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Finn the Human

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Last time PEOP was at 30 I sold it right away. I didn't have the patience to wait. :P Haha. On another note: I'm keeping my eye on COFL.

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PEOP watch. It's at 50 now!!! Highest it's been in a long time. This might be the year for PEOP.

Just sold 500 shares of it. 1k left and will sell if and when it hits 60.


Thanks for the reminder! Selling 1k and holding 3k.

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Okay, so usually I'm not one to complain.... but, it really does seem like the stocks have been terrible lately. :/ I mean, I'm only -1 in the red right now, which is much better than before but I haven't been able to sell of any shares since late January, I think? My sell-point is 60 though, I may consider lowering it to 55. Thoughts on this? I mean, It's not like I desperately need the NP's for anything right now... It'd just be nice to have them. :D Haha.


Anyways, seems like COFL has been pretty unsteady. It's been starting out relatively high but crashes and burns by the end of the day. It's at 31 now. :( Anyone know if it ever reached 60?

On a better note, TNAH seems to be rising rather quickly and I have 5k of it. I'm hoping it'll keep going! I can't wait to sell something, lol.

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Mine have been horrendous too- I'm at -10! Ugh.


Personally, I will be keeping my sell point at 60. I really don't need the NP, and I will regret lowering it if the stocks go way up after, haha.

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Been watching TNAH and TPP for the past week... both have slowly been rising. Too bad I only have 1k shares of each. TPP is at 43 now. +13 today. Hope it will continue to rise, and not fall like COFL did.


I do agree the stock market hasn't been doing great lately, but I would personally stick with a sell point of 60 if you're not in need of NPs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

TPP is up 9 points so far today -- currently at 60! I only had 13k shares, so I sold 4k. Keeping the rest in case it keeps rising.


Thanks for the reminder!


Sold last 1k of TPP at 60.

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Wish I had some TPP but unfortunatley I don't..... I have tons of stock, just waiting for them to rise. *sighs* Eventually.... ;)

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Nigel the Chia charges 20 NP as commission.


Summary : You had 101900 NP. After 21 successful transactions, you have 1907880.


I sold all of my TPP shares at 86 - keep an eye on it if you've still got shares!

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Yay! I don't have to complain so much about the stocks being down anymore. :)

Totals: 122,499 1,851,985 2,054,984 +10.96%

Seems like a lot of the stocks are on the rise for me. I didn't have any TPP so other than that we have EEEEE at 29 (already rose 2 points today and it's just 3AM ^^) Cybu at 29, SWNC at 39 and TNAH at 37. :)

TNAH has already rose +5 today! Yay! I have a lot of TNAH so I hope it rises. :)

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Summary : You had 50371 NP. After 23 successful transactions, you have 1361351.

Thanks for the head's up! It'd already fallen to 57, but since I missed it when it was at 59 weeks ago (and that'd been its highest in years), I sold it all.

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