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So, with the new pet slot available for all users, i hatched a draik egg, but it turned out to be a female when what i wanted was a male. Then i turned that draik into a krawk because i really wanted one, but,no surprises, the problem is still there; my neopet is not a male. 

I've read on the internet that i could fight the lab scientist for him to change the neopet gender OR use a strange potion on my neopet. The thing is i neither have the lab map to unluck the scientist in the battledome and i cant find any strange potion. 

Could anyone help me getting my hand on one of those please? thanks a lot


unfortunately both the lab map and the strange potion are very expensive; the only way I could think of that wouldn't cost you would be to ask someone who already has the lab scientist as a challenger if you could transfer your pet to them, have them use your pet in the Battledome to get the gender change, and then transfer your pet back to you. I think new accounts can't transfer pets right away though?

I would offer that for ya but I don't have all of the lab map pieces yet aha


Do you have a friend with the Lab Scientist battledome challenger unlocked on their account?

You could transfer your pet to them, have him fight the Lab Scientist for you so the gender changes to male.

They would then return your pet to you the next day.


@Vodianoi Hey there! I have all the map pieces, so I have the scientist as a challenger. I already have one krawk that I don't want lol, so maybe you would trust me with yours? I'm out of transfers until December, but I'm happy to battle her if you want. Just a heads up, the lab scientist has 185 HP, so you'll have to get the pet up to those stats before you have a good chance at beating him.

Alternatively, you could see if anyone would be willing to trade a male krawk or draik for your female. Unfortunately, mine is also female, so I can't help there...

14 hours ago, sashawillis said:

@Vodianoi Hey there! I have all the map pieces, so I have the scientist as a challenger. I already have one krawk that I don't want lol, so maybe you would trust me with yours? I'm out of transfers until December, but I'm happy to battle her if you want. Just a heads up, the lab scientist has 185 HP, so you'll have to get the pet up to those stats before you have a good chance at beating him.

Alternatively, you could see if anyone would be willing to trade a male krawk or draik for your female. Unfortunately, mine is also female, so I can't help there...

You don't have to win the fight for the gender change. All you need to do is have the scientist change the pets gender and then withdraw from the fight. Staying in the fight runs the risk of ending the fight with additional gender changes and not getting what you want and having to redo the process all over.

16 hours ago, sashawillis said:

@Vodianoi Hey there! I have all the map pieces, so I have the scientist as a challenger. I already have one krawk that I don't want lol, so maybe you would trust me with yours? I'm out of transfers until December, but I'm happy to battle her if you want. Just a heads up, the lab scientist has 185 HP, so you'll have to get the pet up to those stats before you have a good chance at beating him.

Alternatively, you could see if anyone would be willing to trade a male krawk or draik for your female. Unfortunately, mine is also female, so I can't help there...

yeah, like Mouseykins says, we dont have to win the fight, and i'd be super happy if you could do that for me since both options are so expensive! I really appreciate it


So does the pet in question need to be trained at all?  I'd love to change the gender of my uni, but I haven't trained him ever, and so he'd pretty much die the first time he was sneezed at.

10 hours ago, GillyTook said:

So does the pet in question need to be trained at all?  I'd love to change the gender of my uni, but I haven't trained him ever, and so he'd pretty much die the first time he was sneezed at.

nope. even if the scientist doesnt change the gender of your pet in the first fight, you can just keep healing and trying again as many times as you like

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