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From time to time, an opponent gets a (VERY annoying) Darigan Yooyu into their own goal. Nothing too special. But today they threw a ROBOT Yooyu into their own goal! That's never happend to me before and got me pretty suprised. XD Did this happen to anyone else?


I vaguely remember this happening in the past .. but not in recent years (at least for me)

However I had this weird glitch where after scoring with the Supersize Powerup , my players remained HUGE and didn't shrink back to normal .. they sure scared the other team 


lol....scoring on yourself with a robot Yooyu...silly AI XD


the supersized powerup is cool and yeah i've gotten the occasional thing where they don't shrink (but they also don't retain the powers that come with it). If you get a fire yooyu and a giant powerup, you can actually score a goal with your goalie. I did it once many years ago ?

11 hours ago, Angeló said:

I vaguely remember this happening in the past .. but not in recent years (at least for me)

However I had this weird glitch where after scoring with the Supersize Powerup , my players remained HUGE and didn't shrink back to normal .. they sure scared the other team 

That same glitch happend to me on the same day too. XD They didn't go back to normal until the game was over. And I like how you can see the smaller details of the characters that way.


Some of my guys stayed huge in my last game. ?



And much like @Nielo they snuck a goal in while I took a screenshot. ?

On 6/7/2019 at 6:18 PM, Angeló said:

my players remained HUGE and didn't shrink back to normal .. they sure scared the other team 

ME TOO! It was hilarious! I was laughing so hard that I almost didn't score 2 more goals, but they stayed HUGE for 2 games after until I got another yooyu equipment  icon.

There also was a glitch about the Ice. When I was playing against Kreludor, their Ruki goalie stayed being a block of Ice for the next game- but his Ice block would form and then crack off continuously throughout the game and even once their whole Space team did it too!  gorm_ursula_splash.gif      wocky_yellow_pop.gif  

On 6/8/2019 at 8:17 AM, AgJu said:

you can actually score a goal with your goalie. I did it once many years ago ?


but it won't count for the goalie , it'll be they scored an own goal (your players won't be credited)

Another glitch is the jumping screen , where the screen moves away from where your players and the ball are for a split - second



I guess we should be a little concerned by this increase in glitches... but they ARE funny. :ph34r:

6 hours ago, Angeló said:

Another glitch is the jumping screen , where the screen moves away from where your players and the ball are for a split - second


That's a glitch too? I thought it was just my computer not keeping up for for that split-second. XD


today i had one i don't remember seeing before....my team got one of those supersize power ups and we were dealing with a mechanical Yooyu but it blew up. For the rest of the match, Minae, Osielle, and Prytariel were normal-sized, but Evrem and Rinok remained huge. A whole team remaining huge isn't an unheard-of glitch, but i've never seen a team remain partially huge lol


This surely should be looked into by the officials, there's quite clearly some illegal substances being used by various players. ?


I had a glitch where the opponent just stood facing the wall for half of the match. Were they in time out or something? ?

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