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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/21/20 in all areas

  1. Out of the ones available this time I still need the order's avatar, so I'll pick them
    1 point
  2. The ray is fired at Umbredor... ... and she changes into a Blue Grarrl!! Is this the lab's way of telling me to go for Mosaic Grarrl again?
    1 point
  3. Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
    1 point
  4. all kyriis are perpetually up to something!
    1 point
  5. @CoconutDragon I absolutely love his customization already! I adore spotted Gelerts, and I would never have thought of customizing one like you have! I used to have a Spotted Gelert named OreoCrumb, but I lost her to an unsuccessful pound transfer and the person who grabbed her got frozen not long after painting her checkered. The saddest part about losing her is that back when I made her, I did a drawing of her. It wasn't very good quality, but I was super proud of it. Although this story does have a happy ending, because now I have my beautiful Tahoumaru on one of my side accounts. He's a good spotty boi. ^^ @jellysundae Those customization ideas are all so good! I would have a hard time trying to decide which one to go with if they were for me to choose from! But I might save some of those backgrounds you used and add them to my wishlist because I have some spooky pets that would look even cooler with backgrounds like those! You're really good at customizing! I tend to have trouble finding the perfect background/customization items to make my pets look good. I have a baby Vandagyre that I could only think of using the "Birthday in the Park Background" for. ^^;;
    1 point
  6. Angeló

    The Runway Votes #111

    Thanks for the votes everyone Second place is really nice
    1 point
  7. Yay! I was finally able to get near a computer in time for another Runway Contest!!!! I hope my entry is good enough. I can't wait to see what everyone else makes!
    1 point
  8. Ooh, I love this @MomoShino! I especially like how that background has distance, though I'd NOT want to go investigating down that tunnel, that's for sure. xD. ANNDDD, looking at the other backgrounds you've tried, there's a lot that I'd considered too before DTI kicked me off, lol. That foreground though... EEEK price, but it really ramps up the spooky vibe, doesn't it! Hmm, seeing as someone else has created the kind of vibe I was hoping for; now my brain is wanting me to go off on a tangent, just to be contrary, so let's see what it manages to produce! xD Ok, I've not managed something very different so far, but this Dystopian feel appeals to me. Very end-of-the-world vibe going on, I think. Plus he pops nicely against the red. https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2209639 This is the same set up with the Meridell Castle Silhouette background. The foreground tones down lights really nicely. And I like the emo moodiness of this one, can totally imagine some teen gelert setting this up for their Insta account. xD https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2209651 I'm having fun with this, and I think that EEK! Cover of Darkness Foreground is gonna make it into my closet, because it makes such a difference! Though I restrained myself from using it with that last one; just the Haunted Woods Foreground giving a few fog wisps there, lol. Trying for something with a bit of volcanic action, but not feeling it so far, though there is a vibe going on here. https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2209660
    1 point
  9. @aleu1986 Thank you!! I'm digging the Shenkuu Silhouette and Haunted Woods ones for sure! Ideal ambience @jellysundae I hope it works for you tomorrow! I can't help but be curious about what you found! @MomoShino Wow!!! What a gorgeous combo! It's a shame the foreground is UB but I'll probably end up impulse buying it anyway
    1 point
  10. https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/2209221 Quick something I came up with ^^
    1 point
  11. The ray is fired at misterFloo... ... and he loses two levels
    0 points
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