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Can someone explain the Charity Corner to me?

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I've heard you can get some really good stuff from it, but I'm not sure how it works. It seems a little complicated.


For Charity Corner 2017, there are 5 categories of items you can donate - Books, Coffee & Beverages, Food, Furniture & Gardening, and Gifts. You can donate items in those categories from R1 to R99 ("R", meaning Rarity). Not all items, however, are donatible -  rarities above 99, retired, and special. Also, items that are categorized as "none". I do have items that I know are "food" items, but they are categorized as "none" and I wasn't able to donate them. There are 4 different "levels" of rarities for donating: R1-R69, R70-79, R80-R89, and R90-R99. You can donate items with all of the same rarity. For example, donating 5 "Twirly Plants", which are R98. You can also donate items with different rarities, but they have to be within 5 of each other. For example, you can donate a R70, R75, R80, R85, and R90 item. When you donate 5 items, Granny will "give" you a prize based on the lowest rarity of the 5 items donated. In the previous example, you should at least get a R70 item in return, or, rather from Granny. However, you do have a chance of getting a higher rarity item. Meaning, since you donated 5 items, with the lowest rarity being R70, and the range for that "level" is R70-R79, you have a change of getting a R79 item. So, that's basically it. You have a better chance of getting rare items from Granny, by donating R90+ items. That is where the "really good stuff" is. Someone posted the got a "Bony Grarrl Club" (very rare "R99" and can sell for a lot of NP). Rare stamps are another possibility, and so are Battledome items. However, it is a gamble on what you will get. Not everyone will get good, great, or even items not seen in Neopia in a long time. The more you donate in those levels, the more of a chance you have of getting good stuff, but, not guaranteed.

When you do donate, the first item you donate will be seen in the box. When you click the drop down box for the second item, you will only see items in your "Inventory" that are within 5 of the rarity of the first item. The same goes for the third, fourth, and fifth boxes. If you click on the basket to donate "Food", but you have no food items in your inventory, the drop down box, will be "greyed out"/inactive, as you have none of those items to donate. I hope this makes sense and helps.

CC (Charity Corner) can be fun and that is why many people "squirrel away" items in their SDBs (Safety Deposit Boxes). Also, prices in user shops get crazy (and I mean crazy) during the CC events, as it can be a NP making time.


Huh, that is complicated. But I think I understand now. Thanks!


No no, your explanation was fine! The event itself seems complicated XD


Once you've got the hang of it, it's not that complicated. Provided you've got a bunch of things in your SDB you don't mind donating, you can just let Neopets do most of the work. Technically, you don't have to think much about the items and their rarity, since Neopets does all the work by only showing you the items that match in rarity when you click on the dropdown menus in the Charity Corner. Just don't try to donate any items marked as 'special'/with rarities over a 100. If you want more info on the items you can donate, JellyNeo has a (loooong) list of qualifying items.


I also find the event very confusing.
Can you donate NC Items for example? I have some from an event years ago that I don't use so maybe it's a good oportunity to get rid of them. And if I can donate them I will receive something random or something from NC as well?

3 hours ago, Yuiina said:

I also find the event very confusing.
Can you donate NC Items for example? I have some from an event years ago that I don't use so maybe it's a good oportunity to get rid of them. And if I can donate them I will receive something random or something from NC as well?

You can donate NC items, but it works a little bit differently. In order to donate NC items, you have to purchase, with NC, "giftpacks". Each "giftpack" can be filled with 3 NC items, to be donated. After using a "giftpack" and donating 3 NC items, you will get a "receipt", in return. The "receipts" can be redeemed in the "Gift Shop" for other NC items. The Gift Shop NC items can "cost" from 1 to 4 NC donation receipts. I thought Mouseykins made a topic about the NC part of Charity Corner, but I cannot seem to find it. I think I'm either losing my mind or have lost my "topic finding" skills. In reality, it is probably both. If I do find that link, I'll edit this post.

EDIT: Here is the link. Hope it helps, and thank you hrtbrk, for sending it: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/customization-wearables/charity-corner-17/

13 hours ago, Scoobert_Doo said:

You can donate NC items, but it works a little bit differently. In order to donate NC items, you have to purchase, with NC, "giftpacks". Each "giftpack" can be filled with 3 NC items, to be donated. After using a "giftpack" and donating 3 NC items, you will get a "receipt", in return. The "receipts" can be redeemed in the "Gift Shop" for other NC items. The Gift Shop NC items can "cost" from 1 to 4 NC donation receipts. I thought Mouseykins made a topic about the NC part of Charity Corner, but I cannot seem to find it. I think I'm either losing my mind or have lost my "topic finding" skills. In reality, it is probably both. If I do find that link, I'll edit this post.

EDIT: Here is the link. Hope it helps, and thank you hrtbrk, for sending it: http://www.thedailyneopets.com/customization-wearables/charity-corner-17/

You're an angel :laughingsmiley: Thank you!

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