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What is this berry I found in Pick Your Own and why is it so rare?

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I looked it up on the TP, Auctions, galleries, etc. and could only find a handful of them lying around, with no info on price. I also searched it in JN's item database and apparently it's too rare to be priced (their words, not mine). Also couldn't find much of anything in terms of price in JN's Trading Post History besides 1 guy selling it for 2m.

I just put it on the TP and already I've gotten 2 offers lol. I have no idea what to do with this thing.

Anyone have any idea why it's so rare? Is it special in some way or does it just appear once in a blue moon?


I've never seen that one before. ? wow, it's a really old item, isn't it!


its exclusive to Pick Your Own that's why it's rare (R160)

you're lucky to get this one .. you can easily sell it for several millions 


Wow.   I figured there had to be price information around.... but no, I am unable to find any either.   That's a literal a way as I've seen to say it's a priceless item.   If you auction it, I'd recommend giving a long auction time so people can move funds around and bid, starting bid of at least a million.


Wow congratulations! I might have to include Pick Your Own in my dailies from now on. If I were you I'd wait for more bids to get an idea of what people are willing to pay for, and maybe try to negotiate for more than what they're currently offering. It's so rare and a lot of people have lots of NPs lying around. If there's any rare item that you've always wanted but aren't able to get, now is your chance!


I did not realise that there were so many things you could get from Pick Your Own!


47 of 'em altogether, and quite a few so rare that there's no recorded price for them.


Whoa, I had no idea there were a few rare things in pick your own. It's just one of things that people kind of forget about it too if you dont do it often. 

Congratulations on the find though, pretty lucky! 


Has that item always been around or was it rereleased ?

Congrats on an easy 2 mil ?


I suppose these berries are so rare because most people don't bother with Pick Your Own once they have the avatar? The 400 np price puts me off adding it to my Dailies.

19 minutes ago, jaydeed said:

They were recently activated. I got one a month or two ago, Gamaberry, I think. They were always there in theory  but no one got them and TNT did a tweak so they were achievable, I think.  Congrats!

AH‼ Like all the other jellies that we never got before, things make a lot more sense now. ?

2 hours ago, Angeló said:

in that case sell it now before it drops in price 

Oh gosh YES, prices will plummet, though... if these berries were fixed at the same time as the jellies were... or am I jumping to too big of a conclusion there? Even so, I suppose the berries will hold a higher value for longer as far fewer will be being acquired compared to the jelly.

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