Spritzie Posted March 6, 2013 Posted March 6, 2013 I think I should just go ahead and buy it. I would really like to take this wave out, completely on mighty. I wish I'd bought it during the last discount day, but I had planned on waiting until after the war to upgrade my second weapon. Quote
silent_bard Posted March 6, 2013 Posted March 6, 2013 The opponents are definitely harder. I've been waiting on upgrading my weapon set as well, but I might have to change that soon. Quote
erato_ Posted March 6, 2013 Posted March 6, 2013 I'm sorry guys, but that third wave is really demotivating. I'm not going to spend more time on losing battles. I'll keep fighting the first wave though, hoping it'll have at least some effect in the end. Quote
Duskitty Posted March 6, 2013 Posted March 6, 2013 Well, I've been needing a weapon upgrade for a long time now.... time to upgrade my set. What weapon should I buy that is an upgrade to Scroll of Knowledge/Golden Compass and is under 1.5 million? Quote
Anxious Zombie Posted March 6, 2013 Posted March 6, 2013 Check it out! Don't worry Spritzie. You totally get one too, and anyone else on the team ^.^ Image link thinger: http://i1355.photobucket.com/albums/q715/yumiarishima/Aquamentis_zps7198c5b3.jpg Aquamentis12 and Spritzie 2 Quote
silent_bard Posted March 6, 2013 Posted March 6, 2013 It looks like Nefarious Plotter is the easiest of the challengers for this round on the hardest difficulty. I somehow managed to get a win against Brutal Mercenary, but I'm not willing to test my luck a second time.Now it's time to decide if it's worth upgrading my weapons set, and if so how to go about buying them. Quote
Anxious Zombie Posted March 6, 2013 Posted March 6, 2013 Stock market! Actually, I have no clue o.o I'm gonna need at least one major upgrade if we have another wave too ADD!: Got flawless finish! I can't believe it! My fellow Order members, if you're having a hard time stick to Nefarious Plotter! Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted March 6, 2013 Posted March 6, 2013 Hey guys, just got done reading the backposts. I understand that some cannot continue, thank you so much for your help up 'til now! I don't know if fighting the first waves will help you, the team, or anything, but if you wanna try and see, it'd be greatly appreciated! Also, according to the stats our AWESOME staff put up last night, Nefarious Plotter has a Poisoned Tipped Dagger. According to the battlepedia, this can give your pet Neowarts. So make sure to buy some Neowart Fungus to cure it if you get infected! Here is a link to his profile.. http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/index.php/oneplayer/viewprofile/213/ Remember, the profiles are there to help everyone figure out how to fight the opponents, and hopefully give the players a bit of an edge. If you're having difficulty, a little research can go a long way to helping you succeed! :D Yumi, LOVE IT! :D It won't let me quote your post, but that really gave me a good laugh! Take THAT Smug Philosopher! LOL ;) I've never had a fan before, nor fanmade pics like that. Cool work! :D Well, I've gotta get ready for an appointment soon. Catch you guys later. Keep up the awesome battling! :D Quote
Anxious Zombie Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 Bar finally filled! Now to train, study and battle weaker challengers until the next wave O.O Quote
Wildbreeze Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 This is where I leave you to sit on the sidelines, cheer you on, and battle the previous waves. I can't beat the enemies on easy. But, hey, I got the achievement for losing a battle. :P Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 Congrats Yumi! Good luck with the next wave when it comes! I'm debating whether or not I should lose a battle for the 2nd achievment. I'd hate to have a loss on wave 3. But IF it would help the Order I'd probably do it. lol Though I'd much rather lose a battle to a tougher or FINAL opponent. lol My bar isn't yet filled, I've only had time to do 20 battles against the Midnight Smuggler so far today. I hope the lag isn't too bad tonight. Got some catching up to do. lol Good luck with your battles everyone! ^_^ Quote
Eri_K Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 Quote not working... but I need to say: Good work, Yumi! That artwork is great! You're a genius! :thumbsup: I have a silly question: Is our faction leader the same bori we can see at the pre-loading game ad? I always thought she is so beautiful in that artwork, but I never knew from where she was. Had a lot of trouble during the day with my housekeeping and taking care of my sick kitty. Had one eye on what I was doing and one eye on her all day. Will be back to battling now... She didn't throw up anymore and the fever is gone, now she is peacefully sleeping by my side at her pillow with "her" grundo... *I bought it for me, but she stole and I can't take it from her now*. Quote
Anxious Zombie Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 That is in fact the same Bori, she looks different in colour doesn't she ^.^ As for your kitty, I'm glad she's feeling better. I absolutely love cats and whenever I see a sick one I always wish I could just hug the sickness away. It's awesome to know our companions can love neopets too <3 Quote
Duskitty Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 I went against the stupid Stalwart Explorer dude and he would not stop using Lens Flare, and I lost. :angry: At least I got the achievement, which cheered me up. :P I Used To Be A Great BattlerBut then I took an evil muffin to the knee. Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 LOL Eri_K That is SO cute that your cat "appropriated" your grundo for her own. lol Glad she's feeling better. :) I might have a cat, if I weren't allergic to them. :( Ah well, they're cute, and if you have a pointer or piece of string can be fun, but honestly, I prefer to have a good medium-sized dog around if I want to play around, or go for a walk or something. With smaller animals, I'd feel nervous about maybe breaking them. Like rolling over on top of them or something if they decided to sleep in my bed, getting clawed to pieces would definitely be a RUDE awakening. LOL Also, you can't really rough-house with a cat or one of those smaller dog breeds. LOL When I was, oh maybe in 4th grade or so, I used to have an Irish Setter that would INSIST on sleeping on the bed, ON MY PILLOW! She'd growl if I tried to shoo her, so I said, "Ok Kerry, if you get my pillow, I get your ribcage!" So I used HER as my pillow! And under the covers heater. lol I'd call her up to the bed, and pull the quilt over her and me, then she'd kinda HAVE to do that doggy crawl up toward the head of the bed. My room at this time was in the basement and in Winter it got quite chilly down there. LOL One of many fun dog stories I have. *sigh* Wish I could get another dog, but the only ones this apartment building allows are like.. 15, or maybe 10 pounds and smaller. Man, just think about it, they get under you, and you accidentally STEP on one of those wee-things and snap goes a leg or something. :( Maybe I'm thinking they are weaker than they are, but I've only had medium-sized dogs. Neighbors upstairs have 2 little dogs, one just keeps a very patterned and lonely bark when they're left up there along, after a couple months, I'm starting to get tired of it. Schnoodles, I think is what they're called. The male is the barker, and he has a distinct pattern, of 1 loud and then 2 progressively softer barks. He takes a breath and then repeats the pattern. If he's got his mate up there, I don't get why HE's the one whining. lol Oh well, enough rambling, BACK to the battling! ^_^ Quote
Spritzie Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 Yumi... that 's awesome! I couldn't agree more! (He's totally our new mascot/muse, right?) :P I just now got around to battling. I splurged this morning and bought Sloths Bath Buddy as well as spending plot points I forgot about on a HCC. I'm actually doing quite well with this wave on mighty. :D I'm exhausted, so I'm just going to "do my part" tonight, but I plan to set goals for wins and get them reached tomorrow. Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 *disgusted* I hate throwing a battle. But I did it for the achievement specifically ON the HOPE it helps the Order. At least I got healed right away! The Water Faerie says a few magical words and... Kaibajouryuuki regains their hit points, and is not hungry any more!!! The weird thing was, I was hitting Stalwart Explorer with ONLY static cling, and I took HIS HP out faster than I lost Mine!! LOL So when 10pm NST came on, I visited the snowager, got blasted down to 1 hp, and just armed Static Cling. Got an Icy Muffin for that loss. Not a TERRIBLE prize, but, meh. lol About sums it up. There had BETTER be a bonus to the Order for that loss. I really do hate throwing a fight. ;) I'm at 248 total wins so far for this wave, and 1 loss. *grumble* lol I'm gonna take 5 for a little break, then dive back in. Can't keep me down, for long anyway. ^_^ Quote
Eri_K Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 @Yumi: :laughingsmiley: Momoji is such a sweetie, even having a temper... she just love that grundo, she "own" other plushies, but her favorites are the split grundo and pikachu. She's always here while I'm playing, hearing me complain for being fail... :D @Duskitty: That lens flare is annoying... I had to fight him 5 times due to a faction challenge and got 3 draws... and someone can just confirm this for me. it's the typical number-fail-me or when you get a draw while making those challenges this cancels one win? I have no idea on how many times I had to fight that guy, but I was like "OMG! Why this never ends?" :weird: @Aquamentis12: it's sad to know you are allergic to cats... here we are the opposite... LOL. Me and my sister are allergic to dog's fur... mom has a dog, but we keep her out of the house, at the yard. If you're afraid of hurting them *any pet*, maybe you can try a turtle. A friend had a turtle because she didn't want to kill it while walking at night, and a turtle will not sleep at your bed, unless you put it there... LOL. @Spritzie: Totally agree on adopting that as a mascot! :yes: Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 LOL Well, Cat's and I kinda get along, and kinda don't. lol My sister has a couple of cats, Even if I take something like Claritin before I go over, I can't stay long. I've only been allergic to them since I was 5, before then, I had no troubles with them. LOL Not a fan of turtles I'm afraid. At least not as pets. NOR soup either! ;) Nah, since my last dog died, 2009 I believe, and then I lost my Dad in 2011, it turned out for the best. Because if my dog WERE still alive, I couldn't have her here. Even though she was pretty well behaved. She was still acting like puppy up until a little less than 3 days before she died. And having to either find a new home for her, or have her put down.... I couldn't bear that. So, yeah, it worked out for the best I guess, but I still miss my Scarlet Rose. :( Oh, and Dad too. ;) *chuckles* Actually, I can see and listen to Dad just about anytime I wish. So while I still miss him terribly, I have a dvd and/or youtube, depending on where I am. ;) So he's really only a URL away. ;) Someday I'll get someplace where I can have a dog again. Golden Retriever or Irish Setter again probably. As those are the breeds I have had most contact/experience with. EDIT: Just updating my victory-list. (I'd call it my kill-list, but they keep coming back. LOL) Midnight Smuggler 121Nefarious Plotter 120Brutal Mercenary 120Stalwart Explorer 121Ghostly Knight 120 Good luck everyone, with your training and battles! G'night! :D Quote
BEE. Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 It's a miracle I'm still in this plot right now. Very, very slowly making my way through this wave.. the bar is just part the text 'do your part' LOL! Hopefully I will be able to train Taffieh's level to 50 to get the Lens Flare ability as soon as I have gathered the nps needed to buy all the Bottled Faeries to get the points I need to train it. (Thank you habi!) (I got Positive Thinking yesterday which has helped me, even though it's set me back 4 points -.- ) I could really use a Faerie Queen quest to help with the training right now, haha! Quote
Anxious Zombie Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 Haha, yeah. Can't those faeries help out by 'at least' giving us some quests to do? Though I guess they're probably still feeling the hurt from falling from the sky, I would avoid things like the obelisk too :/ Quote
Eri_K Posted March 7, 2013 Posted March 7, 2013 @Aquamentis12: LOL. I will always think that dogs are too noisy. I really miss our Akitas... we had Akita dogs for years. My grandpa used to have them and sell, go to expositions and championships, they are calm, quiet and really friendly, you should try it. Some of them can be really big *one we had used to get the same height as my brother, putting his paws at my brother's shoulders when he was standing up... 1,70m, I think*, but there are some not that big, the size of a Doberman, maybe... @Bee: habi really saves my life... :laughingsmiley: But just to think that the pet I'm using to battle has level 24 just makes me tired only to think about leveling him up... LOL... I can't train him anywhere before he gets level 48 I think... 24 is only half of what he needs... :( Good luck on your plans! The faeries are just too quiet... there's a lot of time I don't get any quest... Quote
BEE. Posted March 8, 2013 Posted March 8, 2013 I keep seeing posts where people have got Lens Flare "half price" after getting Throw Pillows. So, that's exactly what I'm doing! Which is a lot cheaper as I already had some Light Faeries in my SDB from BD wins. Just need a few more Air Faeries. I didn't realize I had so many codestones in my SDB though - totally forgot I won a nice amount from battling, which again, has saved me a lot of np's. :) So far, so good! Training lvl 48 now, and I keep hoping it'll say Taffieh has levelled up 2 or 3 points to save me some time! :P Off to bed soon for me though. I will keep trying to fill my bar up tomorrow.. good luck everyone! Quote
Aquamentis12 Posted March 8, 2013 Posted March 8, 2013 G'night BEE. Thanks for your work and good luck tomorrow! Eri_K, I find that the smaller dogs are the more noisy ones, furry footballs that they are. ;) LOL I'm just kidding! :D But it's not easy being small, I bet the HUGE world around them is frightening. This was my Scarlet Rose, one of her more amusing pics. This was HARD to get as she was Camera shy. She didn't GET what it was, but she would get a little nervous when I would try to shoot her. That's why I don't really have any YOUNG pics of her. lol http://i446.photobucket.com/albums/qq190/Brianb012/Scarlet%20Rose/DSC00297.jpg Re: Faerie Quests. If you have or buy NC, there is an item that restocks in the NC Mall, The Faerie Quest Fortune Cookies are 100nc each, and gives you 7 days (7*24 hours) where you get 1 quest per day. (1 is available as soon as you open it, and the new quest is available after midnight NST) The cookie ends exactly at the time it was activated, 7 days from the moment it's opened. So try not to miss any! ;) 100nc = $1 (US) You must accept and complete or abandon the quest to get another one, this includes the random event ones you get from navigating the site. You can get ANY kind of quest. Including the rare Fountain Faerie Quest. Gonna get back to battling soon. Phew good battles tonight! Midnight Smuggler 278Nefarious Plotter 272Brutal Mercenary 278Stalwart Explorer 272Ghostly Knight 272 Hope everyone's having some good battles! :D I'll be going to bed in a little while. Quote
Eri_K Posted March 8, 2013 Posted March 8, 2013 Awn, she was really cute, Aquamentis! Can't get NC... I don't have a job, so I need to ask my sister to buy things for me, and she definitely will not spend her money buying NC... LOL. Buying my CDs for birthday or Christmas gifts are enough trouble... LOL *I import them from China buying from Yesasia, as I live in Brazil and here they don't sell Korean/Japanese original stuff*. I think that the more I try to avoid getting faction challenges they will pop-up for me... :sad02: I really hate those "you have X minutes to beat me" thing... and the half hour I had to play I got it, and it was just right before my last battle... *tries to battle once each opponent when going to BD* Now that my daily duties are done I can seat down and play a bit... :laughingsmiley:. Ok, still have to clean the toilet, but I swear I'll do it later... I just had lunch and it's not a good idea... :sick01: ... LOL It's been a week this war begun, and I wonder how much it will last... and/or if there will be something more than battling after all the waves are gone... like... someone "win" battling, but then other factions still try to get it later and we will have some no-battle things to do... or Fyora will just appear in a glittery pink cloud and then we wake up at our beds thinking that was all a dream... LOL. At the end of battling, people *me not included for weakness reason* will battle the faction leaders? Or someone powerful within the faction *like Jerdana at Order, Eliv Thade at Awakened, and so on*? There are so many questions in my head now... but I'll be only able to sit, watch and cheer those who will be there at the end... :( EDIT: LOL. Had to come here to tell the story: got a challenge against the Ghostly Knight, that one with time counter, and had a draw, rushed to the Healing Springs, got a 10HP heal, back to battledome, battled Petty Pilferer on easy just to full HP, and was going to the Ghostly Knight again, at my last 57 seconds left, and got a "Something Happened", where a passing zombie gave me a piece of treasure map... LOL. I would be happy if all the zombies there could gave me maps... :P Quote
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