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It looks like this will be the first GMC in a while that I won't be able to get all challenges on release day in. Unfortunately due to Darigan Dodgeball's design I lost with my cursor on the send score button 3 times before I got the needed score. Does anyone know if there is a way to reset the counter so I could send another score to complete the challenge?

As a side note, who else thinks you should be allowed to send more than three scores a day. Keep it so the first three are the only ones that give NP but let players keep sending afterwards to get trophies/high scores


unfortunately no, that's why soooo many people have sent in a letter to tnt because its a good amount of us that this has happened to. They always used to take scores even after the first three but I think they forgot to fix the coding and went on their vacation. Hopefully tomorrow they will fix. Even the Knights feel bad for us.


If it makes you feel any better, my laptop's up and right arrow keys LITERALLY do not work anymore so there are a bunch of challenges I flat out can't do until I set up my new laptop which I don't have the time and energy to do this week so I'm absolutely ruined this year.  Of course a bunch of the scores are pretty brutal for me this year anyway, so working keyboard or no, I'd probably still be up a creek.  LOL.

48 minutes ago, Dilley88 said:

90 points on Zurroball is IMPOSSIBLE! ?

It's hard but not impossible. It was in DD as well. The score to get was 90 too and once you get used to it a bit you can get it. You need to make lots of combo's.

There were lots of tips and video's given in this post.

3 hours ago, babayaga67 said:

I will second @MinaxUmbra and @Dilley88, my high score on Zurroball is still 1. I got that score after about three days during the last DD, so I have just decided to pretend like I get a free day and there is no game to beat as I prance around la la land!

haha I like that! I think because of yesterday with dodgeball and already being out cause of that, today is much simpler for me to ignore and be like "well there's always next year."


I'm on Knights and honestly, I feel like the games they are giving Raiders are unfair.

We got Extreme Herder with a laughably easy score requirement. Raiders got Darigan Dodgeball, asking for FIFTEEN seconds. Not only that, but the layout is so terrible, a lot of people just lost all their score sends.

We got Jelly Dice, which is essentially "just sit around and match until level 10". Top chop is "just hit the green on the first 3 or 4 beginner levels." Raiders got Zurroball, for NINETY points. Zurroball doesn't even respond properly on many people's computers -- I had to borrow a computer just for Zurroball during Daily Dare. I feel like if they expect teams to be competing, they should get challenges of at least somewhat equal difficulty.


I'm on Raiders too. The only game I haven't completed yet is, you guessed it, Darigan Dodgeball. Purely because my mouse drag was registered as a click while my cursor was overtop the 'send score' button, multiple times. I've been trying to beat it for two days and the only reason I haven't is because of that.

To add insult to injury, immediately after I had a score accidentally send and disqualify me from sending any more scores, I tried again and got past 15 seconds. It's honestly really disparaging knowing I might not be able to complete this year's GMC if it keeps 'accidentally' sending my scores.

(I had a similar issue of scores being accidentally sent during last year's Daily Dare, which meant I missed out on completing a challenge the day it was posted. I sent in a ticket and their response was basically "it is intentional that you can't send more than 3 scores so we can't/won't do anything" so I'm betting they won't fix it anytime soon. :/)

22 hours ago, babayaga67 said:

I will second @MinaxUmbra and @Dilley88, my high score on Zurroball is still 1. I got that score after about three days during the last DD, so I have just decided to pretend like I get a free day and there is no game to beat as I prance around la la land!

Honestly, you're on neopets to have fun.  If it is not fun anymore, it might be time to stop playing


I think Darigan Dodgeball is also one of those games where the speed of your computer (and your mouse) plays a big part in how high you're able to score. I remember it was a part of some GMC/DD a few years back, and getting the required score took me forever. I played it again last year, on another laptop, and I beat my previous high score so fast (in literal minutes), I assumed they'd changed the scoring mechanism. Now I'm thinking my current laptop just handles this game really well.

I was actually starting to regret picking Knights, as I prefer most of the Raiders games, but Zurroball is what cost me Gold in this year's DD, so I guess I'd rather play a bunch of games I don't like/am bad at, than a game I intensely dislike and am really bad at. I really think they should leave that game out of any future DD/GMC.


I managed to get Darigan Dodgeball yesterday/earlier today, but barely. It's an awful game if you don't have a good computer. I can't imagine what it'd probably be like on my old laptop.

I'm presuming it's one of those flash games (such as Ice Cream Machine) that if the game lags for a sec, it counts as an automatic game over.


After having played Darigan Dodgeball again, and quite easily beating my high score, I'm going to guess you need the exact right amount of lag to do well in this game. I remember this game being hectic, but everything was nice and slow this time around, without the kind of lag that @Duskitty mentioned, which will instantly kill you. So if your computer is either too fast or too slow, getting any kind of good score for this game seems impossible.

But to go back on my previous post: they did change the scoring for this game. Looking up the score I got for the 2016 Daily Dare, tells me that I scored 1779 back then, even though my most recent high score (before this week) was 1300. So I'm not sure what they did to this game, but they definitely changed something.


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