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Don't know how many people have actually heard about this... but, the 18 year old was apparently found in a picture to be smoking marijuana. That in and of itself isn't such a huge deal nor would I even care in the first place, except now a new internet trend has sparked because of it. It's called #cut4bieber and has become the top U.S trend on twitter. Apparently young kids (mostly young girls) have started cutting themselves and posting those pictures on the internet in an effort to stop Justin Bieber from smoking pot. All of this apparently started as a joke and then I guess some kids got the bright idea that it would be cool.


I really just don't get whats wrong with people/kids. You can read more about the incident here - http://blog.zap2it.com/pop2it/2013/01/horrific-cut-for-bieber-trend-urges-justin-bieber-fans-to-self-harm-to-protest-his-alleged-drug-use.html




wow...kids these days. not really sure what to think except these kids need to stop making biebs such a big deal in their lives, to the point where they are inflicting pain on themselves what?? ridiculous


Those are all really great points Livvy and I completely agree with you. I also think it is very disrespectful towards people who are actually suffering from self harm, like you mentioned. I mean... some people have to deal with this on a daily basis and then you're going to do it so you can get your pop idols attention? I'd just like to know where these kids parents are! If I saw cuts all over my daughters wrist she would be going to therapy every single day and not allowed on the internet whatsoever until I figured out what was going on.


Humans are dumb. Very dumb. This just doesn't make any sense to me. I didn't even think about it being a possible trigger from people who suffer from self-harm, but you are absolutley right! I feel so sorry for the people who actually deal with this. :/


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How gently and coherently can I say this?


It really freakin' pisses me off. For several reasons.


A: A bunch of girls cutting themselves has absolutely no impact on whether Justin Beiber smokes weed or not. So it was a really stupid idea to begin with, and now it's interfering with his life in a completely horrifying and unwarranted way. Sure it wasn't bright of him to smoke pot where it's illegal, but he doesn't deserve this kind of nation-wide guilt trip. There is no possible good outcome for him in this.

B: This is basically self-harming for attention on a MASSIVE scale, and attention is a terrible terrible reason to self-harm. No reason is good, but attention is the worst.

C: Cutting can be addicting, and while it's not one of those "one shot and you're messed up for life" type deals, this is introducing a bunch of young girls to an activity that could potentially turn into a habit which could potentially turn into a disorder.

D: I have friends who deal with cutting, and seeing so many massively publicized instances of cutting is really triggering for them. One celebrity smoking pot is not worth the relapse of thousands of people recovered/recovering from self-harm.

E: ... Humans are dumb. :sad01_anim:

This, so much. I used to be a cutter, and it became hugely addictive for me. I feel so grateful that I don't get triggered by self harm the way many people do. I can't even imagine how many people are going to be struggling in the days and weeks to come because of this idiotic incident.

When I heard that he had been caught smoking weed, I did expect a massive reaction from fans, but this..? Never in a million years... I was rather expecting a wave of tweens picking up the habit themselves. Not sure which is worse. I guess you could say that it's a positive that they don't uncritically model themselves after what Bieber does. But that's instantly evened out by jumping on a hugely damaging internet trend.


Also, what Livvy said.


My friend was telling me about this yesterday. It's so ridiculous. I'm assuming most of the people participating in this are pretty young and shouldn't be on twitter or facebook. It's too difficult to monitor what they'll be seeing and posting on those sites in my opinion.


Millions of 18 year olds smoke marijuana ... what makes him any different ?? he's just another kid with a false fame



The cutting is very dumb ...


Wow. I hadn't heard of this yet! I live under a rock, haha.


This is outrageous. I think all the kids jumping on board this trend need help.

To participate and think it's a good idea in the first place is messed up!


This is absolute nonsense, I used to be a cutter and this 'cut for Bieber' crap is 1. encouraging young girls that would have no other reason to start cutting and 2. making fun of an illness.


I know weed is bad and all that, but he's a teenager. Teenagers experiment with drugs. Look what you have done just to prove that another star isn't perfectly innocent, media.




That's like the only thing that I have in my head.




Why? Wh - what would possess - what?


I'm so confused and scared. D:


Man...this is why I'm super glad to be done being that young naive/stupid age where we think EVERYTHING matters in middle/high school D:


I never liked Justin Bieber but these girls are just showing how stupid they can be if they think this is the way to go to stop ONE INDIVIDUAL from smoking pot!


I wish they would take that dedication (and a cleaner alternative) to stop other more SERIOUS problems with the world!


This ticks me off to no end >:I


Of course it was 4chan. Why am I not surprised at all?


What I think:

1) I honestly don't give a flying poptart cat that Justin Bieber smoked pot. A lot of people smoke pot illegally, because they think it's a stupid law. I tend to agree with them, but that goes in the other debate. Considering the harder drugs that a lot of celebrities do, Biebs is playing it pretty safe. Of course, if it HAD encouraged teenage girls to start smoking pot on a regular basis, I'd be worried--but it's the press's fault for leaking it.

2) 4chan is full of trolls. I'm not surprised that they would play a prank like this, a prank to harm Bieber fans. It's a sick prank, it's twisted, but...

3) People are always going to try to peer pressure you into doing harmful things. They should not. But you need to be responsible for yourself and learn to recognize what's healthy and what's not. And when you are too young to be responsible for that, then you are too young to be on social media. A thirteen year old, while old enough to feel pain that causes you to harm yourself, is also old enough to recognize that this is a bad, bad plan. Nine-year-olds are not old enough to be on social media, period, unless they can prove to their parents their maturity and responsibility.


Of course it was 4chan. Why am I not surprised at all?


What I think:

1) I honestly don't give a flying poptart cat that Justin Bieber smoked pot. A lot of people smoke pot illegally, because they think it's a stupid law. I tend to agree with them, but that goes in the other debate. Considering the harder drugs that a lot of celebrities do, Biebs is playing it pretty safe. Of course, if it HAD encouraged teenage girls to start smoking pot on a regular basis, I'd be worried--but it's the press's fault for leaking it.

2) 4chan is full of trolls. I'm not surprised that they would play a prank like this, a prank to harm Bieber fans. It's a sick prank, it's twisted, but...

3) People are always going to try to peer pressure you into doing harmful things. They should not. But you need to be responsible for yourself and learn to recognize what's healthy and what's not. And when you are too young to be responsible for that, then you are too young to be on social media. A thirteen year old, while old enough to feel pain that causes you to harm yourself, is also old enough to recognize that this is a bad, bad plan. Nine-year-olds are not old enough to be on social media, period, unless they can prove to their parents their maturity and responsibility.

I agree with you completely. Although I'm not familiar with who or what 4chan is? I've never heard of them before until they were mentioned in one of the articles I was reading. I think that anyone under the age of 13 should not be allowed on social media websites period, unless they have parental permission. & If they do get permission, they need to be monitored. Too many bad things can happen when you allow someone that young to be on facebook, twitter, etc.

(The flying poptart cat reference is quite funny, haven't seen poptart around in awhile. :D)


I'm not familiar with who or what 4chan is? I've never heard of them before until they were mentioned in one of the articles I was reading.


4chan is a dark place.

Never go there.


I just made a post about it on Twitter. I haven't seen any slit wrist luckily.


How gently and coherently can I say this?


It really freakin' pisses me off. For several reasons.


A: A bunch of girls cutting themselves has absolutely no impact on whether Justin Beiber smokes weed or not. So it was a really stupid idea to begin with, and now it's interfering with his life in a completely horrifying and unwarranted way. Sure it wasn't bright of him to smoke pot where it's illegal, but he doesn't deserve this kind of nation-wide guilt trip. There is no possible good outcome for him in this.

B: This is basically self-harming for attention on a MASSIVE scale, and attention is a terrible terrible reason to self-harm. No reason is good, but attention is the worst.

C: Cutting can be addicting, and while it's not one of those "one shot and you're messed up for life" type deals, this is introducing a bunch of young girls to an activity that could potentially turn into a habit which could potentially turn into a disorder.

D: I have friends who deal with cutting, and seeing so many massively publicized instances of cutting is really triggering for them. One celebrity smoking pot is not worth the relapse of thousands of people recovered/recovering from self-harm.

E: ... Humans are dumb. :sad01_anim:


This. Everything about this. Exactly.


I've been seeing this all over Twitter the past couple of days and everyone I follow seems to be pretty upset about it. What I want to know is where the heck kids come up with ideas like this. I mean, who suggested self-harming and posting pictures of it??


I will say, on a lighter note, that there have been some great Tweets about how stupid the trend is.


It's the posting pictures of the self harm that disturbs me most.

Cutting is an issue alone but posting it up for others to see, That's just messed up.


I know pictures of those girls arms popped up on my tumblr and it was very very triggering for me. I don't know if they understand that they're interfering with people's recovery, but I wish they'd stop that.

The issue here is not Justin smoking weed, it's girls being too obsessed with him. At this point, if he had any morality, he'd go on a hiatus for a year, chill out, maybe get some education up in his life, and let all this calm down.


Just saying. If I was a famous artist and my work/actions were causing young girls to cut their arms up, I'd take a break from the spotlight.



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At this point, if he had any morality, he'd go on a hiatus for a year, chill out, maybe get some education up in his life, and let all this calm down.


Just saying. If I was a famous artist and my work/actions were causing young girls to cut their arms up, I'd take a break from the spotlight.


The trouble with this is that there's almost no way for a celebrity to get out of the spotlight - like I'm pretty sure Justin didn't try to get caught smoking weed. It's bad image for one, and illegal to boot. Unfortunately, once you're famous, you don't get to stop being famous.


I think the only real option for him at this point is to publicly renounce the actions of those girls, as well as his own action that "caused" it. This is still really unfair to him, because it is 100% not his fault that these girls decided to start cutting - it's the fault of 4chan for suggesting it and the girls (and possibly their parents) for making the decision to go along with it. Justin did nothing to encourage the cutting; he just gave impressionable girls a "cause" to pursue.


The trouble with this is that there's almost no way for a celebrity to get out of the spotlight - like I'm pretty sure Justin didn't try to get caught smoking weed. It's bad image for one, and illegal to boot. Unfortunately, once you're famous, you don't get to stop being famous.


I think the only real option for him at this point is to publicly renounce the actions of those girls, as well as his own action that "caused" it. This is still really unfair to him, because it is 100% not his fault that these girls decided to start cutting - it's the fault of 4chan for suggesting it and the girls (and possibly their parents) for making the decision to go along with it. Justin did nothing to encourage the cutting; he just gave impressionable girls a "cause" to pursue.

Yupp, you're right. I definitley don't blame Justin at all for it. I mean... it's not like he wanted the picture to get leaked. I'm pretty sure he's upset about this whole ordeal. :/ If I was in his shoes, I honestly have no idea what I'd do. This has to be so stressful for him though... I honestly feel bad for the guy.


The trouble with this is that there's almost no way for a celebrity to get out of the spotlight - like I'm pretty sure Justin didn't try to get caught smoking weed. It's bad image for one, and illegal to boot. Unfortunately, once you're famous, you don't get to stop being famous.


I think the only real option for him at this point is to publicly renounce the actions of those girls, as well as his own action that "caused" it. This is still really unfair to him, because it is 100% not his fault that these girls decided to start cutting - it's the fault of 4chan for suggesting it and the girls (and possibly their parents) for making the decision to go along with it. Justin did nothing to encourage the cutting; he just gave impressionable girls a "cause" to pursue.


I used to hate everything about Britney Spears, I did. I was like, psh she's ridiculously retarded and I can't understand why I keep seeing her face everywhere. But one day I watched this documentary about her (For The Record, I think?), and it changed my whole opinion.


I still dislike her music and I still think she needs desperately to educate herself on what image she is portraying to her fanbase - who are very impressionable children. But the documentary uncovered this pity in me that made me want to reach out and be like "Dude, it's gonna be okay."


I cannot imagine my life if I was like Justin Bieber or Britney Spears. I couldn't imagine making mistakes (because everyone does, and sometimes they are just plain dumb) and having them posted globally. I've had sex, I've done drugs, I've gotten wasted and lost my shoes in the alley of a bar - these are rites of a human being, a college student, a girl trying to make her way through the world - but to have drones of people take these events and shove it on my resume of life, criticize me, judge me, ridicule me - I don't know if my little psyche could handle that.


Bieber made a mistake, or he didn't depending on your perspective, but he definitely didn't deserve this insane backlash. And I think we as a society should take responsibility for what is happening and work on making sure this perverse response doesn't happen again.


I think people are too obsessed with the lives of celebrities and public figures.


Talking about them like they know them and everything about them, Which scares me and I do have sympathy towards any one in the spotlight who gets slandered for things that others not in the spotlight have gone through. Smoking weed is an activity a lot of young people explore. In my opinion it has kinda become cultural in a way - If that makes sense?. It is part of growing up. Trying new things and to have people slitting their wrists because someone got caught smoking weed once is ridiculous. I'll never understand this incident with the cutting. But, Kids these days need to stop fussing over public figures so much. Magazines don't help, Either do talk shows such as ET and TMZ (I think that's what it's called) These people get stalked almost everyday, Which is bad enough.


I don't think blame him for taking a puff. If it helps him chill for a moment and forget everything and have fun. go for it. Though, I don't approve of weed overall as I've said in the debate topic on legalizing it. Ah. So much ambivalance.


Sorry, For ranting if I don't make sense. Just woke up and watched the news, Some messed up stuff on it so I'm kinda angry at the world. Haha.

  • 2 months later...

How gently and coherently can I say this?


It really freakin' pisses me off. For several reasons.


A: A bunch of girls cutting themselves has absolutely no impact on whether Justin Beiber smokes weed or not. So it was a really stupid idea to begin with, and now it's interfering with his life in a completely horrifying and unwarranted way. Sure it wasn't bright of him to smoke pot where it's illegal, but he doesn't deserve this kind of nation-wide guilt trip. There is no possible good outcome for him in this.

B: This is basically self-harming for attention on a MASSIVE scale, and attention is a terrible terrible reason to self-harm. No reason is good, but attention is the worst.

C: Cutting can be addicting, and while it's not one of those "one shot and you're messed up for life" type deals, this is introducing a bunch of young girls to an activity that could potentially turn into a habit which could potentially turn into a disorder.

D: I have friends who deal with cutting, and seeing so many massively publicized instances of cutting is really triggering for them. One celebrity smoking pot is not worth the relapse of thousands of people recovered/recovering from self-harm.

E: ... Humans are dumb. :sad01_anim:

Yes. Exactly. It's just so dumb.... The girls that cut themselves for Justin Beiber need help. What they don't realize is that they're not helping Justin, they're just harming themselves. And I agree; I don't give a flying bison about Justin smoking weed. (For you avatar fans, you know what a flying bison is, and how big that is, and that means I could fill that bison with all the care I don't give.)

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