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Games Master Challenge: Claim Your Prizes!

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You have been awarded a trophy!

Your team won this year's challenge. For being on the winning team, you receive:

Fancy Wrapped Gifts
Well Done!

As a way of showing her appreciation for your effort, Ember would like to personally reward you with the following prizes. These items have been added to yourinventory.
  • foo_y17gmc_icecream_flambe.gif
    Ice Cream Flambe
  • gif_y17gmc_brnicicles_frame.gif
    Burning Icicles Frame
  • gif_y17gmc_sword_iceandfire.gif
    Sword of Ice and Fire
  • bd_y17gmc_fiery_drmcatcher.gif
    Fiery Dream Catcher
  • sta_y17gmc_taeliavember.gif
    Taelia Vs. Ember Stamp
  • boo_y17gmc_plying_snowandfire.gif
    Playing with Snow and Fire

Wow, I really want that wearable sword. Too bad I stink at games. At least I got a pretty snowflake trophy out of it.


Wow, I really want that wearable sword. Too bad I stink at games. At least I got a pretty snowflake trophy out of it.


YEP!  Absolutely.  How many games did you play if I might ask?  Because, you didn't have to finish them on THAT day in order to get the prizes.  I finished Edna's shadow the next day and still got the top prizes.  My son only did two days and got two prizes.  I am thinking the prizes are in order of how many days you needed to complete.  He got the flambé and the book.  So IDK how many days you would need to get the sword, but you can probably buy one before they get too expensive. 

Team Snow here. I got this trophy: trophy_silver_snow_5.gif

And Fancy Gift Wrap gif_y17gmc_fancygiftwrap.gif as a consolation prize, along with the other prizes above.

I LOVE the team snow prizes.  I am sooooooo glad I picked that team.  I did NOT like the idea of teams at first.  My thought was, "we have the AC for that."  But all in all, it was fun and the prizes were fantastice.  I got the same trophy and the only difference was we got the gift WRAP and they got the WRAPPED gifts.  LOL.  So, eh, I am super happy and I think our trophies are better.  And for the ones who didn't get the top trophies, team snow trophies are DEFINITELY better.  Go team snow!  (and I don't even like the cold- lol).




I'm kind of glad snow came in second because our snowflake trophies look more ice-ish in silver. 

Yes, well, you know what they say about yellow snow ;)


I pretty much gave up when it got to Edna's Shadow. The prices on some of these prizes are already really ridiculous. 


Seriously? Team snow was winning when I went to bed and it only had a half an hour left :( That sucks.....

 Congrats to team fire though!


Does anyone have a list of all the prizes/trophies for team snow, it looks like team fire got a book that I don't think team snow did.


I ended up with two incomplete challenges...

  • Edna's Shadow - with my gaming skills, it would be almost literally impossible for me to make that score
  • Petpet Cannonball - I know I could've gotten it with time, but I didn't really have any, and besides I had already skipped Edna, so I didn't bother

Otherwise all gold checkmarks. I received a level 5 trophy (team snow) and all of the prizes.


Hi everyone! This isn't my first post here but I haven't posted a lot so I'm new but I'm not! I feel like I just have to say this...I did TOO much! haha I actually took the time to finish EVERY game just in case they gave out a prize for finishing all the qualifying games. It took FOREVER. I submitted the last score 5 minutes before the whole challenge was over. It was crazy. I was on Team Fire and I even have a screen shot that shows Team Snow 51% / Team Fire 49% yet it told me Team Fire won on the challenge end date. Now that I look, it says Team Fire 51% / Team Snow 49%. It probably didn't update yet since I was looking at it immediately after the winner was posted. O.o Kinda weird but I'm not complaining! haha I also wish they gave out an avatar this year because it's nice to be a part of "limited edition" avatars! But we have limited edition trophies so that's cool too! I got the Level 5 Game Master Trophy. Edna's Shadow was kind of tricky when you had to line them up after they weren't matched up. I almost gave up Petpet Cannon, Snot Splatter, and Wicked Wocky Wobble. ESPECIALLY WICKED WOCKY WOBBLE! Even though they were difficult, I'm sooo glad they chose these compared to the other qualifying games. Some of those games are outragous. I have no idea how I was successful at "Dar-BLAT!!!" and "Splat-A-Sloth" and "Time Tunnel"! Never again.  :mellow: 


I like the prizes, especially the sword. Does anyone know if lvl 5 was the highest you can go to? (The only challenge I didn't complete was Volcano Run, and I got lucky on Itchy Invasion and Wocky Wobble.)

You have been awarded a trophy!
Your Team Lost
However, as thanks for your effort, you receive:

Fancy Gift Wrap
Well Done!

As a way of showing her appreciation for your effort, Taelia would like to personally reward you with the following prizes. These items have been added to your inventory.
  • foo_y17gmc_icecream_flambe.gif
    Ice Cream Flambe
  • gif_y17gmc_brnicicles_frame.gif
    Burning Icicles Frame
  • gif_y17gmc_sword_iceandfire.gif
    Sword of Ice and Fire
  • bd_y17gmc_fiery_drmcatcher.gif
    Fiery Dream Catcher
  • sta_y17gmc_taeliavember.gif
    Taelia Vs. Ember Stamp
  • boo_y17gmc_plying_snowandfire.gif
    Playing with Snow and Fire



Team snow's Level 5 completed prizes.(No Lulu's challenges done). I had all gold checkmarks.


I got a level 4 trophy this year and it looks amazing! If any of you level 5 GMCers are selling your stamp PLEASE PM me! I'm interested in buying one for my stamp album and one for my gallery if possible. :)


I really like the look of the level one and three fire trophies.


Did Team Snow get different trophy images based on level?  I've only seen the one large snowflake trophy around so far.


Pretty disappointed in the prize prices.  Since it seems that gold check marks had nothing to do with the prize tiers did a lot of people just not participate this year?


I'm super pleased. I was not at all expecting to come in at tier 5. Super grateful. I didn't finish Edna's Shadow or Volcano Run II at all. And i got two green checks, so I could've sworn I would be tier 4 or lower based off of previous years. But I'll absolutely take the 5.  Also, was part of Fire, so that worked out well. The trophies for Snow really are a lot better if you didn't get the top trophy. Sooo happy I got that stamp. Directly into the album it went. :3


N.B. I completed all the challenges with 17 gold marks and 7 green marks. The trophy I got is level 5.  :)

I hope this helps!



You have been awarded a trophy!



Your team won this year's challenge. For being on the winning team, you receive:


Fancy Wrapped Gifts


Well Done!

As a way of showing her appreciation for your effort, Ember would like to personally reward you with the following prizes. These items have been added to yourinventory



Ice Cream Flambe



Burning Icicles Frame



Sword of Ice and Fire



Fiery Dream Catcher



Taelia Vs. Ember Stamp



Playing with Snow and Fire

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