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Does the language change trick work for more than books?

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Now then, a little back story here...I have a draik. Here she is, say hi to the nice people, Gen.




My good friend rntracy1 looked after her for a while for me, when she first hatched, as I'd wanted my draik to be a girl, but as luck would have it it was a boy that came out of the egg. Tracy had the lab ray scientist as a BD challenger, so she kindly offered to fight him with my draik until he changed the gender.


She needed to keep my draik for a month as my Neo account isn't very old and I couldn't do another transfer before then. So while my draiky girl was visiting with her, Tracy feed her with a selection of gourmet foods, thus giving me a new obsession goal to aim for :woot:


Yesterday I went through my SDB and noted down all the gourmet food that I had in there, which turned out to be more than I'd imagined, yay! So I'm slowly feeding it to Genoveva, and my other pets because hey, why not? She turned up her nose at an organic peanut though, fussy mare...


So I switched to French but she's still having none of it...rather than go through all the languages and annoy myself mightily, I thought it better to ask first if doing this actually works with getting them to eat food :laughingsmiley: Does anyone know?








Well, it works with petpets (My Grarrl didn't want to have a Niptor as a petpet. Can you believe it?) So I'm guessing it has to work on food too. But, like spookydana said, you might have to try all languages before you find the right one.


I found Portuguese to be a good language, as well as Dutch.  Yes, it works with many different things your pet doesn't like.  As with books, you need to try different languages before you find one that works.  Like us, our pets may not understand certain languages. ;)  :axehead:


As others have said, it definitely works for food.  (My resident gourmet Jubjub is happy about this, having eaten 758 rare foods!)  However, it seems some newer items haven't been translated, so as of now, lightning_178 is unable to enjoy Cog Crunchies or Screlon Juice.   :mellow:


Alrighty! Thanks guys :D I don't mind trying all the languages if there's a good chance it's going to work, but I didn't want to waste my time trying them all if it wasn't.


Good point there with the language understanding, Tracy, kind of a shame that there's no means to teach them to our pets, would give us more avatars and trophies to earn. :woot:


*tries Dutch*


Yay, that worked! Wow, Dutch is an awesome looking language! "view cart" becomes "winkelwagentje bekijken" in Dutch, that's way cooler!


That's funny. Even though I am dutch myself and still view Neopets with the dutch words, I think english sounds cooler. XD But I'm just so used to the dutch language on neopets that viewing it in english seems kinda... off. :P But yay dutch anyway!


With the language trick, your best bet is to choose a language with different characters, or a much different spelling of the item name.  The programming for your "pets preferences" - which books they'll read, food they'll eat, petpets they'll accept - is based on the # of characters in your pet's name AND the # of characters in the item name.  Long story short, you want to aim to change the character count of the item when you are changing languages.


With the language trick, your best bet is to choose a language with different characters, or a much different spelling of the item name.  The programming for your "pets preferences" - which books they'll read, food they'll eat, petpets they'll accept - is based on the # of characters in your pet's name AND the # of characters in the item name.  Long story short, you want to aim to change the character count of the item when you are changing languages.


Yeah! I do sit there counting the characters xD This has got to be why Dutch tends to work, because it's definitely a language that seems to like to use as many letters as possible in a word, when the English equivalent uses about 3 :laughingsmiley:


I'm sorry to be an utter pain but I've having trouble finding where to change the language on the site so I can make my Meerca read more books because he is fussy! I'm assuming it's in the control panel/preferences section but I can't see for looking.


Many thanks,




Edit: Found it! Geez Louise I am blind!


Neo in Dutch is just weird. It's supposed to be in English! Plus, if you speak a different language, it helps you learn English as well. I'll only put it to Dutch (or if that doesn't work even another language) for the trick to get something done my pet refuses (eat, read etc) but everytime I see that Dutch I can't wait to put it back to English :P

I know a few languages but every language but English looks weird to me for Neo. Maybe because I have it in English for 15 years already ;)


I'm sorry to be an utter pain but I've having trouble finding where to change the language on the site so I can make my Meerca read more books because he is fussy! I'm assuming it's in the control panel/preferences section but I can't see for looking.


Many thanks,




Edit: Found it! Geez Louise I am blind!


I know you've found it, but to help you further...people tend to suggest changing the language on the NC Mall page, because for some reason when you switch it there it shouldn't stick on the language you temporarily change it to, as it tends to when you do it elsewhere.


It certainly works every time for me. :D Before I learnt about this trick I had a horrible time trying to get it back to English after I switched it to Korean for the book-reading trick. The site went back to English but all the pop-ups remained in Korean, making me seriously wish I'd chosen French instead as I'd then have had a fighting chance of at least understanding some of what they said :laughingsmiley:


If changing the language on the NC Mall doesn't make it "stick" (like jellysundae, it has never let me down), try deleting your cache and cookies.


I know with Firefox, as I use it mainly, you can delete individual cookies for sites. Neopets "stores" a language cookie on your computer/browser, when you change the language. After changing it back to English, deleting the "language" cookie makes it "stick" too.


"Menu" - Options - Privacy - Remove Individual Cookies (hyperlink). Scroll to find neopets.com. "Cookie Name" will be language.


I'm sure you can do the same with Chrome or IE 11, but not sure how, with those browsers.


Learned that tip/trick from the Neoboards, too.


That's funny. Even though I am dutch myself and still view Neopets with the dutch words, I think english sounds cooler. XD But I'm just so used to the dutch language on neopets that viewing it in english seems kinda... off. :P But yay dutch anyway!

Yeah IDK, I've always found Dutch to be one of the languages that always works.  I used to always use Spanish back in the day, mainly because I understand Spanish, so there wasn't a chance of accidentally donating the item or eating it instead of reading it or putting into my SDB, LOL.  But more recently, Spanish isn't as foolproof as it used to be.  Dutch and Portuguese seem to be.  So, like you say, Yay Dutch :rock: .


Alrighty! Thanks guys :D I don't mind trying all the languages if there's a good chance it's going to work, but I didn't want to waste my time trying them all if it wasn't.


Good point there with the language understanding, Tracy, kind of a shame that there's no means to teach them to our pets, would give us more avatars and trophies to earn. :woot:


*tries Dutch*


Yay, that worked! Wow, Dutch is an awesome looking language! "view cart" becomes "winkelwagentje bekijken" in Dutch, that's way cooler!

I think there are books you can read to your pet to teach them languages and teach them about different things in Neopia.  Now, if they only really worked.  Funny thing is, when I first started playing NPs, and no, obviously I wasn't a child (nps wasn't around then-heck, computers weren't around then-heck microwaves.....ok you get the point) I thought reading those "how to" books to your pet really gave them that knowledge. Oh so naive.  It should work that way!


Yeah IDK, I've always found Dutch to be one of the languages that always works.  I used to always use Spanish back in the day, mainly because I understand Spanish, so there wasn't a chance of accidentally donating the item or eating it instead of reading it or putting into my SDB, LOL.  But more recently, Spanish isn't as foolproof as it used to be.  Dutch and Portuguese seem to be.  So, like you say, Yay Dutch :rock: .


I think there are books you can read to your pet to teach them languages and teach them about different things in Neopia.  Now, if they only really worked.  Funny thing is, when I first started playing NPs, and no, obviously I wasn't a child (nps wasn't around then-heck, computers weren't around then-heck microwaves.....ok you get the point) I thought reading those "how to" books to your pet really gave them that knowledge. Oh so naive.  It should work that way!

Ha yeah, the fear of discarding by accident had always been my reason for switching to French, but as it often doesn't work in French either Dutch definitely seems to be the best option. Interesting that Spanish doesn't work so well now, I wonder what that's all about!


It totally would be good if the "how to" books actually gave knowledge! That would be some amazing skill set a well read pet would be developing, LOL! :laughingsmiley:

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