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I lost two of my accounts :'(

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my darkcloset account was disabled   :sad02:   :sad02:   :sad02:   :sad02:   :sad02:


also my other side account "elcalor" !!


i think they were hacked !!!


they both had galleries 


the galleries are empty (i can view them from my main account) but the pets are there ........


but i did have pins on them !!!


I submitted a ticket but as I understand you can't get the lost items back even if they restored the accounts .............


I feel so devastated right now .........


im mad because whats the point of PINS if they can be hacked ?!!!!


and i had lots of unique items in the galleries :( 


Man, I'm sorry, Angelo! You didn't deserve this!  :sad02:  What IS the point off pins iff ppl can hack the acc anyway??!!    :sad01_anim: I am hoping that TNT will take it seriously and help restore your items. I heard that yahoo had a big security breech, were your email acc.s connected to those NP acc.s with yahoo? Maybe give us a short list of some of your items and we could "catch" who hacked you? Unless that's too risky? Anything we can do, let us know bc we would help you in a heartbeat!  :medieval:


Dude. This happened to me with my main back in 2010, and I had been playing for a while then. My account was never frozen, but they took everything, and I gave away my neopets and rage quit lol. Now, I change my pw every month, have a pin on everything, no neofriends...lol. It stinks that you can't even play a game without someone hacking you and stealing pixels that don't even do anything for you in real life. It's absurd!
I looked up your shop to possibly donate that way...but there wasn't anything there. Maybe put some junk items in there at 10k a pop, and you can get some items back?


I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you! :(


Unfortunately, pins are only an extra security measure - I figure that if someone is good enough with computers (or at guessing/deducing), and wants it badly enough, they can hack a pin as well.




I submitted a ticket but as I understand you can't get the lost items back even if they restored the accounts .............




TNT will return your items, but that may take another ticket after you get your accounts back. GL


OMG.  This is terrible. I'm so sorry to hear this has happened to you.  Fingers crossed that Neopets can do something about it for you quickly and you get your accounts and items restored. There seems to be an epidemic of this lately. 


I just *finally* put PINS on everything about a week or two ago (because I'm a terrible procrastinator) but I've actually been feeling a bit paranoid about safety since doing it when strangely enough I had a bit of a "She'll be right, mate" attitude about it before.  And this just proves it really doesn't seem to matter what you do, you're vulnerable regardless. :sad01_anim:

Lately Ive been hearing though that newly frozen accounts have automatically cleared galleries.



so ure saying maybe TNT disabled my accounts ? why would they do that ?? 


btw i tried changing passwords of the accounts to log-in and see if i had that Chia police telling me the account is frozen but it wont accept the new password ... keeps telling me it's invalid ........


what does it mean ???



............. and thank you everyone for your sincere emotions  


Someone may have been trying to get into your account and they locked it to protect  you. I am so sorry about that, I really do hope you get them back.

i really hope so !


but TWO accounts ? 


and why does it say password invalid ?


and dont they usually NM me to inform me of what happened ?


and dont they usually NM me to inform me of what happened ?

I'm going to have to do some major fact checking on this one, so don't take this as truth yet. But I swear I read somewhere once too long ago that they no longer inform you as to what happened. I could be wrong though. Let me do some digging ha.


I'm going to have to do some major fact checking on this one, so don't take this as truth yet. But I swear I read somewhere once too long ago that they no longer inform you as to what happened. I could be wrong though. Let me do some digging ha.


thank you brianna thats so nice of you


my ticket is still open btw ...... they havent looked into it yet .....


I also hope you are able to get your account back, including your items. I was hacked on a side account and my gallery items stolen, but the account wasn't closed. However, I can't get back on there because my password was changed and I don't have access to the email. I had forgotten my password and then rembered after not being on the account for years, then I was on for only a few months and lost it again. In my case, I maybe could've prevented the situation if I'd updated my email and password (though of course I don't know for sure), but it seems you did all that you could to protect your accounts. The fact it is 2 is a bit odd, at least I don't think that's usually the case. I listed my other accounts on the lookup for the hacked account, but fortunately none of my other accounts were hacked.


This is a scary thing happening though. I mean we could invest so much time and effort into building our accounts, only to have some jerk come along and steal everything. It's so mean and selfish, like I can't grasp how a person can be so selfish and that they would steal items acquired on a virtual pet site. It's so ridiculous, but also messed up!


I know if you logout and enter the username of an account that has been frozen, and try to log in (I just hit submit on the password page, I don't try to enter a password, not that it makes any difference since the account is frozen)... anyways, on some older accounts, it says,


"This account has been FROZEN for the following reason:

Our automated system does not know why you were frozen. Please contact us by clicking here if you'd like more information."


What does this mean? Was it frozen for no reason? ~anonymous 

Every account is frozen for a reason. :) However, long ago, there was no system in place to tell a user the exact reason for a freeze, and the user had to write in via email to inquire. We thought that was quite silly, and created the system you see now. Accounts frozen before this were frozen for a reason, of course, but because it was before the system was created, the system itself doesn't know what that reason is.

We'll also get this out here. Many players seem to think we sit around randomly freezing accounts on a whim because it's "fun." We can assure you that's just as absolutely absurd as it sounds! If your account was frozen, there WAS a reason. You (or someone in your account) did something against the rules, or your account security was compromised. If you've never read the Terms & Conditions, you may not realize that what you're doing is against the rules. Perhaps you are sharing an account with someone who scams people on other accounts? There are a number of reasons why people claim to have been frozen for no reason, but there is always a reason.

We understand it's hard to guess what's happening behind that mysterious curtain that separates us from players, especially when you can only see the effects of our actions and not the exact reasoning behind those actions. But please, have faith in us that we care very much about our users! If you honestly feel the freeze was not justified, please contact us via email to see if we can work out a solution!

That's from the editorial a long long time ago. I know there was a system in place that used to give you at least a vague reason for what had happened to your account. I can't find anything in writing about this feature working/being active after the server transition though. I'll keep digging though!


First and foremost, I am SO SORRY you became another victim to this. =[[[[ Best of luck restoring all your items, and as frustrating as it may be, please don't give up too soon! Your hard work is worth a lot! And secondly.....


It stinks that you can't even play a game without someone hacking you and stealing pixels that don't even do anything for you in real life. It's absurd!




Legit. I do not comprehend at all. How low are these people that they resort to stealing VIRTUAL items. Unfortunately, and I think I've posted this before, there exists a "black market" of neopian items where people are selling off said virtual items for real cash. A quick google search will yield plenty illegal sites to do so. These are the sites that the JumpStart team should be going after. Lawsuits should be filed against the owners of these sites for use of JS's intellectual property. Until then, the market for stolen items will continue to exist. So stupid. Ugh.


Don't forget to be positive in your ticket and messages to them on Facebook. Additionally you can post on the Ticket Response Waiting Board in the Neoboards Help section from one of your other accounts. That has been shown to speed up responses for some. Good luck!

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