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It's my first one ever!!! I very rarely check the Kadoatery, given how rarely it is that they want anything I can afford. I was checking someone's user lookup out of interest (She bought something from my shop and her username caught my eye as I was clearing my sales history), and it said she had fed 2 kadoaties in her list of trophies. She inspired me to try my luck, and one wanted a fig. It was in a shop for between 70,000 and 80,000 neopoints, was expensive but still manageable for me! From what I'm reading on the guide, I was lucky to have time to go to the shop wizard and buy the item. Now that I've done iot once, maybe I can do it again! I know the avatar is 75, and that's a long ways off. 


If the person who's Neopets username is Mastermom is a member of this forum, thanks for inspiring me!


Someone else posted (almost) the same topic here: http://www.tdnforums.com/index.php?/topic/47647-fed-my-first-ever-kadoatie/. I always thought Kad feeding must be expensive, but when I started Kadding, I found that wasn't often the case. In fact, I never bought an UB item and most food items I bought were under 5K NP. Hard part about Kadding is timing. I felt I was living life in 7 minute intervals. My goal was feed 2 Kads a day, while going for the avatar. That was do-able. Some days I got luckier and fed more. Some days were not so lucky and I didn't get a feed in. But I kept at it and got the avatar in about 2 months time. You can do it, too. The best information for Kadding and for timing is on the "Games" Neoboard. There is always a "Kad" topic and usually a "Kad" Neo icon is in the title. The first post has petpage links for lists of Kad foods and how Kadding works. Good luck, keep at it, and you, too, will be the proud owner of the Kad avatar!


Wow! Congrats on feeding your first kad. I have tried in the past but I have never been able to feed one :( 


Wow, good job! I've never been able to figure out the timing for the kads, maybe I should give it another try myself. Good luck if you go for the avatar!


As Scoobert_Doo suggests, go to the "Kad" board, the ppl there are amazing! While waiting to feed Kads, if you have been a "regular" and especially if you took a shift for the "timing" some ppl are generous enough to lend you Avatar items like the Zafara Double agent doll, Faerie Queen Doll, and a Meowclops to use and return while waiting to feed the Kads. There are ppl who went over the 75 kads you need to feed to get the avatar, but I was happy after my 2 months to just get the avatar! It is hard but it is also doable. Good Luck!  :rock:


Congratulations =D I remember how exciting it was finally feeding my first Kad. I thought it would not be possible because everytime I went to the Kadoatery the items they asked for were so expensive. I finally ended up finding a guide and I learned if you can figure out the time for the main feed, you have a much better chance because there will be a lot of items that are buyable. The biggest thing about Kad feeding (as mentioned) is timing, not only when to feed the Kad, but having the food ready, or being quick enough to buy it. There are certain times when it is less busy. There was a situation with a Kad asking for food that was less than 10k, but I wasn't able to buy the item right away. A little over 5 minutes later I thought I missed my chance, but I went back and the Kad was still asking for the food, so of course I was able to feed it. Most likely there will also be times when you will beat others to the feeding. Once you get the hang of it, you should find yourself getting used to the patterns (so to speak) and the quickest, cheapest, easiest ways to feed Kads. I would definitely recommend reading a guide to get a better idea of how it all works. I don't remember the one I read, but it should be easy to find one, just look up 'Neopets Kad feeding guide', or just 'Kad feeding guide' on a search engine. As suggested, also recommend checking out the Neoboards. Best of luck to you!


I miss kadding. I should really get that avatar before I get back to the USA. It's easier when all of you are in bed and I don't have to fight for my spot. haha.

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