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I just made a new pet so that I can zap her and Pound her. I did this so that people can get a painted pet with a good name.

However, when I created her, there was a whole thing where a message came up saying it was her birthday and to pick a birthday cupcake out of 3. There were balloons floating up the screen, too.


I was pretty surprised. Hahaha!


I'm not sure, I actually only realised the balloons on my friends pet's birthday. Either way it sure is neat! Now I wish I hadn't missed my Neopet's birthday! (Also I feel bad for missing it)


Neopets actually lists a pet's birthday on its lookup now as part of the standard information. :) It's listed under Attributes.


I'm not sure our system is really set up to send out individual notices, but there are lots of apps and programs and sites where you can input a date and have it send you a reminder. Smartphone calendars come standard with an "alert me for this event" feature and google calendars is free and generally functional.


Neopets actually lists a pet's birthday on its lookup now as part of the standard information. :) It's listed under Attributes.


I'm not sure our system is really set up to send out individual notices, but there are lots of apps and programs and sites where you can input a date and have it send you a reminder. Smartphone calendars come standard with an "alert me for this event" feature and google calendars is free and generally functional.

Expanding on what Anime said.

I can never remember when my pets' birthdays are either, so I decided one day to add them to my calendar on my iPhone so I'll get an alert on the day. Setting an alert through your device is probably the most ideal way to make sure you don't miss them. :)


The user lookups were down during my pet's birthday.  I was pretty upset about that.  It started after two of my pet's January bday, and it was down for my battle pet's March bday.  I will try to remember for my last pet's Oct bday.  I don't think that was very fair, but Neopets hasn't been very fair as of late. :sad01_anim:


I just realized that recently :P I just missed my new Desert draik's Birthday. I got them 2 days after it, but luckily for me they we're born on 4th of July so I would have missed it anyway but still, it's always fun with that!


Just out of curisity I checked when my pets birthdays are. I found that 4 of them all have Nov. birthdays and 1 has a Jan birthday. When their birthdays come around where do you go to get the free cupcakes and balloons?


Thanks for the replies, all! I need to check my pets' pages and see when their days are! 

I noticed in the old topic about it, that people were discussing possible abuse of this where people could create-and-Pound, just so they can get the cupcakes.

I think maybe I should drop my plan to create-zap-Pound and just go back to adopt-zap-Pound.


Woah, I've heard of the cupcakes, but where do you go to get them? :O

And congrats on getting it :3


You have to go to the neopet's lookup page to choose between the cupcakes. The pink one gives you more endurance, the yellow one gives you more strength, and the blue one gives you more defense. You don't have to feed the birthday neopet if you're focusing on raising the stats of a certain neopet. Hope this helps!


The earliest I can remember it giving cupcakes was when I created my vandagyre.


I entered in my pet profiles just after reading this just to discover that today is the B-day of one of my pets and that I missed my beloved Deejenya birthday just two days ago. Ouch!


I didn't know this yet! I think it is lovely that Neo celebrates our pets Birthdays  :wub_anim:




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