crazy_cat_luv_bb Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 I'm so pathetic. I don't know what to do with my future. My friends all seem like they have plans. Any advice? Aquamentis12 1 Quote
spazzy_child Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 How old are you if you don't mind me asking? I wouldn't worry too much about it. Im 25 and still figuring parts out ;) Quote
WhiteWolf Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 Maybe your true talent hasn't revealed itself yet. Some people don't discover what they are really good at until their 20's or 30's. Don't be discouraged. You'll find your talent! :) Btw, I love your Xweetok! Very cute! Quote
pheddy Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 I'm 24 and many times I have felt the same way. Actually, if I didn't know any better it would seem like I posted this myself. What makes you happy? What are you passionate about? The best way to figure that out is to put yourself out there. If you are looking for a job try, if you are looking for school try looking at courses/programs. If you want to find someone start asking your friends to set you up with someone. The point is if you are upset with something the best thing to do is make a change, or look at something from a new perspective. I'm sure you have a lot of qualities that make you a great ambitious person, you just have to believe in yourself to make that happen. For me, my passion is making people smile. Right now I am an assistant manager. Is that what I want to do for the rest of my life? No, but while I'm figuring that out I am holding on to the moments that make me happy. If you need someone to talk to you can PM me, I'm more than happy to help. Xepha 1 Quote
Naamah D. Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 I'm in a similar spot as well. I've spent all week paranoid and feeling horrible. I just want to be happy again. Quote
chelperk Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 Goodness, kody. I'm sorry about all of that. -hugs- Quote
leverhelven Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 How old are you, crazy_cat_luv_bb? I have lots to tell you, but knowing your age will be kinda crucial for it :P Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted February 6, 2014 Posted February 6, 2014 You shouldn't feel like it's just you in that kind of spot crazy_cat_luv_bb! I'm an old fogey at the age of 32. lol I'm still trying to find what I want in life. It's been stuck in a "death spiral" of panic-mode since I was a kid as far as figuring out what I'd like to do. I'm HOPING that art/animation will work for me, though I need to find a place I can get lessons for both. And then, I can only HOPE that being something I usually love/enjoy, it will make a good career option for me. I've done a LOT of practicing on my own with art and animations. I've got a thread in The Art Gallery board here on TDN forums if anyone's interested in seeing some examples. Not bad for self-taught. lol The best advice I can offer is this. Find something you enjoy doing and start there. See if you like it enough to make a go at it for a career. Find out what you need to do to expand your knowledge and skill at it, and if it's not panning out as something you'd like to do as a career, then look at something else you enjoy. They say that if you truly love your work, that you'll never "work" a day in your life. ;) I know it's an OLDE saying, but it's a good one. And remember, no matter HOW BAD things might get, how worried you get. Keep believing in hope, no matter what. As long as you draw breath, it's never hopeless! Just keep walking forward, even if you have to crawl instead of walking. ;) Quote
Duma Posted February 7, 2014 Posted February 7, 2014 Everyone has talents, but it sometimes takes a while before you figure them out. Even talents need practice and if you practice enough, you can get good at anything! It might take longer then if you would have natural talent, but if you practice hard and long you could even surpass the people that have a natural talent for it but never really practice it (because they're already good at it) Like everyone said, just try lots of different things and find something you like, disregarding how good you are. Just start doing it and you'll get good at it! Quote
Rebecca~ Posted February 7, 2014 Posted February 7, 2014 I completely understand that feeling. All of my friends are going to be graduating from University this spring, and I'm here, doing menial office work. I went to Uni for a couple of years, dropped out, took a program learning baking, did that for a year or two, then stopped, and then spent six months being unemployed. It feels terrible, but I realised that having a plan wasn't the be-all-end-all. I had plans before, and I know now that I wasn't better off having plans because I wouldn't get any more enjoyment out of them than I am now. I loved baking, but when I started doing it all the time, I lost my passion. The fact that I had a plan to make a career out of that didn't change the fact that I was getting sick of something I used to get a lot of enjoyment out of, and just couldn't see myself continuing to do it for the next fourty years. Having a plan doesn't magically make your life less confusing or make you more of an adult. It means that you have some idea of what you want in the future, short or long term, but that it's still subject to change. I have no plan. I'm going to work at the job I'm at now until I find something I want to move on to. It's boring, but it pays the bills, and I'm good at it (woohoo, I can push paper through a scanner! go me!). It's not glamourous, it's not as exciting sounding as the stuff my friends have plans for, but it's good enough for me. :) Quote
crazy_cat_luv_bb Posted February 7, 2014 Author Posted February 7, 2014 Thank you all for wonderful advices. I'm 16, as some of you were asking. The problem with me is that I like to do a lot of things, but I'm not good at all of them and I know that a person should only focus on 1 thing and make a career out of it. The problem with me is that if I don't find something that I'm really interested soon, I just have the feeling that I'm gonna go to crappy uni and then get a crappy job. I'm so tangled about what to start with now. In addition to that, I don't want to say that I was great at studying, but I really was doing much better than now. That makes me sad because I'm Asians and then after this school year I'm going back to my home country (which mean that I'm going to a public school again with much harder workload and I may have much harder time to understand, since I'm currently in an international school). My family also forces me to study toefl, sat to prepare for uni, which I have no idea about as I stated above, and that again makes me depressed. Quote
gamer_mommaof3 Posted February 8, 2014 Posted February 8, 2014 Everyone is talented at something. Maybe you just haven't found out what it is yet. Don't give up :) Quote
leverhelven Posted February 8, 2014 Posted February 8, 2014 Aw, honey, 16 is an awfully young age to decide what you want to do for life. Believe me, even though your friends may seem talented, that doesn't mean they'll do said stuff for the rest of their lives. Take me, for example. After 5 years in History College, I'm quitting. Even though I always loved History, only in University did I realize it was not really for me. I'm 23 and I'm starting a new course (Psychology) this year. It's never too late ;) Rebecca~ and crazy_cat_luv_bb 2 Quote
Duma Posted February 8, 2014 Posted February 8, 2014 Same here. I switched classes every two year in high school (Picked something at age 12, switched at age 14 and 16) and never had anything that I was -really- good at either, I was just an average student with everything. First I wanted to be a kindergarten teacher, then I switched again because I love nature so much so studied environmental care in College only to find out how much I loved chemistry and working in a lab. I'm pretty sure I won't do this for the rest of my life, no matter how much I still love it. There is always adult school to study for something new again and do something different. Or even combine things that you like. In my case I could try to give training at laboratories or teach lab/chemistry at schools if I follow a teaching class. There are so many things and if you love a lot of things (points to "Interest" on the left ;)) you shouldn't worry and just try them! There isn't a bad turn, everything you learned, even if you changed later, is knowledge you have that form you and help you. Knowledge is never in vain. The worst that might happen is that you need to do a job a bit longer if it doesn't pay you enough to get an extra class for something new. But I'm sure that there are ways around that too ;) Never worry, it will all work out! *hug* Rebecca~, crazy_cat_luv_bb and leverhelven 3 Quote
crazy_cat_luv_bb Posted February 8, 2014 Author Posted February 8, 2014 Take me, for example. After 5 years in History College, I'm quitting. Even though I always loved History, only in University did I realize it was not really for me. I'm 23 and I'm starting a new course (Psychology) this year. It's never too late ;) There are so many things and if you love a lot of things (points to "Interest" on the left ;)) you shouldn't worry and just try them! There isn't a bad turn, everything you learned, even if you changed later, is knowledge you have that form you and help you. Knowledge is never in vain. The worst that might happen is that you need to do a job a bit longer if it doesn't pay you enough to get an extra class for something new. But I'm sure that there are ways around that too ;) Never worry, it will all work out! *hug* Thank you. These lines definitely makes my day :D I feel really motivated right now ;) Once again, thanks to all who posted. The comments and stories that you shared make me feel that I'm not lonely in this world and make me a lot stronger. Have a nice day everybody ^_^ Quote
yasha Posted February 8, 2014 Posted February 8, 2014 As a child, it seemed that adults always knew what they were doing. I just always assumed ( and I'm assuming most kids are like this ) that adults had everything figured out. Now that I'm a little older, I've come to the conclusion that most people still don't know what they're doing, or what they want to do with their life. It might seem to you that your friends already know what they're going to do, but there's a good chance that they're actually still quite unsure themselves. Me, personally, I've decided to go into zoology and so to most people it seems that I know what I want to do, but the reason I picked zoology is because all I know is that I want to work with animals. I'm still not sure about what exactly I want to do with animals and zoology will leave me with a lot of options by the time I graduate. That being said, most people change careers I believe twice or thrice in their life so even when you do decide on something in the future, don't be afraid to change your mind again. What matters is that you find something you enjoy. And something you enjoy now isn't necessarily something you'll enjoy in 20 years. You're still young so you still have plenty of time to figure all this out, so I wouldn't get depressed over it. It's good to consider your options, but not to the point where it makes you feel upset. As for the whole "not having talent', like duma said, sometimes you just need to put a lot of work into something before you're good at it. I don't consider myself to have any talents either, but for the last 3 years I've done a lot of research about something I'm passionate about, and I've had a chance to apply what I researched, and even though I still mess up, this is something I will never give up on. Even though people are telling me I'll never be one of the bests at it, perhaps one day I'll be able to prove them wrong because this is something I've decided I wanted, something I've decided I will put a lot of work into, because I feel like it's worth my time. I think once you find something like that, you'll feel a little better. Either way, you're still young, I've only found my passion when I was 20 and only due to a certain event that happened in my life. This event might of never happened and I would still be searching for something to do with my life, so I'm sure you'll find something eventually. crazy_cat_luv_bb 1 Quote
SerinaxD Posted March 8, 2014 Posted March 8, 2014 I don't know of any talents that I have besides making my friends smile and laugh :P Quote
Pookies Posted March 14, 2014 Posted March 14, 2014 i would say try not to compare yourself to others. I became a bit depressed my senior year of high school because everyone seemed to know what they wanted to do, which schools to apply for (even ranking them like, this is my first choice, second, etc) and I had absolutely no clue what i wanted to do. I took a year off high school and finally applied to some colleges. Got accepted to a few but still had no idea what I wanted to major in. But before I clicked "undeclared", I read the majors my school offered and I really liked what I read about anthropology so that's what I majored it lol Now I'm in the same position I was 6 years ago... but this time i'm not going to stress out about it like I did before. an education and career shouldnt be something you rush into. as for finding your talent, if you don't know what it is yet, try doing different things you havent considered before (or things you told yourself you couldnt do). i'm sure you will surprise yourself or learn something new Quote
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