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Okay so i'm wondering who YOU will be picking for the staff tournament. This will help with whose the most popular and whose best to pick. Also just wondering your thoughts! Lets do this friends! 


ATTENTION: The staff tournement has not started yet. But this is for future reference :)


I don't even know who the options are going to be. I'm really happy the new jumpstart people are participating in this though, and I'm looking forward to seeing the new people they put up this year.


Snarkie was an awesome pick for the last couple STs, but with her out, as well as other TNT staffers who may not be there anymore, I have no idea who to choose, or who will be available. :(


I will definitely pick whoever is on Team Faerieland, and I'm considering Droplet. I want to check last year's scores before I choose which veteran players I want and which new staffers I want on my team.


For the record. I'm picking lost deserts player lawerbot. In case anyone needs


Okay so we should have 3 set players. One goalie one defender one forward to pick together and then pick the other 2 :)



My picks are coming up in a sec


After reading. ..


Forwards: lawyerbot &????

Defenders: Kikocat &????

Goalie: ehlo froyo


i think it's cool that the CEO of Jumpstart is playing in the tourney! It should be noted that this Lawyerbot isn't the same as in previous years (AFAIK); he/she just goes by the same name. That's something to be aware of when looking at previous results.


Firefly's weakness is cheese? Sounds like he could be a TDN staffer.


My team: Senor Malo, Drama Queen, Bancha Ninja (yay Shenkuu), Kikocat, and Breik as the goalie.


I'm going for an all girl team:


Forwards: Ninjakins and Cherryblossom

Defenders: Droplet and Kikocat

Goalie: Ehlo Froyo




MY official team:


Lawyerbot & cherry blossom

Firefly & Kikocat

ehlo froyo


Also who's the CEO I might change if I like them :P


I think we should all go for Kikocat or another player for the most points. Just picked Kikocat for the set because she has the most picks so far :) (And GO LOST DESERT :D)


Edit: bancha Ninja's text translated to, "" I was mastered the art of desperately discipline to alter ego after all tournament ! For the confusion everyone , victory 'll be me I'll grab ! Morisora ​​everyone , it's me cheer" On google translate :)


The team I chose for this week was LawyerBot and SenorMalo for forwards, Bancha Ninja and KikoCat for defenders, and then Ehlo Froyo as the goalie.


I went for Senor Malo and DJ Skellington for forwards, Kikocat and Bancha Ninja for defenders, and Breik for goalie who's been a really good choice in the past. If one of the other newbies turns out to be a superstar I'll definitely switch to them in the next round.


Forwards: Ninjakins and Cherry Blossom

Defenders: Bancha Ninja and Country Queen

Goalie: Ehlo Froyo  (not only does she for Maraqua, she's GOT to be better than Tonie Plessix) LOL ;)


Forwards - Ninjakins and Lawyerbot

Defenders - Bancha Ninja and Kikocat

Goalie - Hip-hop queen (GO VIRTUPETS!!!)


I have no idea how to access past scores to see how the veterans do, but I hope my team does well! Can we change halfway through if someone is no good?


This tourney shows who a few of the retained members of TNT are, too, which is cool for nosy people like me. :ph34r:


Alright, I picked my team, my very first participation in the Staff Tournament, and it goes like this;

  • Senormalo and Drama Queen as forwards
  • Bancha Ninja and Rookie ('cause I had a feeling few people were going to choose him and I didn't want him to feel left-out 0:) ) as defenders
  • Binary Supagoo as the goalie ('cause he has a very cool username haha! :D )

Well, all I got to say is good luck to all players, new and old!

  On 6/6/2015 at 5:41 AM, czjeffords said:

Forwards - Ninjakins and Lawyerbot

Defenders - Bancha Ninja and Kikocat

Goalie - Hip-hop queen (GO VIRTUPETS!!!)


I have no idea how to access past scores to see how the veterans do, but I hope my team does well! Can we change halfway through if someone is no good?

Yup! You can basically change up your team at any time until Midnight on Fridays.


The CEO is Dark Lord, @Desertfreak.


This is my first time ever participating in the staff tournament, so here it goes.



DJ Skellington

Cherry Blossom





Binary Supagoo (because he's darigan of course!)


I mixed in some from previous years with some new ones. Here's my picks this year:
Cherry Blossom
Bancha Ninja
Dark Lord

Ehlo Froyo


My choices are...


Forwards: DJ Skellington & Señormalo

Defenders: Bancha Ninja & Kikocat

Goalie: Binary Supagoo


Now let's hope I remember to participate in the following rounds. I always forget :(


This is actually my first time participating in the Altador Cup, and in the Staff Tournament! These are my picks...

  • Forwards: DJ Skellington / Lawyerbot
  • Defenders: Kikokat / Bancha Ninja
  • Goalie: Breik

Droplet was laid off so I'm not sure if... or how she will continue being apart of the staff tournament. If anyone chose her, you may wish to switch to someone else in case she is actually unable to participate now.


My team for this week is Senor Malo, Lawyerbot, Bancha Ninja, Kikocat, and Breik. I've always had Senor Malo and Bancha Ninja on my team, so that was pretty exciting to see them back. Breik always has had a good showing too in the past, even though I usually went with Snarkie as my goalie. Lawyerbot was some kind of naive hope choice in that I want him to do well because the previous Lawyerbot did well. Kikocat was not originally on my team. I had chosen Droplet, but modified my choice based on what hrtbrk said above about her being laid off. Just to be safe. I had been debating between Kikocat and Droplet to begin with, so it wasn't that difficult a choice for me as to who would replace Droplet this round. Kikocat... chosen solely for the snake bite piercings, tbh.

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