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How much have you spent on Neocash?


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I've actually only spent about £20 on neocash... Though most of that was spent on faerie fortune cookies lol. I promised myself I wouldn't buy into the neocash thing, so I only buy bits occasionally... I have bought premium though, does that count? Lol.

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Nothing at all. I've relied only on free NC. I just checked my NC "charge log," and I've received 2225 NC free over the years (and I don't think that includes the NC I've gotten through MonkeyQuest or Petpetpark, whenever they had easy promos over there -- I've never been able to actually play Monkeyquest, but they gave NC for signing up at some point). Add to that some of the free NC game plays and free gift boxes that allowed me to trade some of the free items (sad they don't seem to give the gift boxes anymore -- I'm down to 1), and I've just not had the need. I don't look very often, so I don't get tempted.


(I've also had several friends give me a few NC items, such as the gorgeous sunset background, the sailing upper foreground item, and the ship captain superpack. The sunset background is the only thing I was even remotely tempted to go spend real money on -- but real money is much tighter than NP, and I'm always worried my account will be stolen and I'll lose that real money permanently.)

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I've also only spend the free NC and I've got some NC items from the money tree lately. I do check the NC mall from time to time but for some reason even looking at the items (that I sometimes even like) don't get me all hyped up that I would spend real money on them. Now if they would sell neopets stuff in the local shops again, I would so buy it and redeem the possible codes that come with it! (I have some keyquest tokens obtained this way.)

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1,300NC from various prizes and give aways, and I've purchased 10,000NC myself.

Urgh. I hadn't realised I had hit the 100$ mark. D:

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I have spent about £5 , and that I used mainly for fairy quest cookies as I wanted to get my battlepet trained a bit faster as it was really dragging, a I did enjoy doing the faerie quests everyday it was a bit extra excitement wondering what it might be, missed them when I ran out but not enough to spend more.


I do look at the NC mall and there are some lovely items but I dont feel tempted, I couldnt justify the expense to myself


I did buy a plushie a few years ago just to get the code for a disco chomby to play with in Key quest, its the one in my avatar pic, but that was part of a birthday gift and I dont regret that either.

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Nothing at all. I've relied only on free NC. I just checked my NC "charge log," and I've received 2225 NC free over the years (and I don't think that includes the NC I've gotten through MonkeyQuest or Petpetpark, whenever they had easy promos over there -- I've never been able to actually play Monkeyquest, but they gave NC for signing up at some point). Add to that some of the free NC game plays and free gift boxes that allowed me to trade some of the free items (sad they don't seem to give the gift boxes anymore -- I'm down to 1), and I've just not had the need. I don't look very often, so I don't get tempted.


(I've also had several friends give me a few NC items, such as the gorgeous sunset background, the sailing upper foreground item, and the ship captain superpack. The sunset background is the only thing I was even remotely tempted to go spend real money on -- but real money is much tighter than NP, and I'm always worried my account will be stolen and I'll lose that real money permanently.)


Exactly what I do. From what I see in my log, I've received 525 NC, the latest of which was the 150 NC from the AC. I have spent no money whatsoever on NC.

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I've spent $45 on NC. I usually buy it once a year whenever there's something I want in the shop. In 2011, I splurged on $30 worth of Neocash mostly for Stocking Stufftacular and the Mad Tea Party Superpack. I bought a $15 card last summer, because I wanted some of the Altador Cup items and stuff in the summer sales. I think I'm probably going to pick up a $25 card soon, even though there isn't really anything I want. My CVS actually has them in-stock at the moment, so it seems better than waiting.


Considering that I have premium, it doesn't seem like a very big expense. I can also pretty easily think of $100 worth of stuff, especially over the course of a few years, that was a bigger waste of money than buying NC.

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Hmm probably close to 100 USD.


I know people who have spent thousands of USD, literally thousands...

I wish I had that kind of expendable income.

It helps when it's over a couple of years- I hadn't even realised mine had totaled to $100CAD- I figured it was about half that. So I can see how it would sneak up on you! :P

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My collection of used NC cards totals $180. Four are $25 cards I actually paid $20 for however. I sometimes buy the $25 cards from Target or GameStop when there's a special; otherwise I buy a $10 card from Walmart when I'm low on NC. I mostly purchase faerie quest fortune cookies (just got a ton of them with the half price sale), and a few other items here and there. I also have premium, which I don't think is too bad when you get a deal on a year's subscription. Also...lots and lots of plush, and a bit of other old merchandise. I've spent much more on plush than I have on NC. If only I could stop looking on ebay...

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I think I've spent something like $300 on them; I dread to actually add up all the numbers :P No shame in it now, I was once an NC mall addict! I've got it under control now, though, due to a condition called "can't spend on anything that isn't food" >_>

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