck in Treasure Island, making that possibility profitable, but only just in honesty (12:10). I thought after I should have probably done a 'safety boost' if that's even a thing, using Tailhook and buck and then the two 2:1's in Harpoon, instead of a regular safety and a single bet. Slightly more risky, but far more profitable.
    1 point
  6. Angeló

    Food club

    I've always wondered how to win a trophy in this game .. it seems everyone starts holding in the last week
    1 point
  7. aleu1986

    Happy Bruce Day!

    I haven`t really paid attention to the stitching on Zombie pets before (I don`t know if all of them have it) but on the Bruce it`s very pronounced and noticable. It`s not bad, in my opinion, it gives me a Frankensteins monster vibe, which is fitting for the theme of the colour. I like the rotted look of the clothes and their muted colours. The wound on the cheek is so creepy-looking, makes you wonder how he got it! Very well done, I am loving these new Zombie pets, the Ogrin especially really stood out as an amazing addition. The outfit is... I like the theme, but it`s cluttered and too detailed. I don`t like the wings on the helmet or the turqoise colour, the outfit would benefit from being a bit simpler. That said, I like the theme or warriors, battles and armour, so it`s nice to see.
    1 point
  8. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 4. dreeana 5. bite 7. apple 9. nova 10. advent 12. ant Down: 1. acres 2. ruki 3. tag 4. deep 5. bbq 6. benny 7. art 8. pirate 11. verb In 2007, there was a Neovision mini-series released, what was NOT shown on the series? Answer: Fiery Battle Duck Prize: 258 NP
    1 point
  9. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 4. bikiwan 8. one 9. arnold 10. lamp 11. acara 13. ant 14. tag Down: 1. ixi 2. dua 3. bib 5. woodland 6. tea 7. nova 12. art 15. gift What year was the Christmas Grundo Thief Plushie given away in the Advent Calendar? Answer: 2017 Prize: 216 NP
    1 point
  10. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 2. relic 4. acres 6. tag 7. arms 8. nova 10. ruki 11. bite Down: 1. acara 3. fyora 5. anshu 6. two 8. nine 9. art 11. bbq 12. ten You can play in Dacardia in what Neopets game? Answer: Island Builders Prize: 312 NP
    1 point
  11. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 3. alton 4. tag 7. bite 9. ant 10. nova 11. ruki 12. acres Down: 1. bag 2. fortune 5. art 6. bbq 8. envy 10. nine 13. chia 14. sink In the month of gathering, all EXCEPT this pet has their special day? Answer: Chia Prize: 300 NP
    1 point
  12. The ray is fired at pizzadeliveryguy... ... and she changes colour to Chocolate!! i think HR is trying to kill me !!! i had a chocolate hissi not long ago !! that didnt go well
    1 point
  13. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 3. tag 4. ice 6. fortune 7. benny 8. spy 10. nova 12. bite Down: 1. samrin 2. acres 5. drenched 6. fyora 9. pet 11. art 13. ixi 14. eye What does Brucey B credit his success in playing Cheat on? Answer: 392 Prize: 392 NP and Brucey B Biography
    1 point
  14. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 2. bib 5. bbq 6. alton 7. tag 8. fortune 11. advent 13. elephante Down: 1. verb 3. ball 4. shoyru 5. bite 9. nova 10. ant 11. art 12. shy How many Clockwork Grundos can be released by the Box of Clockwork Grundos at one time? Answer: 1-4 Prize: 256 NP
    1 point
  15. The ray is fired at pizzadeliveryguy... ... and she changes into a Green Nimmo!! We hop all the way to your doorstep
    1 point
  16. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 5. acres 6. relic 8. mud 9. station 12. one 13. art Down: 1. green 2. ball 3. fortune 4. armin 5. acara 7. bite 10. tag 11. nova 14. two The Smiley and the Frowny are considered what kind of Petpets? Answer: Aquatic Prize: 300 NP
    1 point
  17. CoconutDragon

    Shockwave games

    Hi there! If you're tech savvy, and you've tried everything else, I'd recommend downloading a virtual machine, running an old windows version on it (I use XP). There are plenty of tutorials online on how to use these programs, and they can explain better than me, but here are the files I use --- Oracle (virtual machine): https://www.oracle.com/virtualization/technologies/vm/downloads/virtualbox-downloads.html and here's Oracle's tutorial: https://oracle-base.com/articles/vm/virtualbox-creating-a-new-vm Operating System: https://archive.org/details/WinXPProSP3x86 and Shockwave: https://filehippo.com/fr/download_shockwave/ (you won't be able to download it within the virtual machine's internet browser, so you need to download it, then drag and drop into the VM, then install it. --- If you don't want to go through all that stress AND you don't care about trophies/avatars/NP (and just want to play for fun): BlueMaxima's Flashpoint is a program with an archive of thousands of old flash and shockwave games that you can download to your desktop. Most Neopets games are on there, including both Hannah games and Gourmet Club Bowls; while Dice Escape and Frumball are on the request list to be added in the future. https://bluemaxima.org/flashpoint/ I hope this helps ^^
    1 point
  18. People would grab it FOR SURE. Did you happen to get another Eyrie? Ankheton name was perfect for a Desert pet though... but I'm sure you can find an equally great one As for me... well... I was enjoying having a Bori... was hoping to get a cool color like Candy, Burlap, Plushie... but... The ray is fired at Luffiere... ... and he changes into a Yellow Chomby!!
    0 points
  19. The ray is fired at Burfin... ... and she goes down to level 1 Ho ho! Do I have news for you, Ray, 'cause I DON'T CARE Burfin can embrace their labrattiness to the full, and wear those crazy stats with pride. But... nothing happens. It makes a kind of 'zzrrrppptttt' sound before shutting down completely. The creepy Kookith shoos you away and appears quite angry, so you hightail it out of there before he shoots some miniature laser beam at you or something.
    0 points
  20. The ray is fired at pizzadeliveryguy... ... and she changes into a Red Quiggle!! Someone already ate the Chocolate Nimmo
    0 points
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