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In case you haven't heard, this is from last week's Neopian Times Editorial (Issue: 833, 15th day of Storing, Y21):

ref: http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=883


We saw a lot of event delays this year (y'all been super busy and stuff), but can we still expect the Games Master Challenge again this fall? Along with Daily Dare, it's an event I always look forward to each year!~~seismicfury
Sadly this will be another one for the list.. We will be postoning GMC to next year. We have had a lot of new things to juggle this year with working on mobile, neopets x and trying to fix and reinvent elements of the site along the way. We apologise for this delay but we want to give it our 100% instead of overlapping events. As for Daily dare, that passed already silly, that was back in July.

So, it looks like there will not be a GMC for 2019. What do you all think? Please post below.

Personally, it's "bittersweet", for me. On one hand, I always look forward to Daily Dare and GMC. GMC is fun, challenging, frustrating, and sometimes stressful. But, I like getting trophies and prizes. And always have fun picking a side. On the other hand, it usually happens during US Thanksgiving time, and I've almost missed a day, due to cooking, traveling, or celebrating with friends. So, I guess I won't have to worry about it, this year.

Now, if they postpone the Advent Calendar, me an TNT are going to have words! Well, you know, like "pretty please don't postpone", and "throws a plate of brownies", and stuff like that.

2 hours ago, Scoobert_Doo said:

In case you haven't heard, this is from last week's Neopian Times Editorial (Issue: 833, 15th day of Storing, Y21):

ref: http://www.neopets.com/ntimes/index.phtml?section=editorial&issue=883

So, it looks like there will not be a GMC for 2019. What do you all think? Please post below.

Personally, it's "bittersweet", for me. On one hand, I always look forward to Daily Dare and GMC. GMC is fun, challenging, frustrating, and sometimes stressful. But, I like getting trophies and prizes. And always have fun picking a side. On the other hand, it usually happens during US Thanksgiving time, and I've almost missed a day, due to cooking, traveling, or celebrating with friends. So, I guess I won't have to worry about it, this year.

Now, if they postpone the Advent Calendar, me an TNT are going to have words! Well, you know, like "pretty please don't postpone", and "throws a plate of brownies", and stuff like that.

For me, it will be a nice break from GMC. I'm hosting Thanksgiving, and I'm busier than dragonfly avoiding bass! If you need help having words with TNT, I've a few *holds up an apple-pear crumble pie*


I love the game events the most as well but I'd rather have things done right than just squeezed in. I'm glad they're setting priorities.


Postponing's a bit ambiguous, isn't it... ?

I mean that's not no GMC, that's it'll be later, early next year maybe...


Postponing the Advent Calendar would be funny. ?

*tannoy crackles* ?

"We regret to announce that due to leaves on the track December will be late this year, for all December passengers there is a January struggle bus out in the car park".


Thank you for the information @Scoobert_Doo! I'm glad there's no GMC right now. I kind of dread the gaming events sometimes. I always thought their timing of having it run around US Thanksgiving was a bit weird. Wouldn't it be better to have it at the start of the month instead? That's my thought process anyways.

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