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So my Buzz decided that under no circumstances am I to go anywhere near it with a Harris. Is there any way to fix this? I know changing the language settings will make pets read books they don't want to, is that the case here, too? Also, can I fix it by getting a different color Harris?


Actually, I did that (changing the language) with one of my petpets before.  It HAD to go with a certain pet and the pet wouldn't accept it.  I tried changing the language, NOPE.  Tried another language, NOPE.  Tried a 3rd language, BAM, accepted.  It is that way with books too.  Sometimes you have to keep trying.  Give it a try, it can't hurt. 


oh my gosh thats hilarious. I've never heard of that before. 

11 minutes ago, Kute said:

oh my gosh thats hilarious. I've never heard of that before. 

I wonder if the fix for this will not work on new petpets, just like it doesn't work with new books now that there's no translations into different languages any more...I suspect so...

Though how often are new petpets created?

And more to the point, new petpet avatars.


If I'm remembering correctly, pets won't read books or accept petpets when the item name of the book/petpet is the same number of characters as the pet's name. For example, I wanted to attach a Mazzew (6 letters) to my pet Dreitt (6 letters) and he wouldn't accept it. I changed the language to French and Mazzew was still 6 letters, so I changed it again to Japanese, and it became 3 characters (kanji??) or something like that. Then I was able to attach it. So you can save yourself a little bit of time and trouble by checking the number of letters, because if the number is the same even after you change the language, it still won't work. ...If that makes sense!

I usually have best luck with Japanese or Chinese since the characters are so different from the roman alphabet. 


I guess we should count ourselves lucky that the closet system exists, can you imagine how annoying it would be if your pets could refuse to wear certain clothes?

Though, it would also be kinda funny. :ph34r:

Me: *tries to put something I think is nice on pet*

Pet: "Oh purlease, I am NOT wearing that!"




This happened to me a few months ago, so I made a cap. I wanted my invisible Kougra, J88KK, to have a new petpet, so I chose for him a Bloop. I should have asked him first I guess.  o_O:biggrin: As kayahtik said, both of their names have 5 letters, so that could have explained it. I looked up firaplays Buzz, and the name is Reukky which is obviously the same number of letters as a Harris. Mystery solved. :cap:

Neopets J88K rejects Bloop Petpet.JPG


The Harris has been accepted and my Buzz is none the wiser ;) I'm sure she'll love her new petpet, anyway!

1 hour ago, firaplays said:

The Harris has been accepted and my Buzz is none the wiser ;) I'm sure she'll love her new petpet, anyway!

How many times did you try it until it worked? If I remember correctly, I tried my Bloop a few times and it still didn't take. But maybe I should try again. o_O

Or maybe Bloops are just THAT terrifying. :devil::D


I skipped straight to Japanese, which has a totally different alphabet system, and that was all it took.

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