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Do you prefer to customize Male or Female pets ?


Male or Female ?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Do You Prefer ?

    • Male
    • Female
    • Same

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I pretty much see my pets as sexless- I just dress them up based on whatever outfit inspirations I have at the time or whatever I feel like experimenting :)


I agree. Since I don't purchase NC items and I am saving up my NP as well, the only customization items I have I get for free. So, basically I have a limited number of items to customize with.


I voted for female, since "boy" clothes look okay on females, but I am more hesitant putting a skirt or dress on a boy.

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I don't think it really matters, as long as I'm inspired by a theme and that it fits well on the body of my pets. Wockies are hard to put into dresses for instance because of their collar. Sometimes it stays, sometimes it disappears. Totally weird. Right now Vettetra is wearing a shirt that I always associated more with male pets because I bought it for Sir_Gemely. However, she is wearing a skirt to go with it and her wig is clearly female.


Just like in real life, mix and match is what gives your pet more style. If you just put on the outfits as designed by TNT, you are missing out on beautiful combos.

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I find it easier to customize female pets, as well as enjoying it more. There's a huge lacking of male clothing I think. But I personally love the dresses and skirts and have more fun with girly customizations in general.

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I prefer to customize female pets, but that's mainly because my pets are all female. I like girly themes for my pets, something pretty. I have customized my pets more gender neutral a few times, but always seem to add a bit of a feminine touch to their outfits. IRL I'm not much of a girly girl, so my pets kind of show that hidden side of me. :)

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Though I have far more male pets than females, I suppose I find female pets easier to customise because there is a larger abundance of female clothing, but I can work with what's available for male pets as well and have made some good results. I voted for "same" since I don't really have a preference, but I do find one gender easier to customise than the other.

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For me it depends on the name how I'll customize them. But I find that I like boys stuff since I can't stand girly stuff too much, some how I just can't do that to my pets. So even my female pets are either neutral or boyisch dressed. I voted for same because if I want to get a pet a feminine look, there's plenty of stuff to do so. :)

The only pets I have I see as female are my Kacheek (robot = neutral), my Xwee who is kinda a cute girly baby. My Jubjub, who is actually boyish blue, and my new boy Kougra who has a bit of a feminine touch with his flower. maybe I'll have to change his gender. :P

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I very much agree with Mousykins, I love dressing my female with girly clothes because while I am a girly girl I often find that girly stuff doesn't suit my appearance in real life. But that said, I think name, color, personality etc has a lot to say. There's a lot that doesn't fit babies, f.ex, and it would be weird to put something big and chunky on Pixie since the name suggests that she is petite, allthough if you feel like being ironic it could work. But I could definetly put my big boy into some cool armour stuff and that would make him super cool, because it fits with everything about him.

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I think the female clothing sets have more variety. Unless you are interested in a handful of specific styles of clothing, it can be harder to find stuff in the male clothing sets. A lot of male outfits tend to fall under a handful of themes. If you like one of those themes, it is really easy to collect a lot of clothes. Otherwise, it is more of a struggle to find things to fit your pet's theme. The NC Mall definitely seems skewed toward dresses and long wigs.

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I pretty much see my pets as sexless- I just dress them up based on whatever outfit inspirations I have at the time or whatever I feel like experimenting :)

I agree with this. For a while I was telling people that my Xwee was transgendered because technically he's a boy, but I always end dressing him more feminine. lol

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I voted female BUT that's only because they have a larger variety of clothes. Most of my girls are a little tougher anyway. I like the girl warrior looks although I have two girlier girls. My boys - it's kind of funny. That lab ray! lol... my yurble is dressed as a boy and my zafara is more of a gothic girl look. Then my BD pet is a boy who wears eyeliner and ruffles, I think I like the androgynous look the best. :)

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